Archive for September, 2014

Liberal Democrats, Please Explain to Me Again How the “Tea Party” is Racist?

Saturday, September 13th, 2014

Tea Party ConservativesTea Party Conservatives

H/T: Lana Wong

Natl Security Advisor Susan Rice: It’s Not a War Because We Don’t Have Boots on the Ground…

Friday, September 12th, 2014

Natl Security Adv Susan RiceObama’s Natl Security Advisor Susan Rice Maintains $100,000’s  in Investments With Islamic Fascist Iran –Image: Expose Liberals

(FOX News) Following Secy of State John Kerry’s startling revelations this week that the United States is not at war with ISIS Jihadist Thugs, that have videotaped butchering two American journalists and posted the videos on social media for the world too see and subsequent to Obama’s declaration of war Wednesday evening against ISIS and request for $500 Million from the taxpayers to engage the enemy, National Security Advisor Susan Rice was asked by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer to clarify whether or not the United States is at war with ISIS or not?

“Is the United States at war right now with ISIS,” asked Blitzer during an interview with Rice adding that it “sounds like a war with me. Is it fair to call it a war?”

“Well Wolf, I don’t know whether you want to call it a war or sustained counter-terrorism campaign,” she said reminding him that Obama had vowed to put U.S. combat boot on the ground.

Rice explained that when Americans thought about war, it was clear that they would think about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“We’ll not have American combat forces on the ground fighting as we did in Iraq and Afghanistan, which is what I think the American people think of when they think of war, so I think this is very different from that.”

In other words, the Obama Administration has not clearly defined the mission in Iraq, how they intend to defeat or is it still “manage” ISIS, why some 1,600 American troops (military advisors) have been put into harms way in a war zone or what the strategy is for victory against radical Islamic Jihadists that have murdered Americans?

That makes me feel safer knowing that the Obama Administration is clueless how to prosecute a war and defeat the enemy before more Americans are killed.

Full Article here from Breitbart

Gov Jerry Brown’s Hypocrisy on Crony Capitalism is Showing Through Again

Friday, September 12th, 2014

Cronyism(LA Weekly) This is How One Defines Crony Capitalism
Soquel Creek

The White House Tweets Another ‘Obama Whopper’

Friday, September 12th, 2014

Obama Whopper

This “Obama Whopper” came out on the very day the president was set to deliver his big speech on ISIS to the nation (which turned out to be a dud) Secy of State John Kerry has since set the record straight the United States is not at war with ISIS.

What may be even more peculiarly interesting, this latest “Obama Whopper” was Tweeted on the same day when it was being reported “there was an avalanche of bad news for the Obama Administration according to a new FOX News poll on foreign policy.”

H/T: Soquel by the Creek@Twitter

Obama Cartoon of the Day

Friday, September 12th, 2014

Obama CartoonHow Some Americans May React to Obama’s Big Speech Dud on ISIS

H/T: Lana Wong

Secy of State John Kerry Says the United States Is Not at War With ISIS

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

Kerry US Not War ISIS(FOX News) Secy of State John Kerry Claims the Obama Administration Is Not at War With ISIS –Image: Feisty*Floridian@Twitter

So lets see if I understand this now: Obama wants Congress to authorize spending $500 Million to train Syrian rebels to defeat ISIS (which he claims are not really Muslim but which the “I” in their name stands for Islamic) which were now supposedly not at war with but which Obama declared last evening the United States will strike them wherever they exist through a comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism strategy with a ‘broad coalition of partners’ which now appears has no clearly defined mission.

Yesterday I wrote here that ISIS has declared war on the United States and the West and its their intentions to raise its flag over the U.S. Capitol–the Obama Administration doesn’t get to decide who declares war on the United States and when but it is Obama’s Constitutional duty, to protect Americans from all foreign enemies, no matter how unprepared he is.

Why don’t I feel any safer now that the Obama Administration appears incapable to identify enemies of the United States that have murdered Americans?

Thank God, Obama wasn’t president during WW II declaring that Nazi’s were not really fascists and announcing to the Third Reich what the strategy of the United States was in defeating managing them.

Shocking: College Students Unaware of 9/11 Anniversary

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

College Students Unaware of September 11(YAF Video) College Students Unaware of 9/11 Anniversary But are Able to Name Celebrities Involved in Nude Hacking Scandal

Now Obama Wants Wants to Spend $500 Million to Train Syrian Rebels to Defeat ISIS, What Could Possibly Go Wrong With That

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

Iraq Army Cut and Run

(FOX News) U.S. taxpayers spent Billions training Iraqi soldiers that cut and run away–now Obama wants Congress to authorize spending $500 Million to train and arm the so called moderate Syrian Rebels to defeat ISIS, what could possibly go wrong with that strategy?

There’s a word for that.

Remembering/Never Forgetting 9/11 — God Bless America

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

Remembering 911Remembering/Never Forgetting 9/11
LCDR Montel Williams U.S. Navy (Ret)

WTC VictimsRemembering 9/11 Victims — May God Have Mercy on Their Souls
Joel Courtney@Twitter

Obama Doesn’t Get to Decide When Islamic Jihadists Declared War on the United States

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

ISIS Jihadist Threatens to Raise Flag Over CapitalISIS Declares War on the United States and Wants to Raise Its Flag Over the U.S. Capitol –Image: Om_almothanna@Twitter

ISIS Jihadist Celebrates 911ISIS Jihadist Celebrates 9/11 –Image: Alqathami@Twitter