Archive for June, 2014

Thought of the Day…

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

Good PointGood Point –Image: The Tea Party

H/T: Lana Wong

Hillary Clinton Claims that the Islamic Jihadist ‘Taliban Five’ are No Threat to the United States

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

Hillary Clinton Taliban

(Washington Free Beacon) Listen to Hillary Clinton in her own words:

“These five guys are not a threat to the United States. They are a threat to the safety and security of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Its up to these two countries to make the decision once and for all that these are threats to them. So I think we may be kind of missing the big picture here, we want to get an American home, whether they fell off the ship because they were drunk or they were pushed, or they jumped, we try to rescue everybody.”

The Daily Mail reported that in 2011 the Obama Administration argued in federal court that Khairulla Khairkhwa (4th pictured above) had been actively involved in senior Taliban leadership that killed Americans and was too dangerous to consider releasing.

Related: 4 of 5 ‘Taliban 5’ Will Likely Fight Again –Daily Beast

H/T: Valsthewoman@Twitter

Despite a $419,680,325,000+ Deficit, California Democrats Plan to Go on a Spending Spree

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

California Debt ClockIn August 2012 California’s Debt Per-Person was $10,350 Today, California’s Debt Per-Person is $11,058 and Growing by the Minute

(Sac Bee) As Billions of dollars flow into State of California coffers, the money is burning a hole in the pockets of Democrat lawmakers, who just can’t wait to go on a new spending spree.

Uhm, I have a suggestion–Maybe it would be a good idea to pay down California’s $419,680,325,000+ rapidly expanding deficit, together with making-up for the $31 Billion shortfall discovered following a recent audit and set aside funds to finance ‘Covered California’ $78 Million deficit forecast for next year?

China Regime Warns Hong Kong Over Autonomy

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014

China Hong KongChina Wants to Silence Speech in Hong Kong as Thousands Commemorated 25th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre 04 June  Image BBC

(Reuters) China regime warned Hong Kong on Tuesday, that there are limits to its autonomy and it should adhere strictly to the rules established by totalitarian Marxist Beijing for the maintenance of ‘good’  public order.

On the 04 June, Chinese Human Rights activist Chen Guangcheng speaking exclusively to France 24 News said the China regime fears a new ‘Tiananmen’ style movement adding that, democracy is inevitable in China, warning that if the regime continues to use violence, it could provoke a violent and bloody revolution.

Related: China Targets Officials Who Sent Families Abroad –SF Gate

China Oppose Inclusion in UN Debate Human Rights & Rule of Law

China Regime Now Targeting Lawyers’ Lawyers –RFA

This Is Islam Which Obama and the Dinosaur Media Will Never Tell You

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

This Is IslamThis is Islam: What the Dinosaur Media Will Never Show You
Image: Lady Jillpoll@Twitter

This is Islam View of WomenThis is Islam’s View of Women –Image Courtesy: AcharyaS@Twitter

Related: Islamic Cleric Sacrifices 18 Mo Old Daughter in Ritual Killing

What Does the Quran Say About Women? –Free Thought Nation

UN Palestinian Rep Calls Israel Creation Catastrophe, Hamas/PLO Delight

RINO Eric Cantor Loses Virginia GOP Primary to Tea Party Conservative Dave Brat

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

Tea Party Dave BratTea Party Conservative Dave Brat Upsets RINO Eric Cantor –Image: CNN

Related: Truly Stunned–Eric Cantor Clobbered in Virginia –Twitchy

Loss for Teacher’s Unions in California, One Big Step for Public School Students, One Giant Leap for Education

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

Marcellus McRae, Theodore Boutrous,(Politico) Los Angeles Superior Ct Judge Rolf M Treu on Tuesday, found five California laws governing the hiring and firing of teachers unconstitutional–striking a huge blow to unions and may likely now fuel political movements across the nation to eliminate tenure.

In a blunt well reasoned 16 page opinion Judge Treu, found the statutes providing tenure permits too many grossly incompetent teachers to remain in the classroom, shortchanging their students.

Education reformers, plan to take this fight to other states and are considering similar litigation in Connecticut, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon and elsewhere, hoping that the strong language of Judge Treu’s decision will prompt Democrats elsewhere to reconsider their ties to teacher’s unions.

Today’s decision is definitely a victory for students and taxpayers alike.

Related: The Effects of Teachers Unions on American Education –CATO

H/T: Assemblyman Tim Donnelly (R-CA) @Facebook

Personal Responsibility is Dead, Obama Nationalizes Student Loan Debt by Executive Fiat

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

Student Loan DebtObama Nationalizes Student Loan Debt, What Could Possibly Go Wrong
With This? –Image: WSJ

(Daily Signal) Bypassing Congress ‘again’ President Obama this time took executive action expanding existing federal loan options available to college students–capping monthly loan payments at 10% of the borrowers discretionary income and forgiving their remaining balance after 20 years.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility, in choosing where to go to college and paying for student loan debts that one accumulates?

Related: Student Debt Blows Chill Wind at Housing Recovery –Forbes

(Video) Obama’s Endless War on Young People –YAF

VA Scandal: More Than 57,000 New Patients Waiting for First Appointment at VA Facilities

Monday, June 9th, 2014

VA ScienceThe Science of V.A. Medicine –Image: Anne Bayefsky@Twitter

(WaPo)  The Dept of Veteran Affairs said today that more than 57,000 new patients have waited more than 90 days for their first appointments and that about 13% of Schedulers indicated they were told to falsify appointment request dates to give the impression that wait times were shorter than they were.

On the 24 May, I wrote here that doctor delays (some as long as eight months) at VA hospitals in the Los Angeles area, forced American Heroes to seek patient care elsewhere.

VA ScandalWhat the VA Scandal Tells Us About ObamaCare –Pete602@Twitter

Related: VA Health Administration Offers Lesson in Socialized Medicine

Two Tennessee VA Facilities Among Longest Wait Times

Wait Times at Clarksburg West Virginia VA Averages 54 Days

Pittsburgh VA Sets Appointments for Vets on Once Secret Waiting List

Obama & Muslims Claim Islam is a Religion of Peace

Monday, June 9th, 2014

Bishops Kidnappings400+ Days Have Passed Since Two Orthodox Bishop’s Yohanna Ibrahim & Paul Yazigi Were Kidnapped by Islamic Jihadist –Image: Dylan

Flashback: Remember in 2009 when Obama went to Cairo and claimed: “I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world…one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead they overlap and share common principles–principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

Related: (Video) Syrian Islamic Militants Kidnap 12 Catholic Nuns

Nigeria Islamic Militants Attack Churches Kill 9 Christians

Can Islamism Evolve? –NRO