Archive for January, 2024

Today Christians Honor Blessed Mary Angela Truszkowska, Founder of Felician Sisters – Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, January 30th, 2024

Blessed Mary Angela TruszkowskaBlessed Mary Angela Truszkowska

(FranciscanMedia) Today we celebrate the life a woman who submitted to God’s will throughout her life.

Born Sophia Camille Truskowska prematurely on the 16 May, 1825 in Poland Kalisz, according to The Franciscan Family she was the eldest of 7 children. With care and love of her family, she grew up to be a lively, inquisitive child and observant of all people and events around her.

As a young girl, Sophia contracted tuberculosis, this forced a period of convalescence and gave her ample time for silent reflection and this is where she developed a spirit of contemplative prayer.

Sophia felt called to serve God by working with the poor, including street children and the elderly homeless in Poland Warsaw’s slums–In time, her cousin Clothilde Ciechanowska joined her in the work.

On 21 November, 1855 the two Women made private vows and consecrated themselves to the Blessed Virgin Mother. In this simple ceremony, the first Felician community came into existence–this date has remained the official founding date of the ‘Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Felix of Cantalice’ and became known as the Felician Sisters.

As their numbers grew, so did their work and so did the pressures on ‘Mother Angela’ –the name Sophia took in her religious life.

Mother Angela served as Superior for many years, until her health forced her to resign at the age of 44, she watched the Order of the ‘Felician Sisters’ grow and expand, including missions to the United States among the Sons & Daughters of Polish immigrants.

Pope John Paul II beatified her in 1993 at St. Peter’s Square and said that, “Blessed Mary Angela’s life was marked with love, she was concerned about all people, those hungry for bread, the heartbroken, the homeless and those hungering for the truth of the Gospel.”

Related: Felician Sisters Beginnings

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of Servant of God Brother Juniper – Please Pray For Us!

Monday, January 29th, 2024

Servant of God -- Brother JuniperServant of God Brother Juniper –Image Courtesy: uCatholic

(Franciscan Media) “Would to God, my Brothers, I had a whole forest of such Juniper’s,” said Saint Francis of this Holy Friar.

One doesn’t know much about Juniper before he joined the Friars in 1210 — Francis, sent him to establish ‘places’ for the Friars in Italy, Gualdo Tadino and Viterbo.

When St. Clare of Assisi (1194-1253) was dying, Juniper consoled her, he was devoted to the passion of Jesus and known for his simplicity.

Several stories about Juniper, in ‘The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi’ illustrate his exasperating generosity. Once, Juniper was taking care of a sick man who had a craving to eat pig’s feet. This helpful Friar went to a nearby field, captured a pig and cut off one foot, prepared it and served this meal to the sick man he was caring for. The owner of the pig was furious and immediately went to Juniper’s superior. When Juniper realized his mistake, he apologized profusely–he also ended up talking this angry man into donating the rest of the pig to the Friars.

Another time, Juniper had been ordered to quit giving part of his clothing to half-naked people he met along the road. Desiring to obey his Superior, Juniper once told a man in need, that he could not give the man his tunic but he would not prevent the man from taking it either. In time, the Friars learned not to leave anything lying around, for Juniper would probably give it away.

Servant of God Brother Juniper, passed away in 1258 of natural causes and was buried at Ara Coeli Church in Italy Rome.

Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, Founder Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame – Please Pray For Us!

Friday, January 12th, 2024

St MarguetiteSt. Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620-1700)
Image Courtesy: Catholic Online

(Vatican) Marguerite, born the 6th of 12 children in France Troyes, she lost her Mother when she was just 19 yrs old.

The following year in a course of a procession held on the 07 October in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, Marguerite had an unforgettable experience–her eyes resting on a statue of the Blessed Virgin, at that moment, she felt inspired to withdraw from the world and to consecrate herself to the service of God and with that unchanging fidelity to what she believed God’s will to be for her, an allegiance that characterized her life thenceforth, she set about to discern her vocation.

Marguerite registered at once as a Member of the ‘Congregation of Troyes’ an association of young ladies devoted to the charitable work of teaching children in the poor districts of the town. While still engaged in this, she learned about the foundation of ‘Ville Marie’ (present day Montreal) in 1642 and at that time, believed it was a first call to missionary life.

This calling was rendered concrete in 1652 when she was introduced to Monsieur de Maisonneve, founder and Governor of the French settlement who was in search of someone who would volunteer her services for the gratuitous instruction of the French-Indian children, according to Franciscan Media when Marguerite arrived, the colony numbered 200 with a hospital and Jesuit Mission Chapel.

Soon after starting the school, Marguerite realized her need for co-workers, returning to France Troyes, she recruited a friend–Catherine Crolo and two other young Women. In 1667 they added classes at their school. A second trip back to France three years later, resulted in 6 more young Women and a Letter form King Louis XIV, authorizing the school–the Congregation of Notre Dame was established in 1676

Marguerite established a school for Indian girls in Montreal–At the age of 69, she walked from Montreal to Quebec, in response to the Bishop’s request to establish a community of her Sister’s in that city.

At the time she passed away (12 January, 1700) Marguerite was referred to as the ‘Mother of the Colony’ acknowledged for her holiness.

The educative and apostolic effort of Marguerite Bourgeoys, continues through the commitment of the members of the community that she founded–More than 2,600 Sisters of the ‘Congregation de Notre Dame’ work in fields of action, according to the needs of time and place — from school, to college or university, in the promotion of the family, parish and diocesan endeavors, they’re on mission in Canada, the United States, Japan, Latin America, Cameroon and most recently, they have established a house in France.

On the 12 November, 1950 Pope Pius XII beatified Marguerite, she was Canonized by Pope John Paul II on the 31 October, 1982 giving the Canadian Church, its first Woman Saint.

Related: Marguerite Bourgeoys Museum, Montreal Canada

Today Christians Honor Blessed William Carter, Martyred for Christ Jesus, Please Pray For Us!

Thursday, January 11th, 2024

Bl William Carter

Bl. William Carter –Image: A Catholic Prayer@Twitter

(Franciscan Media) Born in London, William Carter entered the printing business at an early age. For many years he worked as an apprentice to well known Catholic printers–one of who served a prison sentence for persisting in Catholicism. William also served prison time for printing ‘lewd (i.e. Catholic) pamphlets’ as well as possessing books upholding Catholicism.

Even more, William offended public officials by publishing works that aimed to keep Catholics firm in their faiths. Officials that searched William’s house found various vestments and suspect books and were even able to extract information from William’s distraught wife–Over the next 18 months, William remained in prison, tortured and subsequently learning of his wife’s death.

William was eventually charged with printing and publishing the ‘Treatise of Schisme’ which allegedly incited violence by Catholic and which was said to have been written by a traitor who addressed to traitors.

While William calmly placed his trust in God, the jury met for only 15 minutes before finding him guilty–William made his final confession to a Priest who was being prosecuted along side of him, hanged, drawn and quartered the following day.

In 1987 he was beatified by Pope John Paul II

More here from Catholic Online

Blessed Epiphany of the Lord Jesus!

Sunday, January 7th, 2024

“Where is the Child who has been born King of the Jews? For we have observed His star at its rising and have come to pay Him homage.” When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy! On entering the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother and they knelt down, paid Him homage, then opening their treasure chests, they offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. –Matthew 2:2; 10-11
Image Courtesy: Brother Ramon Moreno

The Visit of the Wise Men

In the time of King Herod after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, Wise Men from the East came to Jerusalem asking, “Where is the Child who has been born King of the Jews? For we observed His star at its rising and have come to pay Him homage.” When King Herod heard this, he was frightened and all Jerusalem with him and calling together all his chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born? They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it has been written by the Prophet:

“You Bethlehem, in the land of Judah
are by no means least among the rulers of Judah,
far from you shall come a ruler
who is to Shepherd my people Israel.”
(See: Micah 5:2)

Then King Herod secretly called the Wise Men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared, then he sent them to Bethlehem saying, “Go and search diligently for the Child and when you have found Him, bring me word so that I may also go and pay Him homage.” When they had heard the king, they set out and there, ahead of them went the star that they had seen at its rising until it stopped over the place where the Child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy! On entering the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother and they knelt down and paid Him homage, then opening their treasure chests. they offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. (See: Isaiah 60:6) Having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road. –Matthew 2:1-12

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings, Visit: -USCCB

The Messiah Would be the Star Coming Out of Jacob -Jews For Jesus

The Messiah Would be the Descendant of Abraham, Whom All Nation Would be Blessed -Jews For Jesus

An Inspiration Of Time With God For Today – Christmas Weekday!

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024

The Word of God became flesh and lived among us.
To all who received Him, who believed in His name,
He gave power to become children of God.
John 1:14(a);12  Image Courtesy: EWTN

Lamb of God

John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him and declared, “Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! This is He of whom I said, ‘After me comes a Man who ranks ahead of me because He was before me.’ I myself did not know Him but I came baptizing with water for this reason, that He might be revealed to Israel and John testified, “I saw the Spirit descending from Heaven like a dove and it remained on Him. I myself did not know Him but the One who sent me to baptize with water said to me, “He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain is the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ I myself have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God!” –John 1:29-34

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings for Christmas Weekday, Visit: -USCCB