California Child Dies at the Hands of a Negligent Social Welfare Agency – Why We Need St. Teresa Benedicta & St John Bosco Homes For Kids

California Child Abuse
(Sky News)
Eight Yr Old Gabriel Fernandez Died from Multiple Injuries
Including a Fractured Skull, Broken Ribs and Burns Over his Body According to Prosecutors

So Sad…a terrible tragedy which should have been prevented…

On the 21 November, I wrote here about a 4 yr old girl who was victimized by the hands of her foster parents, with wounds covering nearly every part of her little body after prolonged physical torture – it was revealed that the Santa Clara Dept of Social Services in charge of protecting the child had done little to follow up on multiple previous allegations of abuse against her guardians.

Unfortunately for these little victims of child abuse and neglect by the hands of predators in charge of their welfare the problems are not isolated and I cited other examples of children left to die. One would think that over burdened state and county social service agencies would be seeking out alternatives to their system which has failed children and there would be a moral outcry by the public but as is often the case–nothing changes and the cycles of abuse and violence continue.

In February we at St.Teresa Benedicta and St. John Bosco exchanged mails with officials in the City of San Francisco, hoping to coordinate and work with them in our efforts to construct “Homes For Kids” in the Bay Area which would help alleviate an overburdened system there but unfortunately bureaucracy dictates policy and nothing much changes.

In March we communicated with Catholic Charities of Los Angeles Inc following an article written by Monsignor Gregory Cox posted on their Facebook page virtually citing many of the same statistics that we had cited here in November and at St. Teresa Benedicta and St. John Bosco unfortunately for little Gabriel Fernandez that may have been saved and children like him, our correspondence fell on deaf ear.

Before there is another news story about the next Gabriel Fernandez, abused and tortured by the hands of his or her care-givers, we need St. Teresa Benedicta and St. John Bosco “Homes For Kids” to be constructed across the country.

Our St. Teresa Benedicta and St. John Bosco “Homes For Kids” will be a very special place for children, many of whom may never have known a clean, safe caring and loving environment, free from fear and want, where many children for the very first time in their young lives have a real place to call home.

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