Archive for June, 2024

Today Christians Commemorate St. Justin, Martyr for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, June 1st, 2024

Saint Justin MartyrSaint Justin (100-165) Martyr for Jesus Christ
Image Courtesy: Streams of the River

(Franciscan Media) Born in the year 100 in the City of Nablus (30 miles north of Jerusalem) Justin was a Pagan philosopher according to SQPN who converted to Christianity at the age of 30 by reading the scriptures, together by witnessing the heroism and faith of martyrs for Jesus Christ.

As a young man, Justin was principally attracted to the School of Plato, spending his youth reading the Poets, Orators and Historians, however he would find that Christianity answered the great questions about the mystery of life and existence better than all the great Philosophers.

Upon Justin’s conversion to Christianity, he continued to wear the Philosophers mantle and became the first Christian Philosopher, combining the values of Christianity with the best elements of Greek philosophy. — In Justin’s view, philosophy was a pedagogue (teacher) of Jesus Christ, an educator that was to lead one to Christianity.

Justin became known as one of the first great Christian apologists (one who defended Christianity against the attacks and misunderstandings of the Pagans and other unbelievers) and opened a school of public debate in Italy Rome.

For Justin’s strong adherence to Christianity, extolling the power of divine grace in the virtue of Christians, teaching of the miraculous works of the Holy Spirit of curing the sick and casting out Demons in the name of Jesus Christ, excluding from salvation willful heretics and infidels, he was scourged and beheaded along with 6 companions who joined him in Justin’s confession of faith in Jesus Christ in Rome in 165

More here from EWTN

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings on the Memorial of St. Justin -USCCB