(Daily Caller) Obama Reminds Americans That His Policies Are on the Ballot–Every One of Them –Image: Dan Joseph@Twitter
Archive for October, 2014
Flashback: Remember When Obama Reminded Americans His Policies Are On the Ballot…
Wednesday, October 15th, 2014Posted in Barack Obama, Obama Administration | No Comments »
Obama Administration/Dept of Defense Claims ‘Climate Change’ is a Natl Security Threat
Wednesday, October 15th, 2014(The Hill) Pentagon: Climate Change a Natl Security Threat??? When Has ‘Climate Change’ Beheaded Americans?–Image: Judy Stines@Twitter
Posted in Barack Obama, Global Warming, Islam, Loony Liberal Lefties, National Security, Obama Administration, Terrorism | No Comments »
CDC Mixed Messages: Second Texas Nurse Should Not Have Traveled Monday — Those Exposed Risk “Very Low” Huh?
Wednesday, October 15th, 2014Obama Administration Handling of Ebola Crisis –Image: Feisty Floridian
(Reuters) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr Thomas Frieden said on Wednesday, he believes the risk to passengers who shared a Frontier Airlines flight on Monday with the Dallas health care worker infected with Ebola are “very low.”
Mixed Messages: CDC Director Dr Thomas Frieden also said today, that the second Texas Nurse identified as 29 yr old Amber Vinson infected with Ebola Reuters reports should not have traveled on an airplane Monday.
Are the Frontier Airlines passengers and crew, together with all of the people that had contact with Vinson in Ohio while she had Ebola symptoms and was admittedly running a temperature of 99.5 at risk of contracting the deadly virus or are they not?
If Vinson should not have traveled on an airplane on Monday, what comfort does this provide to all of those persons that had contact with Vinson in Summit County Ohio before she went to the Cleveland, Ohio airport?
More here Dallas Officials Warn More Ebola Cases Could Be Coming -WSJ
Posted in Barack Obama, Breaking News, Ebola Crisis, Obama Administration | No Comments »
Obama’s Watch: Now a Second Texas Health Care Worker Tests Positive For Ebola
Wednesday, October 15th, 2014Ebola & Team Obama ‘The Gift to America That Keeps on Giving’
Erick Erickson@Twitter
(NBC News) A second Texas health care worker who provided care to the 26 year old Liberian man Thomas Duncan who died last week, has now contracted the Ebola virus according to preliminary test results and was immediately isolated at Texas Presbyterian Hospital.
Flashback: Remember in September when Obama claimed, that the Ebola virus shouldn’t reach our shores.
Obama & Democrats Want You To Believe Republicans are Dangerous Opechanga@Twitter
Posted in Barack Obama, Breaking News, Ebola Crisis, Obama Administration | No Comments »
Ebola Coming Soon to a City Near You?
Tuesday, October 14th, 2014Ebola Arrives Into the U.S. –Image: Legal Insurrection/Law@Twitter
(Weekly Standard) Those looking for good news on the fight against the Ebola virus will not find much encouragement from Gen John F Kelly, USMC Commander of the U.S. Southern Command who said last week, that if the disease reaches Central America, “Its really ‘Katie bar the door’ and there will be a mass migration to the United States.”
On Friday, Fox News Latino reported that the deadly Ebola virus may have already reached Latin America–how much longer will it be before it spreads across our porous Southern border?
Flashback: Remember in September, when Obama claimed that the Ebola virus “shouldn’t reach our shores.”
According to NPR the Dallas Nurse currently being treated for Ebola at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital contracted the virus despite the safety gear that she wore, while caring for the 26 year old Liberian man that died last week from the deadly disease.
Related: WHO: Ebola Cases Set to Surge 10X in a Few Weeks -USA Today
Disease Modelers Project a Rapidly Rising Toll From Ebola –Science Mag
Posted in Barack Obama, Breaking News, Ebola Crisis | No Comments »
Obama’s Latest ISIS Strategy: Airstrikes Not Focused On Stopping ISIS
Monday, October 13th, 2014(Gateway Pundit) Wow! Obama Administration Says Airstrikes Not Focused on Stopping ISIS –Image: Color Me Red@Twitter
- Flashback: Remember in December, 2011 when Obama claimed, “We’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self reliant Iraq.”
Related: NBC News: Obama Warned Airstrikes Wouldn’t Degrade ISIS
ISIS Surrounds Baghdad in Preparation for Attack –NY Post
Letterman Mocks Obama’s ISIS Strategy ‘Operation Hillary’s Problem’
Posted in Barack Obama, Islam, National Security, Obama Administration, Terrorism | No Comments »
Obama Legacy: Plays Golf for the 200th Time
Monday, October 13th, 2014Ebola Spreading — ISIS is Winning and Obama Went Golfing for the 200th Time of his Presidency Sunday –Image: David Limbaugh
Posted in Barack Obama, Islam, Obama Administration | No Comments »
Rediscovering Columbus, Not ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Monday, October 13th, 2014Happy
Columbus Indigenous Peoples Day –Image: AJ Stream@Twitter
(CNS News) Pandering to his Loony Liberal Lefty political base, President Obama on Friday, proclaimed the 13 October as Columbus Day noting that a “new history” launched by Italian explorer Christopher Columbus’ discovery of the new world included the history of American Indians which Obama said, is “marred with a long and shameful chapters of violence, disease and deprivation.”
In 2008 Myrna Blyth in the National Review wrote about the true history of Columbus Day that the Loony Liberal Kool-Aid drinking political left would rather not Americans to remember about Columbus Day–once a day of pride, a time for school children to honor a great explorer.
For years, history books portrayed Columbus heroically, as a great visionary and adventurer. In 1892 the 400th anniversary of Columbus voyage was such a big deal that there were festivities in every state, planned years in advance but by 1992 it was practically ignored–in fact, the Natl Conference of Churches declared the anniversary was “not a time for celebration” but one for “reflection and repentance” in which whites must acknowledge a continuing history of “oppression, degradation and genocide.”
One thing most of us don’t know is that the ‘Pledge of Allegiance’ (something else that the Loony Liberal Left loves to hate too–I digress) was originally written for schoolchildren to recite as part of the 1892 Columbus Day celebration.
Twelve million children put their hands on their hearts and spoke 23 words and school children have been reciting it ever since with slight modification–those children pledged allegiance to “My Flag.” With so many immigrants coming into America in the 19th and 20th centuries, the wording was changed to make it crystal clear that everyone pledged allegiance to the same flag, “the flag of the United States of America.”
Nowadays, Columbus isn’t PC, his skills as a seaman are ignored and even his determination as an entrepreneur is forgotten…
Rest here by Myrna Blyth@National Review
Posted in American History, Barack Obama, Columbus Day | No Comments »
Ft. Hood Gunman/Murderer Nidal Hasan Advocates Islamic Jihad in Letter to Pope Francis
Saturday, October 11th, 2014(FOX News) Why Does the Obama Administration Still Call the Ft Hood Massacre Work Place Violence? –Image Courtesy: Megyn Kelly@Twitter
- Flashback: Remember during his military trial when Nidal Hasan “Admitted” Ft Hood Massacre was Islamic Terrorism
(White House.gov) BHO: “So Let There Be No Doubt, Islam is part of America…Islam has a Proud Tradition of Tolerance”
Image: Daniel Sobieski
Posted in Barack Obama, Islam, Loony Liberal Lefties, National Security, Obama Administration, Pope Francis, Terrorism | No Comments »
The Good Ol’Days in America When There Were Still Rifle Clubs in High School
Saturday, October 11th, 2014Posted in 2nd Amendment, Public Education | No Comments »