Archive for March, 2010

Baldwin McCullough Christian Talk or Tabloid Journalism?

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

On their Facebook page, Baldwin McCullough advertises their Saturday, 20 March program writing, “2. Plus: What kind of moron leaves Americas sweetheart (Sandra Bullock) for a tatted up such and such? In all honesty, you’ve seen it happen again and again. Prince Charles gives up Lady Di for Ms. Bowles (described as a “hussy” during their program) Hugh Grant left Liz Hurley for Divine Brown, Tiger for Elin, Eric Benet and Haley Berry.”

Aired by American Family Radio (AFR) a net work of more than 180 radio stations broadcasting Christian orientated programming to over 40 states and Canada. AFR was launched by Pastor Donald Wildmon in 1991 as a ministry of the American Family Association AFR Christian Talk Radio Network features a variety of programs one of which is Baldwin McCullough between 9:00 to 11:00 pm Saturday’s.

During the Baldwin McCullough broadcast, I sent a comment to American Family Radio writing, “What exactly is AFR about? You folks have on a program called Baldwin McCullough which degrades Women that are “unattractive” in their subjective opinion…”

In response to my comments, I heard from Jim Stanley, Director of AFR Talk Radio on Sunday, 21 March at 10:44 a.m. who writes, “…I haven’t had the chance to review the program but I will listen to it the first part of next week…I find the comment from you, AFR really has no shame, other people don’t matter. Camilla Parker Bowles may be a really nice person but according to Baldwin McCullough since “she is not sexually appealing to them” (very subjective) its OK to throw her (along with other Women) under the bus, to be ludicrous…”

Huh? My comment is “Ludicrous” for a program that Mr. Stanley by his own admissions has not even heard, whats up with that?

My bible teaches, “For by thy words thou shalt be justified and by your words you shall be condemned.” –Matthew 12:37

Steven Baldwin the brother of Alec Baldwin definitely has a recent reputation of peculiar actions:

Sporting tattoo’s of 16 year old Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana the 43 year old Baldwin, seems to have a fetish for tattoo’s of young female celebrities.

In January the Guardian reported that Baldwin said during an interview,”Jesus or no Jesus, if my daughter started working in a Strip Club, I’d beat her ass.”

Insanity—who in their right mind thinks and says such a thing? Nobody other than a controlling person and abuser of Women.

According to Skepacabra, Just when one thought that Stephen Baldwin couldn’t get any crazier than when he said that God was responsible for the 1996 film Bio-Dome for the purpose of giving him an audience to minister the gospel, Baldwin reportedly said on the British version of Celebrity Big Brother, that he would rather see his daughter die than lie about Jesus.

Family Friendly AFR? Definitely not without adult supervision.

The Federal Budget Deficit That Obama Owns

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

Since FDR’s New Deal, America’s entitlements have consistently grown faster than projected in size, scope and costs. Like unwanted house guests, they cost money that we don’t have and they can’t be kicked out.

Between 1934 the first fiscal year in which FDR and Congressional Democrats had full control of the federal budget, FDR never spent more than 12% of Gross Domestic Product.

Compare that to today, Hoax & Chains will spend 25.4% of GDP this year, 25.1% in 2011 and 23.2% in 2012

In January the CBO released a detailed report on the nations budgetary outlook covering the period from 2010-2020

Key Findings Include:

$6 Trillion Dollars in additional Deficit Spending–$1.35 Trillion that we will see this year;

By the end of 2020 public debt is expected to be 67% of GDP;

Interest payments to service Obama’s Budget Deficits will skyrocket;

Annual spending on interest will triple;

More here and here from Reason Magazine

Related: Drowning in Debt: Obama Quadruples Federal Budget Deficit

The Trouble With Bonds Via Agora

Bad News for Obama, CNN Weekend Survey Results

Democrat-Socialists Say Yes, Pelosi & Reid’s Approval Sinks

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV may have pleased their Democrat-Socialist base, a new CBS News Poll shows that Pelosi’s public approval rating stands at 11% and Reid’s approval rating is a mere 8%

Related: New Health Care Taxes helps “Obama Spread the Wealth

Florida & 9 other States to file Constitutional Challenge to block ObamaCare

Tallying ObamaCare’s Broken Promises Via The Weekly Standard

Michigan Congressman Bart Stupak Votes To Support ObamaCare, U.S. May Lose AAA Bond Rating

Sunday, March 21st, 2010

Rep. Bart Supak, D-MI claiming to be anti-abortion and allegedly opposed to ObamaCare because of the abortion language in the Senate bill, today said that he would now support ObamaCare after “Hoax & Chains” signed an Executive Order (which Stupak is holding) allegedly guaranteeing that no federal funds would be used to pay for abortions.


No President has the authority to trump federal law by executing an Executive Order—Stupak knew this, his opposition was nothing more than political demagoguery?

The House of Representatives have just voted to in favor of the federal takeover of health care 219-212

Related: ObamaCare will increase deficits by $59 Billion

U.S. loses AAA Bond Rating Via Sydney Morning Herald

Pelosi heckled while leading Dems to Capitol

Why Democrats are Doomed if ObamaCare Passes by Dick Morris

Democrat-Socialists Don’t Care What Their Constituents Say

Saturday, March 20th, 2010

Democrat-Socialists continue to ignore public opinion polls that show among other things:

(a) 2/3 of Americans believe that the Democrat-Socialist health spending bill would make things worse; (b) A majority of Americans believe that ObamaCare will make things worse; (c) Only 1/3 see any benefit to middle class families.

In a related poll, ObamaCare will result in 1/3 of Physicians quitting medicine altogether, resulting in doctor shortages, wait lists for patients and health care rationing.

Currently the United States has the best health care in the world, if the Canadian model is so good why did Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams come to the U.S. in early February for heart surgery?

Related Posts: Ten Reasons to Oppose ObamaCare Via Newsmax

Kids won’t forgive us for ObamaCare Via Atlanta Journal Constitution

House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner, R-OH If your going to vote for ObamaCare stand up and be counted Via The Washington Examiner

Tea Party Rally, U.S. Capitol Saturday 12:00 Noon

Friday, March 19th, 2010

On the eve of the U.S. House of Representatives voting on a Trillion Dollar government takeover of health care, the Tea Party Patriots will gather with coalition partners to voice the concerns of millions of Americans.

The Tea Party Patriots and its coalition partners will rally with Rep. Michelle Bachman, R-MN, Rep. Steve King, R-IA, Actor Jon Voight among others before walking the halls of Congressional Office buildings, asking Members of Congress to stand with their constituents against the government takeover of health care.

More here from Tea Party Patriots

Related: Tax Payer March on Washington, Via Michelle Malkin

Democrat-Socialists Shredding Constitution

Friday, March 19th, 2010

ObamaCare and all other politically unpopular legislation will be rammed through Congress according to While House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

The Constitution has become irrelevant, Deem and Pass will be used to take care of business.

Democrat-Socialists grab for power, who is stopping them? Voters don’t matter.

More here from the Heritage Foundation

Related: Caterpillar: Health Care bill would cost it $100 Million

Taxpayer March on Washington: Saturday at High Noon Via Michelle Malkin

Senate Unlikely Can Pass “Fixes” Using Nuclear Option

Friday, March 19th, 2010

After all of the arm twisting that the Obama Administration has done to pass its latest version of health care reform in the House and takeover 1/6 of the U.S. economy, the Senate may never be able to pass the health care bill using Reconciliation/Nuclear Option.

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-ND told Roll Call yesterday that it is unlikely the Senate will be able to pass a health care reconciliation bill unchanged from what the House passes.

Sen. Conrad said the Senate Parliamentarian has declined to make several rulings on issues in the bill that Republicans are likely to challenge under the Byrd Rule 2 USCA 664

The “Byrd Rule” states among other things, every provision of a budget reconciliation bill must have a budget impact and can not be “extraneous.”

“Although we have spent many hours with the Parliamentarian some things he has not rendered a conclusion on…Do I expect some ‘Byrd Rule’ challenges that will be upheld? Yes I do,” said Sen. Conrad

Sixty Votes are needed to waive the Byrd Rule points of order but with losing its “Super Majority” with the election of Sen. Scott Brown, (R-MA) Democrat-Socialists in the Senate only have a 59 Members and united GOP opposition to the bill, Democrats will be unable unlikely to meet that threshold if the Parliamentarian decides any provision of the bill violates the “Byrd Rule” or the Budget Act.

If a point of order is sustained, the offending provision would be struck from the bill and the entire measure would need to be passed again in the House before being sent onto the President for his signature.

More here from Roll Call

Related: FOX News Poll: 55% of Americans Oppose ObamaCare

Obama Approval Rating Lowest Yet, Congress Declines Via Gallup

Obama Orders Removal of U.S. Flag from Haiti

Friday, March 19th, 2010

I have to admit finding this story to be a bit dubious until I read it in the Navy Times.

Obama is ashamed of the United States (surprised he hasn’t apologized to them) and orders that the “Old Glory” be removed at the entrance of the U.S. Military Compound in Haiti “Hoax & Chains” explanation, flying the U.S. flag could give Haiti the wrong idea.

“We are not here as an occupation force but as an international partner committed to supporting the government of Haiti on the road to recovery,” the U.S. Government’s, Haiti Joint Information Center says.

The lack of the “Stars & Stripes” doesn’t sit well with many Veterans and Service Members who say that the U.S. Government should be proud to fly the flag in Haiti, given the amount of money and manpower the American Taxpayers has donated to the island nation to help them recover from the 12 January, earthquake.

More here Via the Navy Times

Related: Top 10 Obama Apologies Via Human Events

ObamaCare Cost Analysis: Disingenuous Officially

Thursday, March 18th, 2010

Today the Congressional Budget Office scored the latest version of ObamaCare and they “unofficially” assume that given everything that they know and everything being equal that current bill to takeover 1/6 of the U.S. Economy will reduce the deficit by $130 Billion Dollars during the first decade.

Disingenuous Officially—The cost/savings analysis won’t even offset the amount of money Democrat-Socialist spent just last month. In February the government ran up the largest federal budget deficit ever $220.9 Billion Dollars 14% higher than the previous record set in February of last year.

Related: Dems Touting “Unofficial” CBO Score Via Human Events

CBO Covering the Backsides of the ObamaCare Pushers Via Michelle Malkin