ISIS Recruits at Vatican City; Destroys 1,500 Yr Old Catholic Monastery & St. Elian’s Tomb in Syria, Where’s the Moral Outrage?

ISIS at VaticanISIS Recruiter Proselytes for New Islamic Converts at St. Peter’s Square Image: The Eponymous Flower

ISIS SyriaISIS Destroys 1,500 Yr Old Catholic Monastery in Syria Qaryatain — Discards Remains of Saint Elian Martyred for Christ in 284
Images: Pope

Flashback: On the 25, July, 2014 I posted photos here of ISIS destruction of the Prophet Jonah’s Tomb in Iraq which received a little more than a whimper from Christians outraged over Obama’s disengagement foreign policy.

  • Remember in 2009 when Obama said: “So let there be no doubt that Islam is part of America–Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”
  • Remember in December when Hillary Clinton said that we must “empathize” with America’s enemies, of our Christian heritage, civilization and way of life.

On the 03 June, I wrote here that ISIS threatened to destroy Saint Matthew’s Monastery founded 363 in (present day Iraq) filled with Christians. 

Where’s the moral outrage of Americans, demands on Obama and Congress to defeat these 21st century Islamic fascists?

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