Archive for the ‘Breaking News’ Category

Election Day 2014: Obama Most Destructive to Democrats Since Woodrow Wilson

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

Ejection DayGOP Wave Election +7 Senate Wins So Far…
Soquel by the Creek

(The Federalist) Democrats lost 6 Senate Seats in 2010 together with 63 House Seats–Tonight, Obama the Leader of the Democratic Party has seen 7 Senate Seats switch to Republicans so far, together with 12 House Seats.

Obama has left his party in the worse shape than any President since Woodrow Wilson nearly a century ago.

More here from Western Journalism

Related: 27 Senators Who Voted for ObamaCare Won’t Be in New Senate

Republican Wave Election: U.S. Senate Gains +7 So Far…

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

Sen Harry ReidRepublicans Retired Sen Harry Reid (D-NV) as Majority Leader

GOP Wave +7: Republican Thom Tillis Defeats North Carolina Democrat Kay Hagan

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

Thom Tillis(Daily Caller) Republicans Now Up +7 in the Senate Defeating Kay Hagan
Image Courtesy: CBS News

New Republican Senate Wins So Far

  • West Virginia: Sen Elect Shelley Moore Capito
  • Arkansas: Sen Elect Tom Cotton
  • South Dakota: Sen Elect Mike Rounds
  • Colorado: Sen Elect Cory Gardner
  • Montana: Sen Elect Steve Daines
  • Iowa: Sen Elect Joni Ernst
  • North Carolina: Sen Elect Thom Tillis

Obama at Odds With 80% of Americans, Dept of Defense & State of California on Ebola Quarantine

Wednesday, October 29th, 2014

Ebola California(LA Times) California Issues Ebola Quarantine Policy

(CNN) A 21 day quarantine for all military personnel serving in Ebola ravaged West Africa was approved by Secy of Defense Chuck Hagel on Wednesday,

This new policy creates a separate set of rules for the military than the Obama Administration and CDC has pushed for civilian workers returning from West Africa aid trips, creating a lot of anxiety with 80% of Americans that believe there should be a mandatory quarantine for anyone returning to the U.S. from West Africa until it is certain they don’t have Ebola.

Related: CDC Nurse Thinks Quarantine More Frightening Than Ebola

State Dept Memo Discusses Possibility of Bringing Non-Americans to U.S. for Ebola Treatment

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

Ebola Coming to U.S.(FOX News) State Dept Memorandum Discusses the Possibility of Bringing Non-Americans to U.S. for Ebola Treatment

Flashback: Remember in September when Obama claimed that Ebola shouldn’t reach our shores.

Hello AmericaIn Order to Publicly Thank Obama for Bringing Ebola to the United States
Al Gorelioni@Twitter

Obama Orders Marines Out of Afghanistan — Say Hello To ISIS

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

USMC Leave AfghanistanObama Orders U.S. Marines Out of Afghanistan –Image: Reuters/WSJ

ISIS Graffiti KabulISIS Graffiti on Kabul University Wall — Its Says: ‘Long Live Daesh’
(Islamic State) –Image:
Ehsanullah Amiri@Twitter

Afghanistan Say Hello to ISISAfghanistan Say Hello to ISIS Brought to You By Obama
Image: App Same

NYC Physician Positive for Ebola, Went on 3 Mi Run Wednesday, Took Trains & Went Bowling

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

NYC Ebola(CNN) NYC Physician Tests Positive for Ebola
Biased Girl@Twitter

Related: Ebola Death Rate 70% –WHO Warns Cases Could Skyrocket

VA Attempted to Shut-Up Whistleblower, Sent Threatening Emails Attempting to Intimidate

Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

Obama Scandal CrisisVA Crisis “Culture of Corruption Persists” –Image: Geraldo@Twitter

 (The Blaze) The Dept of Veteran Affairs last month, attempted to force one of their employees to execute a non-disclosure agreement and threatened him with disciplinary action, after the employee appeared on FOX News and criticized the ‘Veterans Administration’ for continuing to fail its mission to deliver health care to our American Heroes.

Scott Davis, a Program Specialist at the VA’s Health Eligibility Center in Atlanta and Whistleblower who had previously testified before Congress about the VA’s numerous failures.

Subsequent to Davis appearance on FOX News on the 02 September, Davis received an email just minutes later by William Lamm who asked Davis  to appear at an ‘Administrative Investigation Board’ meeting for 04 September

ScreenShot Email

Davis replied to the email the following day, that the White House Office of Special Counsel (OSC) is already investigating his Whistleblower case and said that the VA has already determined that the OSC investigation must be concluded before the VA could take any action against him.

“Therefore, I will have to decline your invitation to meet tomorrow,” Davis replied. “Mr. Lamm, I respectfully ask that you please stop contacting me about this matter.”

Subsequently, Lamm wrote back to Davis (continuing to harass him) that Davis had no choice but to attend the meeting–reminding him that refusing to testify on disciplinary matters “may be grounds for disciplinary action.”

Lamm Email

While Lamm backed off his demand later that day in an email that said the VA wants to cooperate with the OSC and that the OSC wouldn’t be able to have an Agent attend the planned hearing.

The email exchange prompted Rep Mike Coffman (R-CO) to write a letter to VA Secy Robert McDonald about the VA’s efforts to silence Davis.

“Mr Davis recently indicated to my staff that he is receiving threatening emails regarding disciplinary action against him–Davis indicated he is being harassed and investigated and that human resource officials, have demanded that he sign a document without a VA or OMB identification control number, purporting to be a Notice of Witness Obligations, Protections and Privacy.”

“Please be assured that retaliation against VA employees that have provided Whistleblower information to Congress will not be tolerated–I request a response and explanation within five working days.”

Scott Davis and Congressional Aides said that they haven’t received a response from VA Secy Robert McDonald, more than a month subsequent to Rep Coffman’s letter being sent.

Rest here from Rep Mike Coffman

Related: (Video) Whistleblower Threatened After FOX News Appearance

God Bless Canadian Hero Cpl Nathan Cirillo

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

Canadian SoldierPhoto Taken by a Tourist at Canadian ‘National War Memorial’ Shortly
Before Cpl Nathan Cirillo Was Murdered by Islamic Jihadist –Image: CBC

Canadia Soldier...RIP–God Bless Canadian Hero Cpl Nathan Cirillo

Liberian Airline Passenger With a Fever Arrives Into Newark, NJ Hospitalized for Possible Ebola

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

Obama EbolaObama Continues to Oppose Travel Ban From Ebola Ravaged Countries
Amy Mek@Twitter

(NBC New York) Medical workers at Univ Hospital in Newark, have isolated a sick Liberian airline passenger who traveled from Liberia to Brussels before arriving Tuesday into Newark, NJ on a United Airlines flight.

The Liberian man waited in line with other passengers at Customs when he was singled out for a health screening because of his recent travel history–that is when it was discovered, that he had a fever–its not clear if he had exhibited any other symptoms of the Ebola disease.

On the 17 October, I wrote here that the World Health Organization announced last week that Ebola has a 70% mortality rate.

How many other possible Ebola sickened passengers have to arrive into the United States exposing countless Americans to the deadly disease, before Obama finally bans travel from Ebola ravaged West Africa as some 30 other nations have already done?