Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Patrick – Please Pray For Us!

Saint Patrick (415-493)
Image: Catholic Online

(Franciscan Media) Legends about Patrick abound but the truth is best served by our seeing the solid qualities in him: (1) a humble and courageous servant of God; (2) the determination to accept suffering and success with equal indifference guided Patrick’s life; (3) winning much of Ireland for Jesus Christ.

Specific details of Patrick’s life are a little uncertain but what one does know is that Patrick was a man of action. About in the year 442 tradition teaches us according to EWTN that Patrick went to Rome and met with Pope Leo the Great who had taken a special interest in the Irish Church.

In all of the ancient biographies of Saint Patrick, the marvelous is continually present–fortunately we have three of Patrick’s own writings, which helps us to see and learn about the man himself:

  • The Letter to Coroticus was intended to shame the 5th century General, according to NC Register whose raiding soldiers declared to be ‘blood-stained, with the blood of innocent Christians’ as they were being baptized.

In his writings, Patrick shows his ardent human feelings and his intense love of God. — Patrick’s marvelous harvest, filled him with gratitude. During his apostolate of 30 years, he is reported to have consecrated some 350 Bishops and was instrumental in bringing the Christian faith to many thousands to which Patrick wrote:

“Wherefore those in Ireland who never had the knowledge of God but until now only worshiped idols and abominations, from them has has been lately prepared a people of the Lord and they are called children of God. Sons and Daughters of Chieftains are seen becoming Monks and Virgins of Christ.”

Related: St. Patrick’s Day Prayer -Direct From Lourdes

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