A months worth of oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico in 1 month could fill enough one gallon (3.79 Liter) milk jugs to stretch more than 11,300 miles, which is further away than traveling from New York to Buenos Aires round trip, which is just shy of 130 million gallons of crude oil.
Obama, our Environmental President executed a memoranda yesterday, outlining his steps boost mileage in vehicles after the 2016 model year to 35.5 MPG
These new mileage standards are coming from a guy that has been unable to get a handle on the “Deepwater Horizon” oil spill and doesn’t hesitate for a moment to board Air Force One, jetting off to and fro.
I’ve been wondering since Obama is so concerned about one’s carbon footprint they leave behind, how much is “The Environmental President” Obama?
Definitely much, much, much more than mine.
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