Today Christians Celebrate Saint’s Jacinta and Francisco Marto, Visionaries of Portugal Fatima – Please Pray For Us!

February 20th, 2025

Blessed Jacinta Marto and Francisco MartoSt. Jacinta (1910-1920) St. Francisco Marto (1908-1919)
Image Courtesy:
Ensina me a Rezar

(Franciscan Media) Between the 13 May and 13 October, 1917 three little shepherd children from Portugal Fatima, received apparitions of Our Lady at Cova da Iria, a city about 110 miles from Lisbon.

At that time, Europe was involved in an extremely bloody war and Portugal was in political turmoil, having overthrown its monarchy in 1910 — the government had disbanded religious organizations soon thereafter.

Fatima ChildrenJacinta Marto, Lucia de Jesus dos Santos & Francisco Marto

The three children (Jacinta, Francisco and their cousin Lucia de Jesus dos Santos) were raised in homes where the catechism  was their daily bread, stories from the Bible their recreation and the word of the village Priest was law.

In the Spring of 1916 while the children were watching over their lambs an Angel appeared to them in an olive grove, asking the children to pray with him.

The Blessed Mother of Jesus appeared again in the mid Summer of that same year at a well in Lucia’s garden, urging them to offer sacrifice to God in reparation for sinners. In a final appearance at the end of the Summer of that same year, the children were given a secret including a vision of hell, which so changed them they became like adults than children.

Jacinta talkative sometimes to a fault became quiet, Lucia had sworn her and her brother to secrecy but Jacinta bubbling over, had let slip all they had seen to her family, who had told the village. While the news was received by skepticism by many, mockery by some and anger by Lucia’s mother, Jacinta was so contrite that she promised never to reveal another secret.

Jacinta reluctance to reveal anything more of their experience was increased by the vision of hell, given the children in the third apparition seemed to have affected her the most. To rescue sinner from hell she was in the forefront of the three in voluntary mortification, whether it was giving up their lunches (sometimes to their lambs) refusing to drink in the heat of the day or wearing a knotted rope around their waists–involuntary penances included for her. Jacinta’s brother and cousin, the constant mockery of unbelievers, badgering by skeptical clergy and  cajoling by believers to reveal the Lady’s secret.

In August 1918 when W.W. I was ending, Francisco and Jacinta both contracted influenza, in April the following year he passed away. When Jacinta became ill, she was taken to a hospital where she stayed for two months before returning home, only subsequently to contract tuberculosis and sent to Lisbon where she later died.

Lucia at the age of 14 was admitted as a border to the school of the ‘Sisters of St. Dorthy in Vilar and in 1925 entered the institute, making her first vows in 1928 and her perpetual vows in 1934 receiving the name, Sister Mary of the Sorrowful Mother.

In 1946 seeking a more contemplative life, Lucia entered the ‘Carmelite Convent of St. Teresa in Coimbra, where she made her profession as a declared Carmelite in 1949 and took the name Sister Maria Lucia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart.

On the 50th anniversary in 1967 of the apparitions she received as a child, Sister Lucia traveled back to Fatima, the event was presided over by Pope Paul VI in 1982 she returned again, when Pope Saint John Paul II came to the shrine to give thanks for the saving of his life during an assassination attempt a year earlier, subsequently she returned twice more in 1991 and on 13 May, 2000 when Pope Saint John Paul II beatified Jacinta and Francisco Shepherd’s of Fatima

Sister Lucia and Saint John Paul IISister Lucia and Pope Saint John Paul II –Courtesy of: Unam Sanctam

Sister Lucia mission in life came to an end in 2005, her funeral Mass was held at the Cathedral of Coimbra and was laid to rest at the convent where she spent many years until a place  for permanent entombment for her body at the Basilica in Fatima, where Francisco and Jacinta were laid to rest.

In 2008 Sister Lucia was Beatified by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI waiving the traditional 5 year waiting period, this rule was also waived for Sister Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Pope Saint John Paul II

Related: Do You Know the True Story of Fatima & The ‘Miracle of the Sun’ on 13 October, 1917

7 Powerful Messages from Our Lady of Fatima: The Grace of God Will Be Your Comfort

On The Eve of the Feast of St. Jacinta & St. Francisco Marto, Pray The Holy Rosary & Fatima Prayers of Reparation

February 19th, 2025

The Fatima Children, St. Jacinta Marto, Sister Lucia dos Santos
& St. Francisco Marto  -Image Courtesy: Rosary Mum@Twitter

“The Most Holy Virgin (Mary, Mother of Jesus) in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary, to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or above all, spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, of our families, of the families of the world or of the religious communities or even of the life of peoples and nations, that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There is no problem I tell you, no mater how difficult it is that we cannot resolve by the prayer of the Holy Rosary!

With the Holy Rosary, we will save ourselves, we will sanctify ourselves, we will console Our Lord and obtain the Salvation of many souls.”
-Venerable Sister Lucia dos Santos

The Holy Rosary

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus! Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of death.” Amen!

Fatima Prayers of Reparation

O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in the most need of Thy mercy. Amen!

My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee! I beg pardon for all those that do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love Thee. Amen!

O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the Tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the immaculate heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners. Amen!

Most Holy Trinity, I adore Thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the most Blessed Sacrament. Amen!

O Jesus, it is for the love of Thee, in reparation for the offenses committed against the immaculate heart of Mary and for the conversion of poor sinners. Amen!

Related: The True Story of Fatima

Fatima Children Miracles While They Were Alive -Natl Catholic Register

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Conrad of Piacenza, Confessor – Please Pray For Us!

February 19th, 2025

St Conrad

Saint Conrad of Piacenza (1290-1350)

(Franciscan Media) Born into one of the noblest families of Italy Piacenza, Conrad married as a young man and led a virtuous and God fearing life.

One day while hunting Conrad ordered his attendants to fire some brushwood in which game had taken refuge. The prevailing winds caused the flames to spread rapidly and the surrounding fields and forest were soon engulfed –Conrad fled. An innocent beggar, who happened to be found near the place where the fire originated was accused of starting the inferno and was tried, found guilty and condemned to death.

As the poor man was being led away to execution, Conrad stricken with remorse came forward, admitted his responsibility and in order to pay compensation for all of the damages. he was obliged to sell all of his possessions.

Reduced to poverty, Conrad retired to a small lonely dwelling for a hermit some distance away from Piacenza, his wife agreed to a separation and went to a Poor Clare monastery.

Subsequently, Conrad went to Rome, then to Sicily where for 30 years he lived a most austere life–prayers and penance were his answers to the temptations that harassed him.

Conrad passed away from life while kneeling before a Crucifix.

In 1515 Pope Leo X approved the celebration of his Feast by Italy Noto and on this date in 1625 Pope Urban VIII approved the celebration by all Franciscans.

Today Christians Commemorate St. Agatha Lin, Martyr for Christ Jesus, Please Pray For Us!

February 18th, 2025

(Catholic Online)  Chinese martyr for Christ Jesus, an educator at a Christian school, Agatha was beheaded for her faith in 1858

  • Jesus: “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul, rather fear Him (Almighty God) who can destroy both soul and body in Hell.” –Matthew 10:28

Related:  Why Do Catholic’s Seek the Intercession of Saint’s?

How Can You Become a Saint?

Today Christians Honor the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order – Please Pray For Us!

February 17th, 2025

Seven Founders...

Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Image: Art Institute of Chicago

(EWTN) Between years 1225 and 1227 seven young Florentines joined the Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin–popularly known as the ‘Laudesi’ at a time when the popular City of Italy Florence, was being ripped by political factions, distracted by the heresy of the Cathari and a relaxation  of morals even where devotional practices were maintained.

These seven young noblemen of Florence drawn together by friendship and devotion to the Blessed Virgin, gave themselves to common works of charity according to the Friar Servants of Mary and led them to leave their homes and their businesses to form a community outside the city walls.

Before long, finding themselves so much disturbed by the constant visitors of Florence, they decided to withdraw to the deserted slopes of Monte Senario, where the constructed a simple Church, where they followed a life of prayerful seclusion.

As others came to join them, they initially refused to accept new recruits until they were visited one day by the Bishop Ardingo and Cardinal Castiglione, who had heard about their sanctity and was greatly edified but made one adverse criticism:

“You treat yourselves in a manner boarding on barbarity and you seem more desirous of dying to time than living for eternity. Take heed, the enemy of souls often hides himself under the appearance of the angel of light…Harken to the counsels of your superiors.”

The Solitaries gave themselves up to the prayer of light and had a vision of Our Lady, who bore in her hand a black habit while an angel held a scroll inscribed with a title: ‘Servants of Mary’ telling them, she had chosen them to be her servants, wishing them to wear the black habit and to follow the Rule of St. Augustine–From that date, the 13 of April, 1240 they were known as the ‘Servants of Mary’ or Servites.

Seven Holy FoundersThe Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Image Courtesy: Da Mihi Animas

Clothed by the Bishop, Buonfigilo being elected their Superior and according to custom, they selected names by which they should forward be known, becoming Brothers Bonfilius, Alexis, Amadeus, Hugh, Sostenes, Manettus and Buonagiunta–By the wish of the Bishop, all except St. Alexis who in his humility begged to be excused, prepared to receive Holy Orders and in due time they were professed and ordained Priests.

The new order which took a form more like that of a Mendicant Friars than that of the monastic orders, increased amazingly and it soon became necessary to construct new houses:

Siena, Pistoia and Arezzo were the first places chosen and subsequently the houses at Carfaggio, the Convent and the Church of the Santissima Annunziata in Florence and the Convent at Lucca were established.

Meanwhile, although the ‘Servants of Mary’ had the approval of their immediate superiors, they had not been recognized by the Holy See, it was only in 1259 that the Order was practically recognized by Alexander IV but not until 1304, that it received the explicit and formal approbation of Pope Benedict XI — Saint Bonfilius had remained as Prior General until 1256 when he asked to be relieved due to his advancing years, he passed away on New Years night 1261

Saint Buonagiunta the youngest of the seven ‘Servants of Mary’ became the second Prior General but not long after his election, he breathed his last in chapel when the ‘Gospel of the Passion’ was being read. Saint Amadeus who had taken charge of the important convent of Carfaggio, returned to Monte Senario to end his days–Saint Manettus, became the fourth Prior General, sending missionaries to Asia, he subsequently retired to make way for Saint Philip Benzi upon whose breast he died.

Saint’s Hugh and Sostenes were abroad–Sostenes in Paris and Hugh had found convents in Germany, they were recalled in 1276 and being attacked by illness, they passed away, side-by-side the same night. Saint Alexis outlived them all and was the only one who survived to see the Order of the ‘Servants of Mary’ fully and finally recognized–he is reported to have passed away at the age of 110.

All seven were Beatified by Pope Clement XI on the 01 December 1717 and Canonized in 1887 by Pope Leo XII

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Gilbert of Sempringham – Please Pray For Us!

February 16th, 2025

Saint Gilbert

Saint Gilbert of Sempringham Sculpture
at Essen Belgium –Image:

(Franciscan Media) Gilbert was born in Sempringham, a Hamlet in the South Kesteven District of Lincolnshire England, into a wealthy family but he followed a path quite different than expected of him as the Son of a wealthy Roman Knight.

Gilbert sent to France for higher education decided to pursue seminary studies. When he returned to England not yet ordained a Priest–he inherited several estates from his father Jocelin however, Gilbert decided to avoid the easy life he may have had, instead living a simple life at the Parish, sharing as much as possible with the poor.

Following Gilbert’s ordination into the priesthood, he served as a Parish Priest in Sempringham. Among the congregation were seven young Women who had expressed to him their desire to live a religious life. In response, Fr. Gilbert had a house built for them adjacent to the Church, there they live a austere life but one which attracted even more members–eventually, Lay Sisters & Brothers were added to work the land. A religious order was formed out of their small community known as the Gilbertine Order in 1131 the only religious order founded during the Middle Ages continued to thrive but came to an end when King Henry VIII suppressed all Catholic monasteries.

Gilbertine OrderSite of ‘The Gilbertine Order’
Image Courtesy: 365 Rosaries

According to EWTN Gilbert departed to our Lord on the 03 February, 1190 at 106 yrs of age and he was Canonized by Pope Innocent III in 1202

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Claude de la Colombiere – Please Pray For Us!

February 15th, 2025

St Claude de la Colombiere

Saint Claude de la Colombiere (1641-1682)
Holy Card:

(Franciscan Media) Born in France Lyons, Claude de la Colombiere during his youthful days studied philosophy, writing and public speaking–It was during this period according to the Vatican that Claude first sensed his vocation to a religious life in the Society of Jesus–By the age of 17, he entered the ‘Jesuit Novitiate’ at Avignon. In 1660 he moved from the Novitiate to College (also in Avignon) where he pronounced his first vows, completing his studies in philosophy, following which he taught grammar and the humanities for five years.

In 1666 Claude went to the College of Clermont in Paris to study theology, he was assigned by his Superiors the additional responsibility of tutoring the children of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Minister of Finance for King Louis XIV

With his theological studies completed and ordained a Jesuit Priest in 1675 he was appointed Superior at Paray-Le-Monial in France where the Convent of St. Margaret Mary was located, here Fr. Claude became the spiritual director, encouraging her in the spread of the devotion to the Sacred Heart.

Fr. Claude became known for his remarkable gift of judgment together with his solid ministry and was sent to England to be a Court Preacher to the Duchess of York, taking up residence in Saint James Palace in London, his radiant personality and talents were noted by everyone.

The intense pace of Fr. Claude’s work and poor climate combined to undermine his health and evidence of a serious pulmonary disease began to appear.

When the alleged ‘Popish Plot’ of 1678′ occurred, Fr. Claude was accused of complicity and taken to the severe King’s Bench Prison, where he remained for 3 weeks in very poor condition, until he was expelled from England by royal decree returning to France.

The events in England further weakened Fr. Claude, during the Summer of 1681 in a very weakened condition, he returned to spending Paray-Le-Monial, where he spent his last days.

St Claude de la Colombiere QuoteSaint Claude de la Colombiere –Image Courtesy: Pinterest

 On the 15 February, 1682 during the First Sunday of Lent, Fr. Claude passed away–In June, 1929 Pope Pius XI Beatified Claude de la Colombiere, subsequently being Canonized on the 31 May, 1992 by Pope Saint John Paul II

Today Christians Commemorate St. Valentine, Martyr for Christ Jesus, Please Pray For Us!

February 14th, 2025

St. Valentine (226-269)
Image Courtesy: Catholic Online

(Church PopSaint Valentine was a Catholic Priest, living during the reign of Emperor Claudius of Italy much of his life, Claudius struggled to recruit men into his military and believed their reluctance was due to their marriages, so he would make marriage’s and engagements unlawful.

Fr. Valentine recognizing this injustice, he would defy Emperor Claudius, seeking instead to uphold the beauty and sacredness of marriage as a Catholic sacrament.

Emperor Claudius discovered Fr. Valentine‘s defiance of his order banning engagements and marriages, ordered that he be arrested and executed.

It is believed that Fr. Valentine. left a heartfelt note signed with the now famous words, “From Your Valentine.”

  • Jesus: “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul, rather fear Him (Almighty God) who can destroy both soul and body in Hell.” –Matthew 10:28

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How Can You Become a Saint?

Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of St. Giles Mary of Saint Joseph – Please Pray For Us!

February 13th, 2025

Saint Giles

Saint Giles Mary of St. Joseph
All Saints & Martyrs

(Franciscan Media) In the same year that a power hungry Napoleon Bonaparte led his Army into Russia, Brother (Francesco) Giles Mary of St. Joseph, ended a life of humble service to the Franciscan community and to the citizens of Italy Naples.

Francesco was born in Italy Taranto to very poor parents and as a child according to All Saints & Martyrs (Francesco) Giles Mary had learned rope making and was very good at his trade–his father’s death when he was 18 necessitated him to care for his family.

After securing their future, Brother (Francesco) Giles Mary, entered the ‘Friars Minor at Galastone’ in 1754 and for 53 years, he served in various roles at St. Paschal Hospice in Naples.

“Love God, Love God” was Brother Giles Mary characteristic phrase as he gathered food for the Friars and shared some of his bounty with the poor–all the while consoling the troubled and urging everyone he met to repent. The charity which Brother Giles Mary reflected on the streets of Naples, was born in prayer and nurtured in the common life of the Friars.

The people that Brother Giles Mary met during his rounds earned his the nickname: ‘Consoler of Naples’ — Following his life of faithfulness to God, he was declared ‘Blessed’ by Pope Pius IX in 1888 and Canonized on the 02 June, 1996 by Pope Saint John Paul II

Today Christians Commemorate Saint Apollonia, Martyr for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

February 12th, 2025

Saint Apollonia

(Franciscan Media) The persecution of Christians began in Alexandria during the reign of Emperor Philip–the first victim of the pagan mob who refused to worship their pagan idols was an old man named Mertrius who was tortured and subsequently stoned to death, the second person who refused to bow down to their idols was a Christian Woman named Quinta, her words infuriated the mob, she was scourged and then stoned to death.

While many of the Christians were fleeing the city, abandoning all of their possessions, Apollonia was seized by the mob, that beat her, knocking her teeth out, subsequently lighting a large fire, the mob threatened to throw Apollonia in if she refused to curse God, she begged them to wait a moment, pretending to be considering their demands, instead she threw herself into the flames and so suffered martyrdom.

There have been many Churches and alters dedicated to Apollonia, the Patroness of Dentists and people have sought her intercession that have suffered toothaches and dental issues–Saint Augustine explained her voluntary martyrdom as a special inspiration of the Holy Spirit–Apollonia attained glory in her later years, standing firm before her persecutors even as other Christians fled the city.

Related: Saint Apollonia –Children’s Rosary