Archive for June, 2014

CBO Subsequent to ObamaCare Changes, Says it Can Not Forecast ACA Impact on Deficit

Saturday, June 7th, 2014

ObamaCare LieGotta Love It When ‘Team Obama’ Puts Their Lies in Writing
Image: PolitiBunny@Twitter

(The Fiscal Times)  One of the Obama Administration and Democrats major selling points of the new health care law was that “ObamaCare is projected to cut the national deficit by over $200 Billion during its first 10 years and over $1 Trillion over the next two decades…” however not according to the Congressional Budget Office.

In a little noticed footnote first reported this week by Roll Call updating estimates of the effects of insurance coverage provisions of the law, the agency headed by Douglas Elmendorf acknowledged, that neither the CBO nor the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) could determine precisely how scores of provisions–would impact on longterm government spending.

“CBO and JCT can no longer determine how the provisions of the ACA that are not related to the expansion of health insurance coverage have affected their projections of direct spending and revenues,” the CBO wrote. “The provisions that expanded coverage established entirely new programs or components of programs…Isolating the incremental effects of those provisions on previously existing programs and revenues four years after enactment of the ACA is not possible.”

As the Roll Call story noted, the CBO based its original estimates of long-term deficit reduction on the assumption that ObamaCare which included Medicare cuts and numerous new taxes would be implemented as written, that was before a blizzard of Obama Administration changes and delays in deadlines of the implementation of the health care law.

I Know What We’ll Be Doing…

Saturday, June 7th, 2014

Hello Kitty Con 2014

(LAist) ‘Little Miss Ying’ Wants to Go to “Hello Kitty Con 2014” at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles

For More Information: Hello Kitty Con 2014

H/T: Sophia Yan@Twitter

Thank You D-Day Veterans

Friday, June 6th, 2014

D-Day Greatest GenerationD-Day: 70 Years Later–Remembering Greatest Generation –FOX News

Ronald Reagan Normandy(The Blaze)  Reagan’s Riveting Words on D-Day’s 40th Anniversary Still Require Tissues –Image Courtesy: American President’s@Twitter

Disgraceful: HUD Official Tweets Bergdahl’s Entire Platoon were “Psychopaths” in Defense of Obama

Friday, June 6th, 2014

Brandon Friedman TweetOutrageous Tweet by Obama Administration Official

More here from Twitchy and here from FOX News

Related: Wikileaks Docs Backs Up U.S. Soldier’s Claims Bergdahl Traitor

Be Sure to Thank Liberal Dems in Sacramento as Southern California Rental Property Costs Expected to Continue to Rise

Friday, June 6th, 2014

For Rent in MalibuMalibu Rental –Image: AceRenting@Twitter

(LA Times) Rental home costs are going to continue to rise–nearly 78% of Southern California apartment building owners say they plan to hike rents in the next 12 months according to a new survey from real estate broker Marcus & Millichap about 22% plan to increase rents by at least 3%

On the 04 June, I wrote here that over half of Americans reportedly are already struggling to keep their homes and the problem is only going to get worse.

LA Rental PricesIn April, ‘Curbed LA’ Published a Chart Showing the Best & Worst Rental Prices Throughout Los Angeles Area

Say Good-Bye to Prop 13 ?

In May, The Sacramento Bee–Capitol Alert reported after decades of wrangling by Democrats (that just can’t seem to confiscate enough of taxpayers money to spend, I digress) during a hearing of the ‘Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee’ lawmakers agreed on changes to the 1978 law governing reassessments of commercial property when it changes hands, citing one of their old stand-by favorite liberal arguments ‘fairness’ of the tax system, as if voters were not smart enough when Prop 13 passed by a 2 to 1 margin.

Will confiscating more money from commercial/business property owners actually result in more “fairness” that Democrats like to claim or just raise the costs of doing business and make things (such as rental costs) more expensive?

The latter of course, as Forbes correctly points out–Corporations (such as rental property owners) don’t pay taxes they pass on their business costs and expenses to their customers or in this case, to their tenants in the form of higher rents.

Why is it that California voters continue to reelect liberals to Sacramento is anyones guess–Just as, how many licks does it take to get to the ‘Tootsie Roll’ center of a “Tootsie Roll Pop” the world may never know?

Related: Squeezing Out the Working Class Through Higher Rents

Lack of Housing Trouble–That Might Be Trouble –LA Register

What Democrat/Progressives & MSM Won’t Tell You About the Dubious ObamaCare Enrollment Data

Friday, June 6th, 2014

ObamaCare ScandalThe Liberal Left Claims the Percentage of Uninsured is the Lowest in History–That is if History Began in 2008 –Image: Soquel Creek@Twitter

Related: CBO: 4 Million Americans to Pay ObamaCare Tax –ATR

ObamaCare Premium Hikes, Supporters Abandon Lower Costs Claims

Obamanomics: 37.2% of Working Age Americans Not in Labor Force

Friday, June 6th, 2014

Labor Participation Rate

(CNS News) According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the labor participation rate remains at a 36 year high of 62.8% showing no improvement from last month.

On the 29th May, I wrote here that revised Gross Domestic Product (GDP) fell at an annual rate of 1% in the first three months of the year (previously the GDP was reported to have grown at an anemic rate of 0.1%)

According to Ben Casselman, Chief Economist of FiveThirtyEight this was just just the tenth time since WW II that GDP growth has been negative outside a recession–three of those negative quarters immediately preceded recessions.

Related: Lethargic Economy –Los Angeles Times

Over Half of May Jobs Created in Lowest Paying Sectors –Zero Hedge

Summer Bummer for Teens in Country’s Largest Metro Areas

Over Half of Americans Struggle With Home Affordability –Market Watch

22,000 Union Jack’s Laid on Beach in Normandy in Remembrance of D-Day Veterans

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

D-Day RemembranceAwesome Tribute to D-Day Fallen British Soldiers at Normandy
Image: Taylor James Scot@Twitter

California Voter Apathy: Tuesday’s Primary Election, Lowest Turnout in History

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

Jerry Brown RerunsJerry Reruns… –Image: CalWatchDog

(The Tribune/AP)  So Sad–Preliminary figures show that just 18.4% of California voters turned out to vote in Tuesday’s Primary, the lowest voter turnout in any regular statewide election in the state’s history.

Remembering President Ronald Ronald, 10 Years Since We Said Good-Bye

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

Nancy ReaganNancy Reagan Takes a Moment to Remember Her Best Friend and Husband 10 Yrs Since His Death –Image: Christine O’Donnell@Twitter