Archive for June, 2014

What a Wimp! Obama Struggles Exercising With a Pair of Light Weights

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

Obama StrugglesObama Struggles Exercising With a Pair of Light Weights
Images Courtesy: Mediaite

Obama WimpWhat a Wimp–Video of Obama Struggling to Exercise with Light Weights

Democrat Dolt N.Y. Senator Chuckie Schumer Credits Thomas Jefferson for Bill of Rights

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

Chuckie SchumerIn March, Sen Chuckie Schumer Failed 1st Grade Calendar Reading

(Washington Times) Sen Chuck Schumer stumbled over basic American history on Tuesday, crediting Thomas Jefferson for authorship of the ‘Bill of Rights’ during a debate over the 1st Amendment and campaign finance.

“I think if Thomas Jefferson were looking down, the author of the ‘Bill of Rights’ on whats being proposed here, he’d agree with it, he would agree that the First Amendment cannot be absolute,” said Schumer.

While Jefferson is deemed the principle author of the ‘Declaration of Independence’ he was not intimately involved in the writing of the ‘Constitution or the Bill of Rights’ and in-fact was serving as the Minister of France at the time of both the Constitutional Convention and the Congressional debate over the ‘Bill of Rights.’

Jefferson’s fellow Virginians’ James Madison and George Mason are usually credited are being more influential in the process–Mason for being among the most forceful in demanding the protections of such a ‘Bill of Rights’ and Madison, for being the political muscle that got them approved.

“Madison’s support of the ‘Bill of Rights’ was of critical significance,” the National Archives writes on its webpage: “One of the new representatives from Virginia to the First Federal Congress as established by the new Constitution, he worked tirelessly to persuade the Hose to enact the amendments.”

The National Archives goes on to recount Madison’s efforts to shepherd a package of 17 Amendments through the House in 1789 a number that was later trimmed to 12 in the Senate before being submitted to the States–Of those, 10 were ratified fairly quickly.

One would hope that a sitting U.S. Senator would familiarize himself with American History before attempting to change the Constitution for political purposes.

The new Constitutional Amendment that Schumer is pushing, would grant to federal lawmakers the power to control free speech or whatever they would deem is objectionable to them.

Related: Sen Chuckie Schumer Calls the NRA an Extreme Fringe Group

Obamanomics: Over Half of Americans Struggling to Keep Their Homes; Teenage Unemployment Higher Than Natl Average in California

Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

Obama's America“How’s That Hopey, Changey Stuff Working Out for You? ” –Sarah Palin

(Market Watch) More than half of Americans (52%) have had to make at least one major sacrifice in order to cover their rent or mortgage over the last 3 years.

In related Obamanomics news, the Employment Policies Institute released a recent analysis of Census Bureau data that shows that many of America’s top U.S. metropolitan areas–including Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco have youth unemployment rates that average far higher than the national average of 21.6%

Four of the Top Five Worst Metro Areas are In My Beloved California:

  • No 1.  Riverside–San Bernardino 52.4%
  • No 3. Los Angeles–Long Beach–Santa Ana 39.0%
  • No 4. San Diego–Carlsbad–San Marcos 37.5%
  • No 5. San Francisco–Oakland 35.2%

More here ‘Summer Bummer for Teens in Country’s Largest Metro Areas’

Can Obama Together with his Senior Staff and Advisors Tell the Truth About Anything?

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Jay CarneyFlashback: Remember in June, 2013 during a White House Press Briefing that Press Secy Jay Carney was asked specifically about negotiations with the Taliban regarding Bowe Bergdahl Image: —David L B@Twitter

Jay Carney: “With regard to the transfer of Taliban detainees from Guantanamo Bay we have made–the United States has not made the decision to do that…As we have said however, we would not make any decisions about transfer of any detainees without consulting Congress and without doing so in accordance with U.S. law.”

Then why didn’t the Obama Administration follow-up with the Congressional Leadership and alert them of the Bergdahl trade with the Five Taliban Islamic Jihad Terrorist Thugs?

California Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein says the White House didn’t notify Congress concerning the Bergdahl–Taliban prisoner swap.

Why is it that the Obama Administration lies and lies?

What is wrong with these people–President Obama, Natl Security Advisor Susan Rice, Jay Carney, etc that they choose to tell a lie to the American people instead of telling Americans the truth?

Obama’s Natl Security Advisor Susan Rice Claimed, Accused Army Deserter Bowe Bergdahl “Served with Honor & Distinction”

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Susan Rice

(Weekly Standard) Making the rounds on the Sunday talk shows, Obama’s Natl Security Advisor Susan Rice claimed that accused Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl  served with ‘Honor and Distinction’ when he allegedly walked away from his unit in Afghanistan.

Elsewhere in the interview Rice claimed “Sergeant Bergdahl wasn’t simply a hostage, he was an American prisoner of war captured on the battlefield…”

Bergdahl DesertionShould this NY Times article be accurate, how does it square with the Obama Administration’s talking points? –Image: Matt Lewis@Twitter

Flashback: Remember when Susan Rice was caught in a web of lies about Benghazi when she appeared on 5 Sunday morning talk shows.

How is Obama going to attempt to spin this latest scandal? 

Related: Bergdahl’s Team Leader: He Deserted to Seek Out Taliban –NRO

Family of Traitors? Bergdahl’s Dad Praises Allah and Son’s Work with Taliban, Obama Hugs Him

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Bergdahl's Father Disgusting TweetFather of Accused Army Deserter Bowe Bergdahl Despicable Tweet (that he attempted to remove) but Twitter is Forever

(Gateway Pundit) At the White House ceremony subsequent to the release of accused Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl who allegedly renounced his citizenship to join the Taliban, his father Robert appearing with his wife Jani and President Obama, recited the most frequent phrase in the Quran:

“Bismillah ir-Rahman” which translates, “In the name of Allah most gracious most compassionate.”

Bergdahl Declares Muslim VictoryAfter Robert Bergdahl Finished his Statement with Obama
the Two Embrace…  –Image:

Bergdahl Parents and ObamaObama & The Bergdahl’s Walk Off Arm-in-Arm
Image: Chili Palmer@Twiiter

Accused Army Deserter Allegedly Called his Unit After he Deserted and Said he Deserted

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Accused Army Deserter Bowe Bergdahl(JihadWatch) Accused Army Deserter Bowe Bergdahl Allegedly Called his Unit the Day After he Deserted and Said that he Deserted

High Cost of Bergdahl's DeserationHigh Cost of Bergdahl’s Alleged Desertion –Image: Jane@Twitter

Taliban Five Released by ObamaIslamic Jihad Terrorist Thugs Released by Obama to Free Accused
Army Deserter Bowe Bergdahl –Image: Leah Dudette@Twitter

Related: Gen Martin Dempsey: Army May Still Purse Desertion Charges

Military Community Reaction Mixed to Bergdahl’s Release –Navy Times

White House Petition Calls for Bergdahl’s Punishment –Army Times

Freedom & Liberty -v- Slavery & Oppression

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

LibertyLimited Federal Government –Image: Natl Liberty Federation@Facebook

Related: The Purpose and Limits of Government –Roger Pilon@CATO

H/T: Thomas Jefferson@Facebook

In Pictures: Obama Wants Israel to Follow his Example…

Monday, June 2nd, 2014

Obama PA AuthorityObama Negotiates With Palestinian Authority (PA) President Abbas
who called Islamic Jihad Terrorist Murderers “Heroes”

U.S. Embassy Brussels@Twitter

Taliban Dream TeamObama Submits to Taliban Demands, Allows Praise to “Allah”
for These Islamic Jihad Terrorist Thugs Release —Daily Caller

Taliban JihadistsTaliban Leader Praises “Allah” Seeks “Great Rewards”  for Jihadists
Released by Obama
Abdullateef Khaled@Twitter

Obama Muslim BrotherhoodIt Used to be U.S. Policy Not to Negotiate With Terrorists

Palestinians celebrating reconciliation, between Fatah and Hamas in Gaza StripPA Arabs Wave Flags of Fatah (Yellow) and Hamas (Green) as they Chant Slogans in Support of PA Unity Govt in Gaza –Image: Jewish Press

PA Teaching HateSwastika’s & Nazi Salutes in Educational Institutions Under PA
Image: Indians for Israel@Twitter

Abbas Latest Partners in PeaceMeet President Abbas’s Newest Partners in Peace
Image: Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu@Twitter

911 Toys for Sale by PA9/11 Toys for Sale in Palestinian Arab Controlled Territory
Image: Le Marquand@Twitter

Related: We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Army Deserter Bergdahl

Run by California Democrats, Audit of Books Finds Accounting Errors in Excess of $31 Billion

Sunday, June 1st, 2014

California Rainy Day FundGov Brown’s Rainy Day Fund –Cartoon: CalWatchdog

(Breitbart) California’s Democrat Majority in Sacramento have lots of issues, the latest according to CBS Sacramento an audit of state books revealed accounting irregularities in excess of $31 Billion

The Audit Revealed:

  • $7.7 Billion Understated federal trust fund revenues and expenditures;
  • $653 Million Overstated general fund assets and revenues;
  • $8 Billion Overstated California State University’s bond debt;
  • $9.1 Billion Reporting Errors that understated a public building construction fund;
  • Also there was a deferred tax revenue figure posted as $6.2 Billion that was actually $6.2 Million

When will Gov Brown and Democrats apologize for their malfeasance and accept responsibility for the mess they created ?

Crickets Chirping…