(Saint Mary’s Press) Stephen of Mar Saba was introduced to the monastic lifestyle at the age of 10 by his uncle Saint John Damascene whom Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI called a person of prime importance in the history of Byzantine Theology, a great Doctor in the history of the Universal Church.
When Stephen turned 24, he began to serve the monastery by doing a number of jobs according to Franciscan Media including a guest master. After some time, Stephen asked permission to lead a life in religious seclusion–the answer from the Abbott was yes and no.
Stephen could follow his preferred lifestyle during the week but on weekends he was to offer his skills as a Counselor. Stephen put a sign on the door of his room: “Forgive me Fathers, in the name of the Lord but please do not disturb me except on Saturday’s and Sunday’s.”
Even though Stephen would have preferred to live in solitary prayer everyday, he kindly met those seeking his counsel and was a trusted spiritual advisor.
Saint Stephen of Mar Saba’s biographer and disciple wrote: “Whatever help, spiritual or material, he was asked to give, he gave. He (Stephen) received and honored all with the same kindness. He possessed nothing and lacked nothing. In total poverty, he possessed all things.”
Related: Saint Stephen of Mar Saba Monastery –Holy Land Sites