Democrat-Socialists failure to extend the Bush Tax Cuts not only will hurt small businesses on Main Street but will be devastating to Seniors. Obama’s Tax Hikes that will go into effect on January 01, will hurt all Americans that have worked, paid their taxes and have invested a portion of their taxable incomes.
Senior Citizens that have saved and invested for their ‘Golden Years’ will especially be hard hit by the Obama’s Tax Increases even lower income Seniors will face higher taxes as Obama, confiscates more and more of their income.
Thanks to ObamaCare, Seniors have even “more good things to look forward to” if one actually believes those really lame Andy Griffith ads?
3M announced this week, thanks to ObamaCare–Sky Rocketing Costs 23,000 Senior Citizens may lose their health care coverage beginning in 2013
Related Posts: Government Spends Money Like Its Theirs –Rome News Tribune
Democrat-Socialists love spending other peoples money–Obama donates $100 Billion to the UN
President Obama’s Tax Piracy –The American Spectator