Archive for June, 2024

Today Christians Honor The First Holy Martyrs for Jesus Christ of the Church of Rome – Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, June 30th, 2024

First Martyrs

First Martyrs of the Church of Rome Image: The Unpaved Path

(CNA) The early Christian protomartyrs of Rome were the first to be persecuted and executed en masse by the Emperor Nero in the year 64 and 65 before the martyrdom of St’s Peter and Paul (Feast Day: 29 June)

Nero was widely believed to have caused the fire that burned down much of Rome in 64 AD (rumor had it according to Franciscan Media that he wanted to enlarge his palace) which he blamed on the Christians and put them to death–many by crucifixion, others being fed to wild animals in the circus or being tied to posts and burned to death.

These first Christian Martyrs were called the ‘Disciples of the Apostles’ and their steadfastness in the face of their gruesome deaths were a powerful testimony that led to many conversions in the early Church.

Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of the First Holy Martyrs, Visit: USCCB

Today Christians Commemorate St. Peter & St. Paul, Martyrs for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, June 29th, 2024

Saints Peter and PaulFeasts of Saint’s Peter & Paul –Image Courtesy: Vatican

(Franciscan Media) Saint Peter (Martyred/Crucified Head Down in 64 at Italy Rome)Saint Mark (Feast Day: 25 April) ends the first half of his Gospel with a triumphant climax–he’s recorded doubt, opposition and misunderstanding (Peter’s Declaration About Jesus: Mark 8:27-29 of many who that Jesus was. Now St. Peter, makes his great confession of faith: “You are the Christ.” —Mark 8:29

This was one of the many glorious moments in St. Peter’s life, beginning with the day that he was called from his fishing nets along the Sea of Galilee to become a ‘Fisher of Men’ for Jesus. —Matthew 4:18-20

The New Testament clearly shows St. Peter as the leader of the apostles chosen by Jesus to have a special relationship with him. — With St. James (Feast Day: 25 July) and St. John (Feast Day: 27 December) he (St. Peter) was privileged to witness the transfiguration, the raising of the daughter of Jarius to life and the agony of Gethsemane — His Mother-in-Law was cured by Jesus, he was sent with St. John, to prepare the last Pesach Seder (Passover meal) before Jesus’ death and his name is first on every list of apostles.

To Peter only did Jesus say:

“Blessed are you Simon Bar-Jona — For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my Father who is in Heaven and I tell you, you are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.” —Matthew 16:17-19

The Gospels prove their own trustworthiness by the unflattering details they include about St. Peter, he clearly was no public-relations person, it is great comfort for us to know that St. Peter also has his human weaknesses, even in the presence of Jesus.

St. Peter generously gave up all things, yet he can ask in childlike self-regard–what are we going to get for all this: “Lo, we have left everything and followed you, what then shall we have?” —Matthew 19:27

With this, St. Peter received the full force of Jesus’ anger when he objects to the idea of the Suffering Messiah must go to Jerusalem –Foretelling of His Death: ‘Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me Satan. You are a hindrance to me; For you are not on the side of God but of men.” —Matthew 16:23

St. Peter was willing to accept Jesus’ doctrine of forgiveness but suggested a limit of seven times:

  • Peter walked on the water of faith but sinks in doubt;
  • Peter refuses to let Jesus wash his feet;
  • Then wants his whole body cleansed;
  • Peter vowed at ‘The Last Supper’ that he would never deny Jesus;
  • Peter then swears to a Servant Maid that he’s never known Jesus;
  • Peter loyally resists the first attempt to arrest Jesus by cutting off  Malchus’ ear;
  • Peter in the end, runs away with the others.

In the depth of sorrow, Jesus looks on him and forgave him and he goes out and sheds bitter tears. — The Risen Jesus Christ, told Peter to feed His lambs and His sheep. —John 21:15-17

Saint Paul (Martyred/Beheaded in 65 at Italy Rome) — If the most well known Minister today suddenly began preaching that the United States should adopt Marxism and not rely on the Constitution, the angry reaction would help us to understand St. Paul’s life when he began ministering that Jesus alone can save us.

Paul had been the most Pharisaic (self-righteous; obsessiveness) of Pharisees, the most legalistic of Torah Lawyers and now he suddenly appears to other Jews as a heretical welcome of Gentiles, a traitor and apostate. — Paul’s central conviction was simple and absolute:

Only God can save humanity. No human effort, even the most strict observance of the Torah, can create a human good which he can bring to God as reparation of sin and payment for grace. To be saved from sin, from Satan, the fires of Hell,  from eternal separation of God and death, humanity must open itself completely to the saving power of Jesus.

Paul never lost his love for his family, though he carried a lifelong debate with them about the usefulness of the Torah without Jesus Christ. St. Paul, reminded the Gentiles that they were grafted on the parent stock of their Jewish brethren, who remained God’s ‘chosen people’ the children and ancestors of the promise.

More here and here on St. Peter and St. Paul -EWTN

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings for the Solemnity of Sts Peter & Paul, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Commemorate St. Irenaeus of Lyons, Bishop & Martyr For Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Friday, June 28th, 2024

St IrenaeusSt. Irenaeus “The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive” –Image: Patheos

(CNA) Born in Smyrna (Asia Minor — Modern Day Turkey Izmir) Irenaeus was a Bishop and Writer in what is present day France, he is best remembered for defending Christian orthodoxy, especially the reality of Jesus Christ’s human Incarnation against the set of heresies known as Gnosticism an ancient cult that believed in salvation by knowledge; Gnostics were people that believed that the faith taught in the Church was merely symbolism for the simple-minded that were unable to grasp difficult concepts.

Pope Benedict XVI spoke admiringly of Saint Irenaeus in March, 2007, recalling how this early Church Father, “refuted the Gnostic dualism and pessimism which debased corporeal realities. He (St. Irenaeus) decisively  claimed the original holiness of matter, of the body, of the flesh no less than of the spirit but his works went far beyond the confutation of heresy: in fact one can say that he emerges as the first great Theologian who created systematic theology; he himself speaks of the system of theology, that is, of the internal coherence of all faith. At the heart of his doctrine is the question of the ‘Rule of Faith’ and its transmission. For Irenaeus the ‘Rule of Faith’ coincided in the practice with the ‘Apostles Creed’ which gives us the key for interpreting the Gospel, for interpreting the Creed in light of the Gospel. The Creed, which is a sort of Gospel synthesis , helps us understand what it means and how we should read the Gospel itself.”

While some of Saint Irenaeus most important writings have survived, the details of his life are not well preserved.

We do know that Saint Irenaeus  became a Priest in served in the Church of Lyons during a difficult time in the late 170s During this time of state persecution and doctrinal controversy, Fr. Irenaeus was sent to Rome to provide Pope Saint Eleutherius with a letter about the heretical movement known as ‘Montanism’ — After returning to Lyons, Fr. Irenaeus, became the city’s second Bishop, following the Martyrdom of Saint Pothinus (Feast Day: 02 June)

Bishop Irenaeus refuted the ‘Gnostic’ errors in his concise book “Against Heresies’ which is still studied to this day for its historical value and theological insights.

Saint Irenaeus earthly life ended around 220, some have speculated that he was Martyred however as with his birth and youth, the details of his death are not definitively known.

More here from Franciscan Media

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Irenaeus, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop & Doctor of the Church – Please Pray For Us!

Thursday, June 27th, 2024

St Cyril of Alexandria

St. Cyril of Alexandria (376-444)
Image: Company of Voices

(CNA) Born in Egypt Alexandria, there doesn’t seem to be much known of his youth except that he was likely the nephew of Pope Theophilis of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark and should he be the Cyril addressed by Isidore of Pelusium, Cyril was for a time a Monk before becoming a Bishop.

From Cyril’s writing one knows that he received a solid literary and theological education and together with his Uncle Pope Theophilus, played a role in an early 5th century dispute between the Egyptian and Greek Churches.

When Pope Theophilus papacy ended in 412, Cyril was evidently chosen to succeed him as the head of the Egyptian Church — Bishop Cyril of Alexandria continued the policy of his Uncle (Pope Theophilus) on insisting on Alexandria’s preeminence within the Church over Constantinople, despite the political prominence of the imperial capitol. — The two Eastern Churches eventually reestablished communion in approximately 418

Ten years later however, a theological dispute resulted in a new break between Alexandria and Constantinople, Cyril’s reputation as a Theologian and later a ‘Doctor of the Church’ arose from his defense of Catholic orthodoxy during this time.

In 428 a Monk named Nestorius became the new Patriarch of Constantinople, it became clear that Nestorius was not willing to use the term ‘Mother of God’ to describe the Blessed Virgin Mary but instead instead insisted on using the phrase ‘Mother of Christ’ — During the 4th century, the Greek Church had already held two Ecumenical Councils to confirm Jesus Christ’s eternal preexistence as God prior to His Incarnation as man. From this perennial belief, it followed logically that the Blessed Virgin Mary was the Mother of God. Veneration of Mary as the ‘Blessed Virgin Mother of God’ confirmed the doctrine of the Incarnation and Jesus Christ’s status as equal to God the Father.

Nestorius insisted that he to held these these doctrines but Cyril and many others argued that Nestorius refusal to acknowledge Mary the ‘Blessed Virgin Mother of God’ appeared to reveal a heretical view and which would split him into two united but distinct persons: One fully human and born of the Blessed Virgin Mary; The other fully divine and not subject to birth and death.

Cyril responded to this heretical tendency first through a series of letters to Nestorius (which are still in existence today) then through an appeal to Pope Celestine I (422-432) and finally through summoning of a Ecumenical Council in 431 — Cyril presided over this Council stating that, “he was filling the place of the most Holy and Blessed Archbishop (Pope Celestine I) of the Roman Catholic Church.” Pope Celestine I had authorized it.

The Ecumenical Council was tumultuous, ‘John of Antioch’ a friend of Nestorius came to the city and convened a rival council which sought to condemn and depose Bishop Cyril — Tensions between the advocates of Cyril and Nestorius erupted into physical violence at times and both parties sought to convince the Emperor in Constantinople to back their position.

During the authorized Ecumenical Council which ran from 22 June to 31 July, 431 Bishop Cyril brilliantly defended the Orthodox belief in Jesus Christ as a single, Eternally Divine Person who had also became Incarnate as a man. The Council condemned Nestorius who was deposed as Patriarch and subsequently suffered exile. Bishop Cyril however reconciled with John and many of the other Theologians of Antioch that once had supported Nestorius.

Bishop Cyril after 32 years in his position,  passed away in 444 in Egypt Alexandria — Long celebrated as a Saint particularly in the Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches he was declared ‘Doctor of the Church’ in 1883 by Pope Leo XIII

More here from Pope Benedict XVI and here Franciscan Media

Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings on the Memorial of St. Cyril of Alexandria, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Honor Blessed Raymond Lull, Missionary To Muslims, Please Pray For Us!

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

Blessed Raymond LullBecause of Catholics Like Raymond Lull (1235-1315) –

(Franciscan Media) Born in Spain Palma Majorca, Raymond earned a position in the King’s Court there–One day a Homily inspired him to dedicate his life to working for the conversions of Muslims in North Africa to Christianity.

Raymond became a ‘Secular Franciscan’ founded a college in Majorca in 1276 where Missionaries could learn Arabic and its culture, he traveled extensively through Tunis to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims–Raymond wrote more than 300 works in Latin, Arabic and Catalan on Theology, Logic and Philosophy, he was also fond of writing both fiction and poetry.

As the years passed, Brother Raymond retired in solitude spending 9 years in a Hermitage and during this time, he continued his writings in which he earned the title: Enlightened Doctor.

At the age of 79, Raymond went to North Africa continuing his ministry as a Missionary to the Muslims, there an angry crowd of Islamists stoned him (but did not kill him) in Algeria Bougie — Genoese Merchants took Raymond back to Spain Mallorca where he subsequently died.

Raymond Lull was Beatified in 1750 by Pope Benedict XIV

More here by Samuel M. Zwemer, FRGS

Today Christians Honor Blessed Jutta of Thuringia, Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, June 25th, 2024

Blessed Jutta...

Blessed Jutta of Thuringia
Image: SQPN

(Franciscan Media) Born in Thuringia Sangrhausen (modern day Germany) Jutta was born into nobility living in luxury and power.

Truth, virtue and devotion to their Christian faith was always of prime importance to Jutta and her husband. — On their way to make a pilgrimage together to the Holy places in Jerusalem, Jutta’s husband died while on their journey, the newly widowed Jutta, after taking care to make financial provisions for her children, resolved to live the remainder of her life completely devoted to serve Jesus Christ.

After selling all of her expensive clothes, jewelry and furniture, Jutta became a Secular Franciscan, taking on the simple garment of the Order. — For the rest of Jutta’s life, she was completely devoted to others, caring for the sick (particularly of Lepers) tending to the needs of the poor who she visited in their places of abode, together with helping the crippled and blind who she shared a home with.

Many of the people of Thuringia laughed at how this once distinguished Woman born into nobility now spent her time but Jutta saw the ‘Face of God’ in the poor and felt honored to render whatever assistance she could provide.

About in the year 1260 shortly before Jutta’s death, she built a small a small dwelling (hermitage) and prayed unceasingly for the conversion of the non-Christians in Germany. — Jutta has been Venerated for centuries as the Patron of Prussia today known as Germany.

Today Christians Celebrate The Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Monday, June 24th, 2024

Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist
(Franciscan Media) Jesus called John the greatest of all those who had preceded Him:

“I tell you, among those born of Women none is greater than John; Yet he who is least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he.” —Luke  7:28

St. John spent his time in the desert, a man of self-discipline, he began to announce the coming of the Kingdom and to call everyone to a fundamental reformation of life.

His purpose was to prepare the way for Jesus Christ — His baptism he said, was for repentance but one would come who would Baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. John is not worthy to even carry his sandals, his attitude towards Jesus was:

“He must increase but I must decrease.” —John 3:30

St. John the Baptist was humbled to find among the crowd of transgressors who came to be baptized the one whom he already knew to be the Messiah. “…I need to be baptized by you and do you come to me?” –Matthew 3:14 – ‘Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he consented.’ – Matthew 3:15 Jesus, true and humble human as well as Eternal God, was eager to do what was required of any good Jew. John therefore publicly entered the community of those awaiting the Messiah but making himself part of that community, he made it truly Messianic.

The greatness of St. John, his pivotal place in the history of Salvation is seen in the great emphasis that Luke gives to the announcement of his birth and the event itself–both made prominently parallel to the same occurrences in the life of Jesus. — St. John attracted countless people (‘all Judea’) to the banks of the Jordan river and it occurred to some people that he might be the Messiah but he constantly deferred to Jesus, even to sending away some of his followers to become the first Disciples of Jesus.

Perhaps St. John’s idea of the coming of the Kingdom of God was not being perfectly fulfilled in the public ministry of Jesus. For whatever reason, he sent his disciples (when he was in prison) to ask Jesus if He was the Messiah? Jesus’ answer showed that the Messiah was to be a figure like that of the ‘Suffering Servant’ in Isaiah 49-53 — St. John himself would share in the pattern of Messianic suffering, losing his life/being martyred to the revenge of Herod at Machaerus.

Related: Reflections For The Solemnity of the Birth of St. John the Baptist -Vatican

Today Christians Commemorate St. John Fisher, Martyr for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, June 23rd, 2024

St John Fisher

Saint John Fisher (1469-1535) Image: Pinterest

(EWTN) Born in England Yorkshire, John’s early life is practically unknown except for that his early education was likely received in the school annexed to the collegiate Church in his native community–In 1484 he went to Michaelhouse Cambridge to accept a BA degree and proceeded to receive a Masters in 1491 and in that same year, John was elected a Fellow of his college and named Vicar of Yorkshire Northallerton.

In 1494 John resigned his position to become Proctor of his university, three years subsequently he was appointed Master of Michaelhouse about the same time he became a Chaplain and Confessor to Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond & Derby, Mother of King Henry VII — In 1501 John earned a Doctorate of Divinity and was elected Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University. Under John Fisher’s guidance, the Lady Margaret founded ‘St John’s & Christ’s Colleges’ at Cambridge, Dr. John Fisher became the first occupant of the Cambridge Chair.

In 1504 Dr. John Fisher now 35 yrs of age according to Franciscan Media was named Bishop of Rochester and in the same year, was elected Chancellor of Cambridge University (to which post he was reelected annually for ten years) One of Bishop Fisher’s interests was to raising the standard of the ministry in England. Bishop Fisher was an accomplished minister and writer, his Homilies on the Penitential Psalms were even reprinted several times during his lifetime.

Bishop Fisher in 1504 also became the tutor to Prince Henry VIII who later would become King — When King Henry VII and Lady Margaret died, Bishop Fisher was appointed both times to preach at their funeral Masses.

With the coming of Lutheranism, Bishop Fisher was drawn into a controversy, his eight books on heresy gave him a leading position among European theologians.

In 1521 Bishop Fisher was asked to study the question of King Henry VIII who desired an annulment of his marriage, he incurred Henry VIII wrath by defending the validity of it which Pope Clement VII, as I wrote here declared subsequently was valid and indissoluble. — Bishop Fisher also rejected Henry VIII claim to be the supreme head on earth of the Church of England.

In an attempt to get rid of Bishop Fisher, Henry VIII first accused him of not reporting all of the ‘revelations’ of the Nun of Kent. — Now Cardinal Fisher (pursuant to an Order of Pope Paul III believed to induce Henry VIII to treat him less severely) was summoned now in feeble health to take the oath to the new ‘Act of Supremacy’ failure to do so would result execution.

Both Cardinal Fisher and Thomas More (Canonized a Saint by Pope Pius XI) refused because the ‘Act of Supremacy’ presumed the legality of Henry VIII divorce and his claim to be the supreme head on earth of the Church in England.

Cardinal Fisher together with Thomas More (along with his wife and children) were sent to the ‘Tower of London’ where Bishop remained for 14 months without trial.

When Cardinal Fisher and Thomas More were called for interrogation, they both remained silent. Cardinal Fisher was subsequently ‘tricked’ on the belief that he was speaking privately as a Priest–he once more declared that Henry VIII was not the supreme head of the Church of England.

King Henry VIII further angered that Pope Paul III made Fisher a Cardinal, had him brought to trial like Thomas More on Treason — Cardinal Fisher was found guilty, condemned to be hanged, drawn and quartered. The mode of his execution however was subsequently changed and like Thomas More, Cardinal Fisher was beheaded.

Cardinal John Fisher was Beatified in 1886 by Pope Leo XIII and Canonized in 1935 by Pope Pius XI

Today Christians Commemorate St. Thomas More, Martyr for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

St Thomas More

Saint Thomas More (1478-1535)
Image Courtesy: Thom Ryng

(Franciscan Media) Born in England London, Thomas was the son of  a Judge. As a child, Thomas was sent to St. Anthony’s School where he attended until the age of 13 when he became the  protege of Cardinal  John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor, here Thomas’ merry character and brilliant intellect attracted the notice of the Archbishop, who sent him to Oxford where he entered at the age of 14 in 1492

While at Oxford, Thomas made friends with William Grocyn and Thomas Linacre, the latter becoming Thomas’s first instructor in Greek, Without ever becoming an exact scholar, Thomas mastered Greek “by an instinct of genius” as witnessed by Pace (De fructu  qui ex doctrina percipitur, 1517) who adds, Thomas’ “eloquence is incomparable and twofold, he speaks with the same facility in Latin as in his own language.”

Besides the classics, Thomas studied French, History and Mathematics, he learned to play the flute and viol. After two years of residence at Oxford, Thomas was recalled to London and entered law school.

Despite Thomas More’s legal and political orientation according to Catholic News Agency he was uncertain in regard to the vocation that he should choose. Earlier in life, Thomas seriously considered joining the ‘Carthusian Monastic Order’ or the ‘Franciscans’ and followed a number of ascetic and spiritual practices throughout his life–such as fasting, abstinence and regular prayer.

In 1504 Thomas was elected to Parliament, he gave up his monastic ambitions–though not disciplined spiritual life, and became engaged, later marrying Jane Colt of Essex, they were very happily married for several years and were blessed by God with four children (Margaret, Elizabeth, Cecilia and a son John) however in 1511 Jane tragically died during childbirth. Following Jane’s death, Thomas later remarried a widow Alice Middleton, who was a very devoted wife and step-mother to Thomas’s children.

Two years earlier in 1509 King Henry VIII acceded to the throne. For years, the King showed a fondness for Thomas, working to further his career as a public servant. Thomas became part of King Henry VIII inner circle, eventually overseeing the English Court system as Lord Chancellor, More even wrote a book as ‘ghost writer’ in King Henry VIII name, defending Catholic doctrine against Martin Luther.

Thomas More’s eventual martyrdom would come as a consequence of King Henry VIII own tragic downfall. King Henry wanted an annulment to Catherine of Aragon, a marriage that Pope Clement VII declared to be valid and indissoluble. In 1532 Thomas resigned as Lord Chancellor refusing to support King Henry VIII efforts to defy Pope Clement and take control of the Church.

In 1534 King Henry VIII declared that every subject of the British Crown would be obligated to swear an oath affirming the validity of his new marriage to Anne Boleyn, refusing to do this would be regarded as Treason to the State.

In April of that same year, a Royal commission summoned Thomas More to force him to take the oath affirming the King’s marriage was valid, when Thomas could not accept the defiance of Pope Clement’s authority on the King’s new marriage, he was taken together with his wife Alice and their children and imprisoned in the Tower of London.

For a year and 3 months Thomas More’s wife and friends attempted to convince him to take the King’s oath and save his life–he refused. Subsequently an Act of Parliament went into effect that declared: King Henry VIII to be ‘the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England.’ Now, members of the Clergy in England were told that if they refused to execute King Henry VIII oath, they would be executed.

In June, Thomas was formally indicted for treason (as was earlier threatened) together with opposing King Henry VIII ‘Act of Supremacy’ in private conversations which Thomas More denied, after his trial he was sentenced to death.

Following Thomas More sentence, he wold argue that ‘King Henry VIII ‘Act of  Supremacy’ was contrary to the Laws of God and His Holy Church–Thomas argued that “no temporal prince” could take away the prerogatives that only belong ed to Saint Peter and his successors according to the words of Jesus Christ.

When Thomas More was told that most of the English Bishops had accepted the King’s Order, More replied that the Saints in heaven did not accept it.

In July, 1535 Thomas More was taken before the Executioner to be beheaded. More in his final words said: “I die the King’s good servant but God’s first.”

After his execution, Thomas’s head was displayed on London Bridge but later returned to his daughter Margaret who preserved it as a Holy relic of her father.

Thomas More was Beatified in 1886 by Pope Leo XIII and Canonized in 1935 by Pope Pius XI

In 2000, Pope Saint John Paul II declared Saint Thomas More, ‘Patron of Political Leaders’ for as supreme diplomat and counselor, Saint Thomas More did not compromise his own moral values in order to please the king, knowing that true allegiance to authority is not blind acceptance of everything that authority wants.

Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Thomas More, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Patron Saint of Christian Youth & Jesuits – Please Pray For Us!

Friday, June 21st, 2024

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (1568-1591)
Image: Ruby Lane

(EWTN) Born in Italy Lombardy at the Castle of Castiglione delle Stivieri, Aloysius was the son of Ferdinand Gonzaga, a Prince in the Roman Empire, he was trained from the age of 4 as a Soldier and Courtier (advisor to the throne) according to SQPN and served as a Page in the Spanish Court.

At the age of 8 Aloysius was placed in the Court of Francesco de’Medici in Florence where he remained for two years, going then to Mantua–At the age of 12, Aloysius was put under the spiritual guidance of  St. Charles Borromeo (Feast Day: 04 November) and from him, Aloysius received his First Communion.

In 1581 at the age of 13, Aloysius went with his father to Spain, where he and his brother were made Pages to James the son of Philip II while there, Aloysius made a commitment to himself to become a Jesuit, though he had first considered joining the ‘Discalced Carmelites’ — In 1584 Aloysius returned to Italy subsequent to the death of the Infanta and after much difficulty in securing his father’s consent, renouncing his heritage in favor of his brother–a proceeding which required the approval of the Emperor. Aloysius presented himself to Fr. Claudius Acquaviva who was then General of the Society.

Before the end of Aloysius novitiate, he passed a brilliant public act in Philosophy, having made his philosophical and also mathematical studies before his entrance. Aloysius had in-fact distinguished himself when in Spain by a public examination not only in Philosophy but also Theology at the University of Alcal & Aacuate.

Aloysius made his vows in 1587 immediately after he began his Theological studies–among his Professors were Fr. Vasquez and Fr. Azor. Three years later, while Aloysius was in his 4th yr of Theological studies a famine and pestilence broke out, even though Aloysius was not in the best of health, he devoted himself in caring for the sick–subsequently falling ill himself, he died at the age of just 23 on this date in 1591

In 1621 Aloysius was Beatified by Pope Gregory XV and was Canonized in 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII

More here from Catholic News Agency and here from Franciscan Media

Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Visit:  -USCCB