(FOX News) Carney’s Point, NJ Police together with Dept of Children and Family Services raided the home of firearms instructor Shawn Moore and demanded to see the weapons in his home after he posted a picture of his soon to be 11 year old son Josh, holding a toy rifle.
According to Moore who wrote at Delaware Open Carry last Saturday night, he received a text from his wife that Police and DYFS were at the house and they wanted to check-out his gun and needed him to open up his safe…because Dept of Children and Family Services received an anonymous call of a picture of his son holding a gun–Police (without a search warrant) demanded that he open his locked safe and accused him of acting suspiciously and “unreasonable” because he refused to comply with their demands–after they threatened to take his children away, claimed they would be getting a search warrant, intimidating him and his family, the Police left empty handed seeing nothing.
When were the First the Second and the Fourth Amendments of the United States Constitution repealed?