Archive for February, 2015

Obama’s Natl Security Advisor Susan Rice: While ISIS is Dangerous, Its Not of ‘Existential Nature’

Friday, February 6th, 2015

Islamic Fascism

(Real Clear Politics) Obama’s Natl Security Advisor Susan Rice, in a speech today at ‘Brookings Institute’ claimed, that while ISIS is dangerous, its not a threat of ‘existential nature’ like World War II or the Cold War.

“Too often, what’s missing here in Washington is perspective,” Rice said. “Yes there is a lot going on, still while the dangers we face may be more numerous and varied, they are not of existential nature of what we confronted during World War II or the Cold War. We can not afford to be buffeted by alarmism and a nearly instantaneous news cycle.”


Flashback: Remember When…

So Susan Rice and V.P. Joe Biden (October, 2014) claimed “American’s Face no Existential Threat” from Terrorism — I own some really nice Oceanfront property in the Mojave desert that I can let go cheap, if one is so gullible to believe the claims made by the Obama Administration with regards to Islamic Fascism?

California Already With the Nations Highest Gas Taxes, Democrat Proposes New Road User Fee

Thursday, February 5th, 2015

California Gas TaxesCalifornia Gas Taxes Already Highest in the Country Now Democrat
Assembly Speaker Wants to Gouge Consumers Even More
Image: CA Political Review

(LA Times) California Democrat Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins proposed on Wednesday a new user fee tax, to confiscate an additional $1.8 Billion annually from Consumers called a ‘Road User Charge’ tacked on to residents insurance bills or registration fees to allegedly pay for roadway maintenance.

Flashback: Remember in 2014 when an audit of California’s books revealed in excess of $31 Billion in accounting irregularities–Now Democrats want even more money. When is enough, enough? Can Democrats insatiable appetite to seize other peoples money be ever satisfied?

California already ranked by 500 of the top CEO’s in the country as the worst state to do business mainly because of the state’s high taxes and oppressive regulatory regime, Democrats in Sacramento are not going to make it any easier to attract new companies, business development and opportunity, by taking even more money from Consumers already overly burdened by the highest personal income taxes and gas taxes in the country.

Obama at Natl Prayer Breakfast: Now Calls ISIS/ISIL a ‘Death Cult’ — Trashes Christianity

Thursday, February 5th, 2015

Obama Natl Prayer BreakfastBHO at 2015 Natl Prayer Breakfast Just Can’t Bring himself to saying
ISIS Jihadists are Islamic Fascists Committing War Crimes
and Genocide
–Image: Nat Johnson@Twitter

(White “We see ISIL (ISIS) a brutal, vicious ‘death cult’ in the name of religion carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism…Throughout human history and lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, Slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

Related: The Truth About the Crusades –Christian Heritage Fellowship

Obama Throws Christ & Christians Under the Bus to Prop Up Islam

Bloodthirsty Crowds Cheer as Jordanian Pilot Burned Alive

ISIS Genocide: What If Obama Would Have Been President During WW II ?

Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

ISIS Genocide(NY Times/Reuters) UN Report: ISIS Selling, Crucifying and Burying
Children Alive in Iraq –Cartoon: Investors Business Daily

Liar, Liar… NBC News Brian Williams “Vividly Recalls” Phoney Helicopter Story

Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

NBC Brian Williams(Daily Caller Video) NBC Brian Williams Admits Story he Told to
David Letterman in 2013 About  Being Aboard Helicopter Hit by RPG Fire
Was a Lie –Image:
Hollywood Reporter@Twitter

  • What Else Has Williams Being Lying About Through the Years???

Gallup CEO: Obamanomics Disaster — ‘The Big Lie’ 5.6% Unemployment

Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

Real Unemployment Rate(Gallup) The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment –Image: Marine76@Twitter

“The Official unemployment rate, which cruelly overlooks the suffering of the long term and often permanently unemployed, as well as the depressingly unemployed amounts to a ‘Big Lie’ and its a lie that has consequences…”

  • Flashback: On the 05 December, I wrote here that the U.S. Labor Participation Rate held steady from the previous month at an historic 36 year low of 62.8% subsequent reporting by the U.S. Dept of Labor indicated the Labor Participation Rate fell to 62.7% ending 2014

Islamic Fascism: ISIS Jihadist Burn Jordanian Pilot Muath al-Kaseasbeh to Death

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

Jordanian Pilot Burned to Death(Washington Times) This is Islam: Jordanian Pilot Muath al-Kaseasbeh Burned to Death by ISIS Jihadists –Image: Damope@Twitter

Flashback: On the 01 February, I wrote here when ISIS invaded Iraq Mosul, they were on a mission to destroy a familiar enemy, other peoples ideas–books, which included: Children’s stories, Poetry, Philosophy, Volumes on Sports,Culture and Science.

  • A bearded Islamic Fascist Thug said: “These books promote infidelity and call for disobeying Allah, so they will be burned.”

“Where they have burned books, they will end in burning
human beings.” —Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)

Obama Delusions: “U.S. is Doing Exactly What Needs to Be Done to Defeat ISIL/ISIS”

Monday, February 2nd, 2015

Obama GITMO(FOX News Video) Obama Claims the ‘U.S. is Doing Exactly What Needs
to Be Done to Defeat ISIL/ISIS’


  • Flashback: Obama has known since 2012 according to a summary report from the Office of the Director of Natl Intelligence, that nearly 30% of former GITMO detainees have gone back to the fight to kill Americans.

Nazi Fascism Deja Vu: ISIS Jihadists Target Iraq Libraries and Burn Books

Sunday, February 1st, 2015

Islamic Book BurningPakistani Fascists Burn Books –Image Courtesy: Frank Words@Twitter

(Japan Times) When ISIS Jihadists invaded the Central Library of Mosul in January, they were on a mission to destroy a familiar enemy–other peoples ideas.

Residents say the Jihadist Thugs smashed the locks that had protected the biggest repository of learning in the northern Iraq town, loading around 2,000 books which included: Children’s stories, Poetry, Philosophy, volumes on Sports, Health, Culture and Science, into 6 pick-up trucks, leaving only Islamic texts.

A bearded Islamic Fascist said, “These books promote infidelity and call for disobeying Allah, so they will be burned.”

Since ISIS seized a third of Iraq and neighboring Syria, it has sought to ‘purge society’ of everything that doesn’t conform to Islam, it has already destroyed many archaeological relics, deeming them pagan–books now have been increasingly on the firing line.

On the 25 July, I wrote here and posted photographs of ISIS Fascists desecrating and then blowing up the Prophet Jonah’s tomb in Iraq.

Following the U.S. led invasion of Iraq in 2003 that toppled Saddam Hussein, residents near the ‘Central Library’ in Mosul, hid some of its centuries old manuscripts in their homes to prevent their theft or destruction by looters but this time, ISIS has made the penalty for such actions, death.

Presumed destroyed, are the ‘Central Library’ collection of Iraqi newspapers dating to the early 20th century, maps and books from the Ottoman Empire and book collections, contributed by around 100 of Mosul’s establishment families.

ISIS Destory Mosul Library BooksISIS Fascists Torched Mosul’s Library Books –Image: BasNews@Twitter

Day’s after the ‘Central Library’ ransacking, Islamic Fascists broke into the ‘University of Mosul’s Library’ making a bonfire out of hundreds of books on science and culture, destroying them in front of students.

A ‘University of Mosul’ professor who spoke on the condition of anonymity fearing for his welfare, said the Islamic Fascists started wrecking collections of other libraries recently, he reported particularly heavy damage to the archives of a Sunni Muslim library, the library of a 265 year old Latin Church and Monastery of the ‘Dominican Fathers’ and the Mosul Museum library with works dating back to 5000 BC

The professor said that ISIS appeared determined to change the face of this city…by erasing its iconic buildings and history.”

Nazi Book BurningNazi Fascists Book Burning DejaVu — “Where they have burned books,
they will end in burning human beings.” —Heinrich Heine (1797-1856)
Image Courtesy:
Bear Arsed@Twitter

Muslim Brotherhood Declares ‘Open Jihad in Egypt’ Following State Dept Meeting

Sunday, February 1st, 2015

Obama Plays JeopardyObama Playing Jeopardy  –Cartoon Image: Anne Bayefsky@Twitter

(WFB) The Muslim Brotherhood called for “a long, uncompromising Jihad” in Egypt just days after the Hamas supported Islamic delegation key leaders and allies met with key State Dept last week.

According to the Associated Press on the 29 January, the Islamic Fascist Muslim Brotherhood struck more than a dozen Army and police targets in the Sinai Peninsula with simultaneous attacks involving a car bomb and mortar rounds on Thursday killing 25 Army soldiers and a policeman.

An Army spokesman immediately blamed former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ of orchestrating the attack.

Hours before the attack, the Islamic State affiliate in Egypt, posted on its official Twitter account, pictures of masked militants dressed in black, they were carrying rocket propelled grenades in a show of force while flying the ISIS black flag.

One member of that U.S. Delegation Muslim Brotherhood aligned judge in Egypt Waleed Sharaby, hosted at the State Dept posed for a picture (now on his Facebook page) in which he held up the notorious Muslim Brotherhood 4 finger Rabia symbol (R4BIA) sign.–It should be noted, while reviewing Sharaby’s Facebook timeline he has numerous pictures of others making the same R4BIA sign.

Screen-Shot Waleed Sharaby“Now in the U.S. State Department Your steadfastness impresses everyone,” reads an Arabic caption posted along with Sharaby’s photo.

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