(Washington Times) On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) called supporters of Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy “domestic terrorists” turning up the rhetorical heat on what has been a tense standoff last weekend.
So let me see if I have this straight. The Feds spent wasted $3.Million+ of the taxpayers money according to Human Events sending in armed federal officers involving both air and ground assets to the Bundy Ranch in Nevada, which allegedly owes some $1.1 Million in grazing fees and were met by local citizens (many of which were Sen Harry Reid’s constituents, I digress) protesting the Fed’s overwhelming use of force and Sen Reid calls them domestic terrorists.
Flashback: Remember when Obama’s DHS Chief ‘Big Sista’ Janet Napolitano claimed that our returning American Heroes, white-middle class Americans, anti-Abortion activists and those in favor of Constitutional limited federal government were the ‘new’ domestic terrorists.
Could it be that Sen Harry Reid and out-of-control big money spenders in Washington that have run up a crippling $17.582 Trillion federal debt and will waste $3 Million+ of the taxpayers money for an operation on a remote Nevada ranch in the middle of ‘Nowheresville’ that many of us never heard off before the last couple of weeks, are the real domestic terrorists, threatening our economic security, freedom and liberty for what?