![Strong Arm Federal Government --Asian Conservatives](https://www.cristyli.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Strong-Arm-Federal-Government-Asian-Conservatives.jpg)
(WND) According to a pair of recent polls, for the first time since 9/11, Americans are more fearful their government will abuse constitutional liberties than fail to keep Americans safe.
Even in the wake of the Boston Marathon Jihad Bombings in which a pair of Islamic radicals are accused of planting explosive devices which claimed the lives of three and wounded 180 people–the polls suggest Americans are hesitant to give up any further freedoms in exchange for promises of security.
In a FOX News national survey of 619 registered voters the day after the Boston Jihad Bombings, despite the tragic event, those interviewed responded very differently than following 9/11
For the first time since a similar question was asked in May, 2001 more Americans answered “No” to the question: “Would you be willing to give up some of your personal freedom on order to reduce the threat of terrorism?”
Of those surveyed on the 16 April, 2013 45% answered “No” to the question compared to 43% answering “Yes” –following the 9/11 Islamic Jihad Terrorist attacks, the numbers flipped dramatically to 71% agreeing to sacrifice personal freedom to reduce the threat of terrorism.
The FOX News survey was unique as it also broke the respondents down by political affiliation:
- 51% of Democrats responded that they would be willing to sacrifice personal freedoms in exchange for temporary security compared to 43% of respondents calling themselves Republicans;
- Independents were the most resistant with only 29% willing to sacrifice individual liberties.
H/T: Drudge