Archive for the ‘2nd Amendment’ Category

Columbus, Ohio 10 Year Old Boy Suspended from School For Behaving Like VP Joe Biden

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

Joe Biden Finger GunWhat VP Joe Biden Did Is a ‘No-No’ in Ohio
Totti Truman@Twitter

(FOX News) In March, a Columbus, Ohio public school indoctrination center principal, suspended 10 year old Nathan Entingh for pretending his fingers were a gun and pointing it at another student

According to the Columbus Dispatch Devonshire Principal Patricia Price ‘warned’ students about making pretend guns.

Columbus City Schools spokesman  Jeff Warner said, “The kids were told, If you don’t stop this kind of stuff, there would be consequences–Its just been escalating.”

Ohio Democrat State Senator Charleta Tavares weighed in on the controversy according to saying, “The bigger issue is that we need more behavior health counseling at school so we can look at the root cause why this child is acting out and being disruptive.”

I’m wondering if Ohio Democrat State Senator Tavares, penned off a letter to VP Joe Biden, expressing her loony liberal anti-pretending gun sentiments to him, recommending mental health counseling and behavioral modification?

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg May Want to Reconsider His Plan of Salvation

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

(Business Insider) Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg claims in an interview with the NY Times this week, that his work on gun control, tackling obesity and smoking, has earned him a free ticket to heaven.

I’m thinking that he may want to reconsider this position.

Thomas speaking to Jesus asked, Lord, we do not know where you are going, how can we know the way?
Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me. –John 14:5-6

H/T: The Five–FOX News

Res Ipsa Loquitur

Friday, April 11th, 2014

Ft Hood MathAb Uno Disce Omnes

H/T: Lana Wong@Facebook

CNN Piers Morgan: More Americans Signed Petition to Have Me Deported Than Enrolled in ObamaCare

Friday, November 15th, 2013

Piers Morgan Image--Libertarian GirlPiers Morgan Tweets About ObamaCare Disaster –Image: Libertarian Girl

(NewsBusters) Has President Obama now lost Piers Morgan?

Consider this Tweet the Liberal Lefty CNN host sent out on Wednesday saying:

“Considerably more Americans signed a petition to have me deported, than enrolled in ObamaCare. I’d start panicking Mr. President.”

For those who may have forgotten, on Christmas Eve 2012 Piers Morgan went on a rant about the bible and Christianity arguing that there needs to be “an amendment to the Bible” for Gay marriage because like the Constitution, the bible is inherently flawed.

Later in December disgraced former  Editor of The Daily Mirror Morgan continued his anti-2nd Amendment rants adding that unless its amended, he may voluntarily leave the United States for greener pastures elsewhere. Shoot he’s still here–I digress.

Last year an online petition at White was being circulated calling for Morgan’s deportation, it now has 109,334 signatures.

The combined enrollment in ObamaCare via the federal and state exchanges is 106,185


So, Another Dude From Across the Pond Wants to Ban Guns in the United States

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Second Amendment--Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson on the 2nd Amendment
Elliotte Fajardo/Twitter

(Chicks On The Right) There is a fellow named Henry Porter who wrote a little ditty in The Guardian/The Observer one may wonder if he’s besties with CNN’s Piers Morgan they may share wine, cheese and afternoon tea and discuss how all dumb Americans wear Cowboy Hats and say “YeeeHaw, Giddy Up Horsey” here in the States, while they try so desperately to change a country that is not their’s.

If we get down to the nitty-gritty here, I’m thinking that the dumb laments the fact that we have a U.S. Constitution and he’s irritated by the fact that we live in a ‘country where people are better armed and only slightly less nervy than rebel fighters in Syria.’

Henry is a gem like that and he feels as though it may be time for the international community to step in and do something about it. It’s TIME you see–well according to Henry anyway–he feels as though “America is in a jam and that international pressure may be one way of reducing the slaughter over the next generation. That has reached the point where it has ceased to be a domestic issue. The world can not stand idly by.”

Yet Henry is another one of those guys that isn’t from here, mind you but he strangely obsessed about whether or not we should have the right to keep and bear arms–Henry preaches in paragraphs–where he says that half of us are sane (liberals that are for gun control mind you) and the other half are apparently insane, “simply doesn’t grasp the inconsistencies and historic lunacy of its position.” Those would be Conservatives who value the Constitution, go figure.

My favorite part of Henry’s dribble is when he writes, “…since the day that Edward Kennedy was shot in 1968…” (before it was corrected by the Editors of ‘The Gaurdian’ to say Robert Kennedy) because Henry is such an obvious expert in American history and all. Thank goodness for that liberal intellectual superiority:

“To absorb the scale of mayhem, its worth trying to guess the death toll of all the wars in American history since the War of Independence began in 1775 and follow that by estimating the number killed by firearms in the US since the day that Edward Robert Kennedy was shot in 1968 by a .22 Iver-Johnson handgun wielded by Sirhan Sirhan.”

Full article here by Daisey at Chicks On The Right

Modesto Junior College Police Officer Prohibits Student from Handing Out Copies of the U.S. Constitution

Friday, September 20th, 2013

Modesto Junior College Police OfficerModesto Junior College Police Officer Who Prohibited Student from Handing Out Copies of the U.S. Constitution on Constitution Day
Image: Pat Dollard

Modesto Junior College Free Speech ZoneModesto Junior College Free Speech Zone –FIRE

(KSTE Sacramento/Daily Caller) A police officer at Modesto Junior College told a patriotic Libertarian student that it was against (at a publicly funded) college rules for him to hand out copies of the U.S. Constitution on campus.

When was the 1st Amendment repealed?

The exchange between student Robert Van Tuinen and a campus police officer was captured on video Tuinen told the campus police officer that he wished to start a Young Americans for Liberty chapter on campus and hoped that passing out copies of the Constitution on campus would generate interest in that. The Modesto Junior College police officer however maintained, that Van Tuinen was still not permitted to distribute fliers without college authorization.

Modesto Junior College Police Officer: “Anytime anything is being passed out…you have to go through the student development office.”

Robert Van Tuinen: “Do you know what this is? Why are there rules tied to my free speech?”

The First Amendment protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression which includes the right to free speech, press, assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances and the implied rights of association and belief without government interference.

Nevertheless, the Modesto Junior College police officer brought Van Tuinen before Administrator Christine Serrano where he was advised because of a “time, place and manner” he can only pass out literature inside the “free speech area.”

Serrano asks Van Tuinen to fill out an application and photocopy his student ID–Serrano says that she has “two people right now so you’d have to wait until either the 20th, 27th or you can go into October.”

Van Tuinen protests that he wants to pass out the Constitutions on ‘Constitution Day’ at which point Serrano tells him, “You really do not need to keep going on.”

More here from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education

Related: Denton, Texas  H.S. Text Book Rewrites 2nd Amendment

Cartoonist Absolutely Nails Dinosaur Media Coverage of the Washington Navy Yard Shooting

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Dinosaur Media Gun PhilosphyLamestream Media Gun Philosophy in a Nutshell –Bitter Clinger/Twitter

H/T: Twitchy

California Democrats Redefine “Assault Weapon” and Bans Them

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

American RevolutionAmerican Revolution –Cartoon: Cal Watchdog

(Business Insider) New sales of semi-automatic rifles with removable magazines would be banned in California under a bill passed by the Democratic led state legislature today and those who already have such weapons, will have to register them–I’m wondering how many criminals are going to comply?

“California which has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation, already bans rifles with large capacity fixed magazines, which cannot be removed,” writes Dana Loesch of “The Dana Show.” This latest brain-storm by the Democrat controlled state legislature, “adds rifles that accept large capacity removable magazines.”

On the 09 March, I posted here a cartoon which clearly explains the fallacies of gun control legislation that even loony liberal Kool-Aid drinking lefties may be able to understand? Well I thought anyway–it must have been over their heads.

Related: Gun Violence Has Fallen Dramatically Past 20 Years Says DoJ

2nd Amendment Rights Prevail in Colorado –NRA

Team Obama “Organizing For Action” California Anti-Gun Rally Draws Just 3 People

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Democrat Pro-Choice Lana WongSo Called Pro-Choice Democrats –Image: Lana Wong

(Breitbart) Last last weeks Team Obama’s “Organizing For Action” (OFA) held anti-gun rallies around the nation, despite all of the rhetoric coming from the Obama Administration, about how Americans are standing with him when it comes to stricter gun laws, only 3 people showed up at OFA’s San Bernardino anti-gun rally.

More here from San Bernardino County Sun

Smith & Wesson Record $588 Million In Gun Sales

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Obama Gun Salesmen of the CenturyObama: Gun Salesmen of the Century –Image: Before Its News

(CNN) Smith & Wesson reported preliminary sales records yesterday for the fiscal year ending on the 30 April, showing they earned a record $588 Million a 43% increase over the previous year.