NAACP Completely Ignores Election of Conservative, Anti-Abortion Blacks in Election Statement

NAACP(Washington Free Beacon) The NAACP is coming under fire for completely ignoring the election of Conservative, Pro-Life Congressional candidates who won big Tuesday night and instead in their statement focused on alleged voter suppression.

GOP Deputy Press Secy Raffi Williams, slammed the supposedly non-partisan civil rights organization for ignoring the historic election victories of Rep-Elect Mia Love (R-UT) and Sen Tim Scott (R-SC) the first Black Senator elected in the South since reconstruction.

Williams criticized the NAACP on Twitter Thursday saying, “If the NAACP were truly a bipartisan org they would support all Blacks not just Dem Blacks.”

In an interview on ‘Fox & Friends’ Friday, Williams told Ainsley Earhardt “that all Black accomplishments should be congratulated–the fact that we have more Black people elected should be something to celebrate–Its historic that Tim Scott, is the first Black person ever elected to both the House and Senate, if they (NAACP) choose to ignore it, I think it shows a fault on their part.”

Williams said there was “no question” that the NAACP has a liberal bent and is more aligned with the Democratic party–this alignment discourages Conservative African-Americans from expressing their views. 

Full article here from Life

H/T: Soquel by the Creek@Twitter

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