Archive for May, 2010

China & N. Korea Discuss Their Futures, Human Rights Absent

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

Marxist Dictators PRC Hu Jintao and N. Korea Kim Jong-Il together again at the “Great Hall of the (Oppressed) People” in Beijing

Evidence of N. Korea’s Human Rights Abuses

Additional photos evidencing N. Korea’s Human Rights Abuses

China shows its true colors by aiding N. Korea following the visit by ailing Kim Jong Il, arriving aboard his armored car train.

The two failing Totalitarian Marxist regimes discussed North Korea’s failing currency reform, the fall-out with United States Ally South Korea subsequent to the sinking of a South Korea Navy vessel by the North Korean Navy in March and the succession of Kim Jong-Il,  27 year old son Kim Jong-Un

More here from Taiwan News

Related: The Myth of Reducing Tensions Via Taipei Times

Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Face Uphill Struggle Via Taiwan News

Hillary Clinton Money More Important Than Human Rights

Georgia Public Indoctrination Center Accuses 14 Yr Old Autistic Boy With Making Terrorist Threats Over Stick Figure Drawing

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

Sandy Springs, Georgia Via FOX News Atlanta

Shane Finn, a 14 year old child autistic child (with the mental capacity of a 3rd Grader) has been accused of a felony by Georgia School Indoctrination Officials for drawing stick figures labeled “Me” shooting a gun at another stick figure labeled with his teachers name above it.

Shane Finn’s Mother says, “I think there needs to be some sort of common sense used with the school system, that a 14 year old autistic boy who does not understand what he has done or what he has drawn. He has an IQ of 75 and should not be charged with a felony. It’s outrageous.

Couldn’t say it better myself but matters such as this (unfortunately) are becoming all too familiar in Public Indoctrination Centers around the country.

Related Posts: Schools Accused of Criminalizing Disability Via Houston Chronicle

Waco, Texas 4 year old boy Suspended for “Sexual Hug” Via Dallas Morning News

Teacher lets Kindergarten students vote 5 yr old out of class Via

2″ Toy Gun from Lego Set gets 9 year old in trouble at New York School

Arizona’s New Chinese Exclusion Laws

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

In 1978 Congress passed a Joint Resolution declaring May as Asian Pacific Heritage Month which I wrote about here last year.

While it may just be coincidental, whats going on in Arizona with their new anti-immigrant laws?

Last month I wrote here that Arizona’s tough new anti-immigrant law S.B. 1070 gives Police broad new authority to demand papers or other documentation of anyone they may suspect being in the state illegally.

Arizona’s new anti-immigrant law is eerily familiar to California’s former Chinese Exclusion Act which I more fully discussed here on the 16 December, 2008

American citizens are not obligated to carry papers or government issued ID, I for one don’t have any papers or a government issued ID card in my name that identifies me as a U.S. Citizen and I was born here. How would I satisfy Arizona’s requirement to produce ID to establish my legal presence in the United States upon demand by Arizona authorities?

Subsequent to all the controversy surrounding Arizona’s new ID law, on Tuesday, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed into law H.B. 2281 which prohibits ethnic studies in Arizona’s public schools according to the bills author State Supt  of Education Tom Horne.

Derek Chang, Associate Professor of History and Asian American Studies at Cornell University writes here “Forget for a moment about academic freedom. Forget for a moment even the problem of what might constitute “resentment towards a race or class of people” or how one may define “ethnic solidarity.” My point here is merely that an ethnic studies education, one that examines especially the relationships among race, nation and power…various uses of racism, nationalism and state power–Chinese Exclusion, the Jim Crow South Japanese Internment and draconian immigration laws in Arizona—led us to stark conclusions about the nation’s past and present…”

While Gov. Brewer and other elected officials may want to wrap themselves up in the American flag attempting to spin their controversial new anti-immigrant laws which critics call separatism and racial preferences, one does not have to look very far into Arizona’s recent behavior to realize that their racial fears are leading themselves down a dark path.

Last month the Wall Street Journal reported that Arizona Dept of Education have begun telling Principal’s to remove teachers that don’t speak English well enough, heavily accented to insure that students with limited English skills have teachers that speak the language flawlessly.

Prejudice and Bigotry isn’t born it is taught, definitely a flawed character trait.

“Bigotry is the disease of ignorance of morbid minds.” –Thomas Jefferson

Pennsylvania State Police Arrest Hundreds For Swearing

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

Pennsylvania State Police Officers have arrested hundreds of people for swearing, charging them with Disorderly Conduct according to the American Civil Liberties Union

While attending “Little Policeman School” Pennsylvania’s finest must have been absent the day when the First Amendment was discussed?

(I would hope that the First Amendment is being taught to wanna-be Cops.)

In a well reasoned opinion the USDC, W.D. PA addressed similar conduct under the caption of David Hackbart v. The City of Pittsburgh, et. al. Case No. 2 07-CV-157 (2009) “…Directing a series of expletives and an obscene hand gesture at police officer represented an expression of disapproval toward the officer and therefore falls within the protective umbrella of the First Amendment.” Nichols v. Chacon 110 F.Supp 2d 1099 W.D. Ark 2000

It’s definitely a crying shame that Pennsylvania Police are either: (a) not being taught at a minimum the basic fundamentals of the First Amendment; (b) choosing to act like Thugs, knowingly causing the arrest of persons in order to frighten and terrorize them because their feelings have been hurt.

More here ACLU says PA State Police Cite Hundreds For Cursing Via Breitbart

Obama’s $54 Billion Dollar Bailout Guarantee For The EU

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

The U.S. Federal Budget Deficit is about
$13 Trillion Dollars give or take a hundred million or so.

Since Obama became President despite all of his (broken) promises that he would cut the federal budget deficit the national debt has Quadrupled during Obama’s watch.

With nearly a 10% unemployment rate less revenue is going going into the U.S. Treasury.

Democrat-Socialists love spending other peoples money and have now promised the European Union that the U.S. will guarantee $54 Billion of their debts obligations why are the American Taxpayers now bailing out Europe?

We don’t nearly have enough money to pay our own debts that are bankrupting our nation.

Related Post: Our Unsustainable Debt: America is on the verge of financial disaster

Elana Kagan, Wisdom to Serve or Crisis of Character?

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

U.S. Solicitor General smiles as she is introduced by Obama to be the next Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, to replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens.

To be fair, I have formed no personal opinions for or against Elana Kagan to be the next Associate Justice. Much is being written that Kagan has no prior experience as a Jurist, the U.S. Constitution makes no requirement that one has prior Judicial experience or even a law degree.

The late Associate Justice Stanley Forman Reed, who served on the bench from 1938-1957 was the last Justice not to have a law degree.

Before all of the hullabaloo was being written about Kagan’s lack of Judicial experience, on the 19 April, The Christian Science Monitor published “Our Founding Father’s Thoughts on the Supreme Court –Gary Galles wrote, “…We have an extensive record of our Founders’ views but the purposes and limits they believed in and the litmus test they applied are far different from those being discussed today. Consider some of their words:

Patrick Henry: “Liberty ought to be the direct end of your government.”

Samuel Adams: “Without liberty and equality, there cannot exist that tranquility of mind, which results from the assurance of this to every citizen, that his own personal safety and rights are secure…it is the end and design of all free and lawful governments.”

John Adams: “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not sacred as the laws of God and there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If “Thou shalt not covet” and “Thou shalt not steal” were not commandments of heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free.”

James Madison: “The powers of the federal government are enumerated…it has legislative powers on defined and limited objects, beyond which cannot extend its jurisdiction.”

While the elitist political left is ecstatic about the possibility of a third woman on the Supreme Court, this in and of itself is not grounds for any expedited confirmation process.

Elana Kagan has written that the Senate confirmation hearings should more fully explore a “nominee’s set of Constitutional values and commitments” but likewise has written, “…hearings have presented to the public a vapid and hollow charade, in which repetition of platitudes has replaced discussion of viewpoints and personal anecdotes have supplanted legal analysis. Such hearings serve little educative function except perhaps to reinforce lessons of cynicism that citizens often glean from government. Neither can such hearings contribute toward an evaluation of the Court and a determination whether the nominee would make it a better or worse institution.”

Confirmation Messes Old and New—Univ of Chicago Law Review Vol 62 No. 2 (1995) page 941

While Ms. Kagan’s personal views and writings will be scrutinized from her 2004 decision at Harvard Law School that barred military recruiters from the schools career center including her Senior Thesis at Princeton University entitled To the Final Conflict: Socialism in NYC 1900-1933 which Elana Kagan has been criticized for revealing her sympathies with the Socialist Party.

Elana Kagan deserves a thorough, fair and impartial examination into her fitness of moral character, qualifications and integrity to serve as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, absent unmerited praise from the political left or unfair criticism from the political right until all the facts are revealed.

Related Post: Reserved Passion: Kagan 81 Via The Daily Princtonian

Georgia Seniors May Now Say Grace Before Eating

Monday, May 10th, 2010

Another Loony Liberal Leftist misinterprets the U.S. Constitution, this time telling Peach State Elder Adults at the Port Wentworth Senior Center in Georgia that they are not permitted to pray before they eat.

While the Georgia Senior Center have now reversed themselves and have told persons that they serve that they may now pray before their meals. Why did this controversy even arise in the first place?

This matter is very similar in nature to the many goofy educators around the country that misinterpret the First Amendment and tell students that prayers are not permissible in the public school.

The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly held that public school officials must be neutral in their treatment of religion, showing neither favoritism or hostility towards religion.

First Amendment forbids religious activity sponsored by the government but protects religious activity that is initiated by private individuals. See, Everson v. Board of Education 330 U.S. 1

Private religious speech is fully protected under the Free Speech Clause as secular private expression. See, Capital Square Review & Advisory Board v. Pinette, 515 U.S. 753 (1995)

The Supreme Court has said, “There is a crucial difference of government speech endorsing religion which the Establishment Clause forbids and private speech endorsing religion, which the Free Speech Clause and Free Exercise Clause protects.” Sante Fe Independent School District v. Doe, 530 U.S. 290 (2000)

In 2003 the 8th U.S. Circuit Ct. of Appeals re-stated the above in their opinion under the caption of, Doe v. School District of the City of Norfolk, Case No. 02-4135

Loony Liberal Lefties running rough shot over the Constitutionally protected rights of others, will now want to forgive and forget. Will they ever learn?

H/T: Xiao-Mei—-Xiexie

Happy Mother’s Day 2010

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

“Honor thy Father and thy Mother, that the days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”  Exodus 20:12

Happy Mother’s Day—Via Right Truth

Sichuan Earhquake Orphans, Two Years Later

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

Sichuan Earthquake Orphan “Kiss the Spring” was taken by He Meijun, in Pixian County.

On the 12 May, 2008 more than 19,000 children perished when the catastrophic 8.0 earthquake struck Sichuan Province.

“Hug me Too” was taken by Wang Haiyi, showing an orphan of the devastating Sichuan Earthquake.

“A Hard Question” was taken by Liu Fuming, showing a Sichuan Earthquake Survivor in Leigu Town, Beichuan County

On the 24 November, 2008 I wrote here that too many Sichuan Earthquake Orphans remain alone, where have all the compassionate people gone?

More here including additional photos from Xinhua

Somali Terrorist Thugs Seize Another Taiwan Ship

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

The Council of Agriculture’s Fisheries Agency said today that Somali Terrorist Thugs, seized another Taiwan fishing in the Indian Ocean.

The “Taiyuan 227” disappeared on Thursday when it was located in the Indian Ocean west of Maldives—28 crew members from China and Indonesia were on board the ship.

More here from Taiwan News

Related: Status of Seized Vessels & Crews in Somalia

Somali Pirates Hijack Taiwan Ship Via Xinhua News