Archive for December, 2013

Federal Judge: NSA Spying on Americans “Almost Orwellian” Almost Certainly Violates Constitution

Monday, December 16th, 2013

NSA SpyingNSA Spying on Americans –Image: Alex Jones@Twitter

(The BLT) The Natl Security Agency’s bulk collection of telephone records likely violates the privacy rights of  individual Americans, a federal judge in Washington, DC ruled today in the matter under the caption of Klayman, et al -v- Obama, et al Case No(s) 13-0851 and 13-0881

Describing the government’s intrusive actions “almost Orwellian” USDC Judge Richard Leon found the challengers in lawsuits filed in Washington, likely to succeed on their 4th Amendment privacy claims and may go forward.

In June I wrote here that Obama who claimed to be a former Constitutional Law Professor, attempting to defend the NSA spying on Americans said (in another one of his rambling answers) during an interview on PBS, “Occasionally there are going to be check-points (such as in Nazi Germany, I digress) they may be intrusive…It is transparent, that is why we set up the (secret) FISA Court.”

Related: How NSA Surveillance Threatens Americans Privacy –ACLU

ObamaCare/Covered California Subsidies Will Allow Limited Access to Providers, Ripe For Fraud

Monday, December 16th, 2013

Obamacare Covered CA Subsidy

What could possibly go wrong with 35 year old parents of three, earning $90,000 annually and receiving a $210 ObamaCare/Covered California subsidy?

Just about everything.

Many middle class Americans will be harmed by the design of ObamaCare’s cost-sharing subsidies for lower income enrollees reports The Heritage Foundation, though relatively little attention has been given to this feature, understanding it is crucial  to accurately projecting the results of its implementation.

Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow Ed Haislmaier has studied this feature of the bill and found that its effects will be unattractive for many people.

ObamaCare’s cost sharing subsidies pay insurers to offer coverage to lower income exchange enrollees with no deductibles and only nominal patient co-pays. As a result, Medicaid/MediCal managed care insurers are participating the the exchange and many insurers are offering exchange plans with ‘narrow networks’ that limit coverage to providers willing to accept low reimbursement.

Haislmaier points out: “ObamaCare’s complicated income based design of premium and cost-sharing subsidies will result in the exchange market offering something like Medicaid managed care for the middle-class.

Ripe for Fraud: In a new audit from the Treasury Dept Inspector General for Tax Administration dated 27 September, the Tigta report found that the IRS responsible for administrating ObamaCare subsidies, has not put in place a fraud strategy for its ObamaCare system development, initial deployment or long term operations.

Marguerite Bowling, writing in The Foundry on the 03 December explained “The IRS doesn’t have the necessary systems in place to effectively root out ObamaCare subsidy applicants who report an income lower than their true income so they can qualify for a higher subsidy. They’ll have unfairly high subsidies on the back of the American people who follow the rules.”

Making matters even worse is when ObamaCare Navigators, tasked with helping Americans to sign-up for health care insurance, have been providing people misinformation and in some cases, actively encouraging some people to commit fraud in order to raise their subsidy, according to a new report obtained by Breitbart News scheduled to be released today by the House Oversight and Govt Reform Committee.

Skyrocketing Deductibles and the Affordable Unaffordable Care Act: On the 09 December, I wrote here ObamaCare high deductibles are fueling new worries–many people with modest incomes are encountering a troubling element of the health care law, deductibles so steep, they may be unable to afford the portion of medical expenses that insurers won’t cover, subverting one of ObamaCare’s stated goals to ensure more people receive needed health care.

Stanford Economics Professor Michael J Boskin writing in The Wall Street Journal Sunday further explains, “The ‘sticker shock’ that many buyers of new ACA compliant health plans have experienced–with premiums 30% higher or more than their previous coverage has only begun. The costs borne by individuals will even be more obvious next year as more people start having to pay higher deductibles and co-pays.”

“The next shock will come next year, when scores of millions outside the individual market–people who are covered by employers, in union plans or on Medicare and Medicaid, experience the downsides of ObamaCare. There will be longer waits for hospital visits, doctors appointments and specialists’ treatment as more people crowd fewer providers.”

Already with 70% of California physicians reportedly boycotting and refusing to participate in ObamaCare/Covered California how much longer will it be before problems grow exponentially and become totally unmanageable?

Related: ObamaCare Chaos in California –Breitbart News

Former DNC Chair Howard Dean: ACA Subsidies Will Drive Up Spending

Ewww: Creepy Covered Calif Touched More Than 21 Million Americans

ObamaCare Website Goes Offline Again

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

ObanaCare WebsiteObamaCare: Wait Like Its 1995–Use the Phone
Image: Ray Watts@Twitter

(Reuters) In a sign of the times, the malfunctioning ObamaCare website  goes down again, HHS in a statement said the website would remain offline for 12 hours today.

About 15,000 ObamaCare enrollees forms have not been transmitted properly to insurers the Obama Administration conceded yesterday, adding that the error rate has plunged in recent weeks–if this is any consolation to those that won’t have health insurance coverage in about two weeks.

Related: Secret ObamaCare Handbook the Feds Don’t Want You To See

Efforts to Enroll Young People in ObamaCare Heads to Late-Night Haunts

HHS Secy Sebelius: Millions Have Received Cancellation Notices Thrilled

Ted Cruz: Ryan-Murray Budget Deal “Spends More, Taxes More” Continues Funding ObamaCare

Friday, December 13th, 2013

Ryan Murray BudgetRyan-Murray Budget Deal Breaks the Sequester Promise of 2011 to Cut Spending a Decade Later –Rep Tim Huelskamp (R-KS)@Twitter

(Heritage Action) The ‘Ryan-Murray House Senate Budget Deal’ despite all the rhetoric and praise RINO House Speaker John Boehner may give it and the supposed “deficit reduction” it actually increases spending during the next 2 years by $63 Billion above current law and lives up to none of the promises it makes.

While Ryan-Murray ‘agreement’ purports to produce $23 Billion in deficit reduction it does so by relying on savings (when has this actually ever happened) in 10 years with promises of future spending reductions later as Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) points out:

“The new budget deal–spends more, taxes more and allows for continued funding of ObamaCare…This proposal undoes the sequester modest reforms and pushes us two steps back, deeper into debt. Supporters of this plan are asking for more spending now in exchange for minor changes that may possibly reduce spending later.”

When have we heard this before?

Back in 2011 the National Review reminds us that back in 1982 President Reagan, agreed to $3.00 in spending cuts for every $1.00 in tax hikes–promised spending cuts are illusionary and after awhile, they are forgotten about and all that remains is higher taxes on Americans.

Thomas Paine writing in 1791 in the ‘Rights of Men’ pointed out: “It is a general rule that when taxes are once laid they are never taken off.”

We haven’t learned much during the past 222 years.

Related: Spending Deal Strips Key Protection for Senate Minority Rights

Dennis Miller Slams John Boehner –Twitchy

Ryan-Murray House/Senate Budget Deal Betrayal of Conservative Principles

Thursday, December 12th, 2013

California RINOs That Supported Budget DealCalifornia RINO’s That Supported Budget Busting Betrayal

TSA--Only In DCIn the Ryan-Muuray Budget “Deal” Americans Will Now Have to Pay More For This –Sen Rand Paul (R-KY)@Twitter

President Obama together with House Democrats and RINO’s reeling from low voter ratings, were eager to cut a budget deal that takes the heat off of them for not doing their jobs for the next two years which the Libertarian Party points out:

  • Continues to add $1 Trillion annually to the already out of control $17.2Trillion federal budget deficit;
  • Locks in continuous funding of ObamaCare;
  • Raises taxes, including an increase in TSA fees hidden federal taxes that will be tacked on to your airline tickets.

Republicans who pretend to ‘oppose ObamaCare’ promising to replace and defund it are allowing it to continue unchecked which has resulted in more than 5.5 Million Americans to lose their health insurance, raising premiums, deductibles and costing jobs.

Many in the House GOP have put off being good stewards of the public purse and have betrayed the principles which they’ve claimed. Former Reagan OMB Director David Stockman said on CNBC “Its the final surrender of the House Republican leadership to Beltway politics, kicking the can and ignoring the budget monster that’s hurtling down the road.”

Related: Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) “I Cannot Support Budget Deal” –Breitbart

Sen Mike Lee (R-UT) Opposes House-Senate Budget Deal

The Budget Deal and Why Were $17 Trillion+ In Debt

Congratulations Barack Obama…

Thursday, December 12th, 2013

Lie of the Year...Congratulations Barack Obama… –Image: My

Congratulations...For the Lie of the Year –Image: NRSC@Twitter

“I Hate This Country” Adam Levine, Hired to Boost ObamaCare Enrollment

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

Adam Levine I Hate This Country“I Hate This Country” Adam Levine –Image: Mstars News@Twitter

Adam Levine TweetPotty Mouth Adam Levine Tweet in Support of Obama
Image: Chris@Twitter

(Bloomberg) The Obama Administration is really scraping the bottom of the barrel now in their desperate attempt to save ObamaCare–Employing “I Hate This Country” (Sexiest Man Alive–Not) Adam Levine, to boost ACA enrollments.

Natl Institutes of Health Spend $224,250 to Change How Latino Children Order Food

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

Nanny State BlissNanny State Bliss –Image: Bastiat Institute@Facebook

(Washington Free Beacon)  The Natl Institutes of Health has awarded a $224,250 research grant to San Diego State University in November, to study how to introduce healthy menus (specifically targeting Latino children) in an effort to alter the “ordering behavior” of children in restaurants.

Flashback: Remember when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed about federal spending restraints, “The cupboard is bare there is no more cuts to make. I think its really important that people understand that.”


RINO Speaker Boehner Goes Off on Conservatives Over Republican Cave-In of 2 Year Budget Deal

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013


(Business Insider) RINO House Speaker John Boehner, snapped at Conservatives that have come out in opposition to the so called two year budget deal announced last evening, that sets discretionary federal spending above $1 Trillion for the period, while repealing sequestration which barely cut 2.4% of federal spending essentially blowing up any real Republican spending restraint as the CATO Institute points out, in return for more revenue increases–tax hikes and budget quackery.

Related: Sen Marco Rubio (R-FL) Opposition to House-Senate Budget Deal

Budget Deal Saves $23 Billion–After $65 Billion Spending Spree

Only 364,682 Americans Sign-Up for ObamaCare After Two Months

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

ObamaCare CancellationsOver 5.5 Million Health Ins Policies Canceled Thanks to ObamaCare
Image: JR Delage@Twitter

(Washington Examiner) Only 364,682 Americans have selected a health insurance plan through the ObamaCare exchanges during October & November (258,497 during November) the Dept of Health and Human Services announced today.

Though the pace of ObamaCare sign-ups accelerated last month, its still far short of the 800,000 enrollments the Obama Administration forecast by the end of November.

Related: ObamaCare May Force Volunteer Fire Dept’s to Close

ObamaCare Claims 258,497 Sign Up Unclear How Many Actually Enrolled