Archive for the ‘Breaking News’ Category

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Chattanooga Terrorist Attack That Killed 4 Marines

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

ISIS TweetISIS Posted Tweet of Chattanooga Terrorist Threat Before Shootings Began — Identifies Jihadist that Killed Four Marines as 24 yr old #MuhammadYoussefAbdulazeez

Planned Parenthood Trafficking Human Organs Ripped From Aborted Babies

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

Planned ParenthoodVideo ‘Planned Parenthood’ Trafficking Body Parts of Partial Birth
Aborted Babies
  –Image Courtesy: Michelle Malkin

H/T: Esmeralda Kiczek

ISIS Blows Up Orphaned Baby in Explosives Training Exercise

Monday, July 13th, 2015

ISIS Blows Up Orphaned Child(Daily Mail) ISIS Blows Up Booby-Trapped ORPHANED BABY in Explosives Training Exercise — How is Obama’s ‘Defeat Them by Better Ideas’ (Appeasement) Strategy Going to Defeat Islamic Fascist Genocide?  –Image: Monica Crowley@Twitter

H/T: Catholic Online

Why War On Islamic Terrorism Matters To You — Chilling Map Shows Where FBI Predicts ISIS Lone Wolf Attacks

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

Chilling Map(Daily Mail) FBI Establishes 56 Command Centers to Monitor 4th July
Islamic Terror Threat –Image Courtesy: Cal Freedom Mom@Twitter

Related: FBI Setting Up Command Centers to Monitor Terrorist Threats

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: Supreme Court Decision on Marriage “A Tragic Error”

Friday, June 26th, 2015

USCCB on Marriage(USCCB) Archbishop Kurtz: Today’s Supreme Court Decision a “Tragic Error” that Harms the Common Good and Most Vulnerable Among Us.
USCCB Marriage

Obama Says Muslims are Just Misunderstood — ISIS Destroys Roman Era Ruins in Syria Palmyra

Wednesday, June 24th, 2015

ISIS Palmyra Romans...(Business Insider) ISIS Planted Mines & Bombs Amid Roman Era Ruins
in Syria Palmyra –Image: Archaeology@Twitter

Syria PalmryaISIS Jihadists Destroy Polytheistic Shrine in Syria Palmyra
Daily Star Lebanon

Syria Palmyria...

  • Flashback: Remember in 2009 when Obama said: ‘So Let There Be No Doubt, Islam is Part of America–Islam has a Proud Tradition of Tolerance’ and a Year Ago when Obama claimed ‘The World is Less Violent Than It Has Ever Been’
  • Remember in December when Hillary Clinton said that We Must ‘Empathize’ with America’s Enemies of our Civilization and Way of Life.

On the 03 June I wrote here that ISIS has threatened destroy the 1,650 year old St. Matthew’s Monastery in Iraq — In July, 2014 I wrote here and posted photos of ISIS desecration of Prophet Jonah’s Tomb in Iraq.

“Stupidity of the American Voter” Jonathan Gruber, More Involved With Dems & White House Than First Reported

Monday, June 22nd, 2015

Jonathan Gruber(Forbes) Contrary to Denials by Obama Administration,
20,000 Pgs of Emails Show that
ACA Architect Jonathan Gruber
was Integral to ObamaCare

More here from The Wall Street Journal

Condolences & Prayers to the Nine Charleston, SC Christian Martyrs Families & Friends

Thursday, June 18th, 2015

CondolencesYing and I Extend Our Condolences to the Nine Charleston, SC
Christian Martyrs Families and Friends,
May God’s Everlasting Mercy Comfort You Today and Always

Nine Christians Martyred in South Carolina Church Shooting, Police Need Your Help to Find Gunman

Thursday, June 18th, 2015

Charleston Police(WSJ) Charleston. SC Gunman at Large in Church Shooting
Which Nine Christians Were Martyred at Prayer Meeting

LeBron James: “I’m the Best Player in the World.” — Golden State Defeats Cleveland Cavaliers 105-97 Wins 2015 NBA Finals

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

Labron James(LA Times) Arrogant, Narcissist LeBron James: “I’m the Best Player
in the World”  –Image: Jessica Chasmar@Twitter

  • Riiight… Golden State Warriors Defeat LeBron James’ Cleveland Cavaliers 105-97 to Clinch 2015 NBA Title

More here from The Wall Street Journal