Archive for October, 2013

What Crisis??? Only 17% of Govt Shutdown During Obama’s & Senate Democrats Govt Slimdown

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

Time to Reclaim the ColoniesQueen Elizabeth Weighs in on Obama’s & Democrats Govt Slimdown
Erika Lowe/Twitter

(Washington Examiner) Everyone knows (or they should) the phrase ‘Government Shutdown” doesn’t mean the entire government is shutdown–so in a partial government shutdown slimdown like the one underway at the moment, how much of the government is actually shutdown?

One way to measure this is how much money the government spends. Ahead of the government slimdown, the military pay act passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama  at the beginning of the slimdown is actually a huge percentage of the government’s discretionary spending in any given year and that is still flowing. So if one takes that money and add it to all of the entitlement money unaffected by the government slimdown together with all of the funds unaffected by the slimdown the actual amount is staggering and one may wonder what all of the brouhaha is all about?

Based on estimates drawn from the Congressional Budget Office and Office of Management and Budget 83% of government operations will continue–this figure assumes the government pays amounts due on appropriations obligated before the shutdown ($512 Billion) spends $225 Billion on exempted military and civilian personnel, pays entitlement benefits for those found eligible before the shutdown (about $2 Trillion) and pays interest costs when due ($237 Billion) This is about 83% of projected for spending of $3.6 Trillion.

So the ‘government shutdown’ at least as measured by money spent is only about a 17% slimdown of federal expenditures.

Related: House Approves Back Pay for Non-Essential Govt Employees

Pentagon Recalls Most Furloughed Civilian Employees

Feds Close Ocean & Priests Threatened With Arrest if They Celebrate Mass on Military Base During Govt Slimdown

Saturday, October 5th, 2013

Obama Moses“Not only has Obama declared he has the power to control ‘the rose of the oceans’ he just declared he can close them.”
Rep Steve Stockman (R-TX)

(Miami Herald) Charter Boat Captains have received a message from the  National Park Service this week that they are now prohibited to take customers fishing in Florida Bay during Obama’s Government Slimdown.

Yesterday, the Archdiocese for Military Service reported there will be no Catholic Priest to Celebrate Mass Sunday during a government shutdown slimdown–it is now illegal for them to minister on base and they risk arrest if they attempt to do so.

When was the 1st Amendment repealed?

L.A. Unified School Students Need IPad’s for State Tests, Whatever Happened to Paper & Pencil?

Friday, October 4th, 2013

Taking Test CartoonsExam Day –Cartoon: For Better or For Worse/DeAnza College

(L.A.Times) IPad’s will be necessary for Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Students to take new state standardized tests at a cost of $1 Billion–$500 Million for the tablets and an additional $500 Million for extra bandwidth and teacher training.

LAUSD is getting hosed!

Given the fact that LAUSD has seen declining enrollment and facing a $350 Million deficit I’m thinking that the Sacramento Geniuses that came up with this brainstorm may want to reconsider paper and pencil? They worked good for many years.

Just imagine how much paper and how many pencils one could buy for just .10% of $1 Billion? If businesses could advertise on them, LAUSD could even maybe get them for free?

Nah, silly me! That would just make too much sense.

Narcissist Obama Sits for Presidential Portrait During Day 3 of Govt Slimdown

Friday, October 4th, 2013

Obama Sits For Portrait

(Breitbart) Narcissist-in-Chief Barack Obama, sat for his presidential portrait during Day 3 of the Govt Slimdown.

In related news, FrontPage Mag is reporting that the (fascist–my allegation) Obama Administration is shutting down ‘private restaurants’ on federal land.

Related: Obama Administration Seeking Govt Slimdown Sob Stories

Obama’s Job Approval Falls to 41% –Gallup

WW II Memorial Barricade Ordered Wired Shut

Friday, October 4th, 2013

WW II MemorialWW II Memorial: ‘Mr Obama, Tear Down This Wall’
I Yam What I Yam/Twitter

(Weekly Standard) The Obama Administration Orders that the barricade, fencing off the  public sidewalk surrounding the open air WW II Memorial now be wired shut to prevent the ‘Greatest Generation’ Seniors from making future visits.

Related:  WW II Memorial Shutdown: A System of Govt Malice –ACLJ

WW II Memorial Funded Nearly Entirely By Private Contributions

ObamaCare/Covered California Still Lacks Search Tool for Consumers to Find Out if They Can Keep Their Own Doctor

Friday, October 4th, 2013

ObamaCare Covered CaliforniaObamaCare: The Gaping Mouth of the Beast in California
Alana Burke/Twitter

(L.A.Times) ObamaCare/Covered California still lacks doctor search tool to help people find out whether health care plans offered include their doctors or hospitals.

Flashback: Remember when Obama Administration officials assured Americans that “After over two years of work (ObamaCare) is built and ready for operation and we have completed security testing and certification to operate. This is an important step in being ready for open enrollment on Oct 01.”

On the 01 October, I wrote here ObamaCare websites didn’t work–Day 4 consumers are still reporting that they’re still unable to log into @HealthCare.Gov

Related: ObamaCare Poster Boy Never Enrolled in ObamaCare –The Blaze

If ObamaCare/Covered California is So Wonderful, Why Hasn’t Nancy Pelosi Enrolled?

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Nancy Pelosi ObamaCareNancy Pelosi (D-CA) on ObamaCare –Branco/Legal Insurrection

If ObamaCare/Covered California is so good, why hasn’t House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) signed up?

KUSI San Diego reports that not a single person in California has enrolled in ObamaCare.

ObamaCare Covered California Inflates Website Visits By 10 Times, Hasn’t Enrolled a Single Person

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

ObamaCare Covered CaliforniaObamaCare/Covered California Disaster –Cervelo Rider/Twitter

(The Blaze) ObamaCare/Covered California now admits that it exaggerated lied about the number of visitors its received to the online website by 10 fold.

California officials had claimed that ‘Covered California’ received five million site visitors the first day of the roll out evidencing strong consumer interest and a primary reason why there have been so many glitches–turns out the actual number of visitors was only 514,000

In related ObamaCare/Covered California news, KUSI San Diego reports not a single person had enrolled in Obama’s signature legislative achievement

Coincidence? Riiight…ObamaCare National Phone Number That You Won’t Forget

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

ObamaCare Natl Phone NumberSeriously! ObamaCare Natl Phone Number
1-800-3(F) 18(U) -2(C) 5(K) 9(Y) 6(O) –Image: Gail Trask/Twitter

ObamaCare Phone NumberUnforgettable ObamaCare Natl Phone Number
Stephen Zubrycky/Twitter

H/T: Confirmed! Hilarious ObamaCare Phone Number –Twitchy

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: Why Would We Fund Cancer Research For Kids?

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013

Harry Reid Denies Cancer Treatment For ChildrenDemocrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid With a Message for Children With Cancer –Image: Ryan Ojibway/Twitter

(Daily Mail) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) finds himself in embarrassingly hot water today after dismissing the idea of funding children’s cancer research through the government slimdown:

CNN Repoter Dana Bash: “If you can help one child, why won’t you do it?”

Sen Harry Reid: “Why, why, why would we want to do that? I have one thousand people at Nellis Air Force base that are sitting home because of government employee furloughs–they have, they have a few problems of their own.”

On Tuesday, House Democrats blocked stopgap funding bills for veteran affairs programs, national parks and museums and for the City of Washington, DC