Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Rosa Venerini, Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, May 7th, 2024

St Rose

Saint Rosa Venerini (1656-1728)
Image: Rosettagrams

(Vatican) Born in Italy Viterbo, Rosa was the daughter of a Physician  and had three siblings, was naturally gifted with intelligence and an uncommon sensibility–the education that Rosa received in her formidable years, allowed her to develop her many talents, together with Christian values and principles.

According to Rosa Venerini’s first biographer Fr. Girolamo Andreucci, she made a vow to consecrate her life to God at the age of seven. During the early years of her youth, she lived a conflict between the attractions of the world and the promise made to God, Rosa overcame this crisis with trusting prayer and discipline.

At the age of twenty, Rosa raised questions about her own future, that Women of her time, she could choose marriage or seclusion in a religious order. Rosa invited neighborhood Women in her home to pray the Rosary according to Franciscan Media and sought spiritual guidance from a Jesuit Priest, Fr. Ignatius Martinelli, over time Rosa was convinced that she was called by God to become a Teacher instead of a Nun.

With two friends according to SQPN Rosa opened a free pre-school for Girls in 1685 which was well received, in 1692 Cardinal Barbarigo, asked Rosa to oversee training of Teachers and the administration of schools in his diocese. Rosa organized new schools in many parts of Italy including room–at the time of her death in 1756 there were 40 schools under her direction.

During Rosa’s entire life she moved the Ocean of the Will of God and said: “I feel so nailed to the Will of God that nothing else matters, neither life or death, I want what He wants. I want to serve Him as much as pleases Him and no more.”

Rosa did not practice her education mission only in the school but took every occasion to announce the love of God, she comforted and cared for the sick until they were well, raised the spirits of the discouraged, consoled the afflicted, called non-Christians to repent and to live a new life, exhorted to fidelity, helped the poor and helped to free people from every form of slavery.

“Educate to Set Free” became Rosa’s model to the world. To be free from ignorance and evil so that the project of God which every person carries within can be visible.

Rosa died in Rome at the age of 72 where a number of miracles were attributed to her. Rosa was Beatified in 1952 by Pope Pius XII and Canonized in 2006 by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

The sodality of Women that Rosa invited to pray the Rosary with her, were ultimately given the rank of a religious congregation becoming known as the ‘Venerini Sisters’ working with Italian immigrants. Today they render apostolic service through Teaching, Catechesis, Pastoral Ministry, Health Care, Social Services, Youth Ministry and Foreign Missions in Italy, the United States, Chile, Brazil, Venezuela, Albania, Romania and throughout Africa, guided the Charism of their Foundress Saint Rosa Venerini — Educate to Set Free.

Today Christians Memorialize Saint’s Marian & James, Martyrs for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Christian MartyrsChristian Martyrs –Image: ASB240@Wikispaces

(Franciscan Media) Often its difficult to find much detail of the lives of the Saint’s of the early Church–What we do know about the 3rd century Martyrs ‘Saint’s Marian and James’ that we honor today is likewise minimal but we do know that they lived and died for their faith in Jesus Christ.

Born in North Africa, Marian was a lecturer (or reader) and James was a Deacon, for their devotions to faith, they suffered during the persecution of Emperor Valerian from 257-259

Prior to their persecution and martyrdom, Marian and James were visited by two Bishop’s Agapius and Secundinus, who encouraged them in their faith (not long before they to were martyred for Jesus Christ) shortly thereafter, Marian and James were arrested, interrogated which they confessed their faith for that, they were tortured.

While imprisoned, they are said to have experienced visions, including one of Bishop’s Agapius and Secundinus that had visited them earlier.

On the last day of their lives, Marian and James joined other Christians facing martyrdom. They were blindfolded and put to death.

More here from SQPN and here from

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Hilary of Arles, Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, May 5th, 2024

Saint Hilary

Saint Hilary of Arles (400-449)
Image: Catholic Online

(EWTN) Most likely born in France, Hilary’s family were wealthy and he received a traditional aristocratic education in philosophy and rhetoric (wisdom, grammar and logic) which he expected to put into good use in his life.

One of Hilary’s relatives Honoratus Archbishop of Arles, founded Lernis Monastery near the French Riveria and given his life in service to the Church, he was very concerned for Hilary’s salvation, urging him with tears to abandon worldly pursuits for the sake of following Jesus Christ.

“On one side,” Hilary later recalled, “I saw the Lord calling me, on the other, the world offering me its seducing charms and pleasures. How often did I embrace and reject will and not will the same thing but in the end,  Jesus Christ triumphed in me and three days after Honoratus had left me, the mercy of God solicited by his prayers, subdued my rebellious soul.”

Hillary returned to Honoratus, humbling himself as one of his disciples and embraced a life of prayer, abstinence of worldly pleasures and study of the Scriptures, he sold off his property and gave the proceeds to the poor, embracing the monastic life of the Lernis Monastery.

When Archbishop Honoratus died in 429, Hilary again attempted to leave Arles but the faithful of the city sent out a search party and brought him back so that he could be consecrated as Honoratus’ successor.

Though he was not yet 30 yrs old at the time, as the new Archbishop, he was well prepared by his years in a religious life and the time assisting Honoratus as one of his disciples.

As Archbishop, Hilary maintained the simplicity of a Monk, he owned few possessions, put the poor ahead of himself and continued to perform manual labor.

Known for his kindness and charity, Archbishop Hilary was also remembered for publicly rebuking a government official who brought shame on the Church — Hilary would also warn ‘lukewarm believers’ that they would “not so easily get out of Hell, if you are once unhappily fallen into its dungeons.”

Archbishop Hilary helped to establish Monasteries in his diocese and strengthened the discipline and orthodoxy (conforming to Christian faith) of the local Church through a series of Councils; Hilary sold off Church property in order to pay the ransoms of those who had been abducted–Its is said, that he worked many miracles during his lifetime.

On this date in the year 449 Archbishop Hilary of Arles died at the age of 49 of natural causes. Pope Leo I praised Hilary the Bishop of Arles in a letter to his successor honoring him as: “Hilary of Holy Memory.”

More here from Franciscan Media

Today Christians Honor Blessed Michael Giedroyc, Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, May 4th, 2024

Pray to Saints and BlessedPrayers to the Saints & Blessed
Image: Discount Catholic Products

(Franciscan Media) Born in Lithuania Vilnius, Michael Giedroyc was physically challenged as a result of dwarfism and only having the use of one foot and as a result of his physically challenges, his formal education was often times interrupted.

As the years progressed, Michael demonstrated that he was especially skilled at doing metalwork–working with silver and bronze, he would create sacred vessels together with chalices.

Michael wanting more out of life traveled to Poland Krakow where he joined the ‘Augustinians’ and subsequently received permission to live in seclusion and prayer (as a hermit) in a room adjoining the Monastery, his rich spiritual life brought Michael consolation which he lived into old age.

Five hundred years subsequent to Michael’s death, Pope John Paul II visited Krakow and spoke to the faculty at the Pontifical Academy of Theology and said, the 15th century in Krakow was the ‘Century of the Saint’s’ and among those he cited were was Blessed Michael Giedroyc.

Today Christians Commemorate Saint’s Philip & James, Apostles & Martyrs for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Friday, May 3rd, 2024

Saints Philip and JamesSaints Philip & James
Image Courtesy: Young Adult Ministry Sacred Heart

(EWTN) Born in Galilee, Philip was called by Jesus Christ to be His disciple the day after St. Peter and St. Andrew and straightaway he obeyed. In Philip’s zeal and charity he sought to win Nathaniel also saying: “We have found Him of whom Moses and the Prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth.” When Nathaniel in wonder asked, “Can any good come of out Nazareth?” Philip replied: “Come and see,” he then brought Nathaniel to Jesus. John 1:46

“In his dry but clear response,” Pope Bendict XVI says, “Philip displayed the characteristics of a true witness, he is not satisfied with the presenting the proclamation theoretically but directly challenges the person addressing him by suggestion he have a personal experience of what he had been told.”

After our Lord’s ascension, the Gospel was to be ministered to the whole world by a few persons who had been eye-witnesses to Jesus’ many miracles and were enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit to confirm their testimony concerning Him by doing the like wonderful works themselves. So that this may be accomplished, it was necessary for the disciples should quickly disperse themselves into all parts of the world. Philip accordingly ministered the Gospel in the two Greece Phrygia writes EWTN as Theodoret and Eusebius assures us from undoubted monuments.

From Saint Philip, we particularly learn an ardent love of God and desire to see the Father–Philip died as a Martyr for Jesus Christ, being stoned to death while tied to a cross.

More on Saint Philip here from SQPN and here from Franciscan Media

Saint James the Lesser

St. James the Lesser came from Nazareth says Pope Benedict XVI and was probably related to Jesus —Matthew 13:55 and  Mark 6:3 he was called “Less” because he was younger than the other apostle by the same name.

The Book of Acts of the Apostles emphasizes the prominent role that St. James played in the Church of Jerusalem after the resurrection of Jesus —Acts 12:17; Acts 15:13-21 and Acts 21:18

Saint James most important act says Pope Benedict XVI was his intervention in the matter of the difficult relations between the Christians of Jewish heritage and those of pagan origins. In this matter, together with Peter, he contributed with integrating the original Jewish dimension of Christianity, with the need not to impose upon converted pagans the obligations to submit to all the norms of the ‘Law of Moses’ — Torah.

The Book of Acts has preserved for us the solution of compromise proposed precisely by James and accepted by all the Apostles present, according to which pagans who believed in Jesus Christ, were to be asked only to abstain from idolatrous practices of eating the meat of animals offered in sacrifice to gods and from “impropriety” a term which alluded to irregular matrimonial unions. In practice, it was a question of adhering to only a few prohibitions of Mosaic Law held to be very important.

Thus two important complimentary results were obtained, both of which are still valid today: (1) the inseparable relationship that binds Christianity to Judaism, as to a perennially alive and effective matrix was recognized; (2) Christians of pagan origins were permitted to keep their own sociological identity, which they would have lost had they been forced to observe the ‘ceremonial precepts’ of Moses –Saint James however continued to observe all of the ‘Laws of Moses’ himself as part of his heritage.

The oldest information on the death of St. James, is provided by the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, written in Rome towards the end of the 1st century.

Flavius Josephus says in his Jewish Antiquties: Chapter 9 No.1 the death of James was decided with an illegal initiative by the High Priest Ananus–in the year 62, he profited from the gap between the deposition of Roman Procurator (Festus) and the arrival of his successor (Albinus) to hand him over for stoning.

More here from EWTN and here from Catholic Saints.Info

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Athanasius, Bishop & Doctor of the Church – Please Pray For Us!

Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

St AthanasiusSt. Athanasius -Image Courtesy: Pellham Plastics

(Franciscan Media) Born into a Christian family in Egypt Alexandria and provided a classical education, Athanasius became Secy to Alexander the Bishop of Egypt Alexandria, an outspoken critic of a new movement growing in the East–the heresy of Arianism.

Athanasius entered the Priesthood and eventually named a Bishop himself and becoming known as the ‘Champion of Orthodoxy’ according to EWTN his strength of ascetical writings among which was of the ‘Life of Saint Anthony’ (Feast Day 17 January) earned him the title of Doctor of the Church.

When Athanasius accepted his new position as Bishop of Alexandria, which he served for 46 years according to SQPN he continued to fight against the heresy of Arianism, which spilled over from theology to politics, resulting in Bishop Athanasius being exiled 5 different times for his defense of the doctrine of Jesus Christ’s divinity.

Following the death of Constantine in 337 his son restored Athanasius as Bishop, this lasted but for only a year however as he was deposed again by a group of  Arian Bishops. — Athanasius took his case to Rome which Pope Julius I called a synod to review the case and other related matters.

While the theological controversies which marked this period were complex writes EWTN they were an important milestone in the history of the Church which Bishop Athanasius rendered an outstanding service. As Cardinal Newman said, he stands as “a principal instrument after the Apostles by which the sacred truths of Christianity have been conveyed and secured to the world.”

In 2007 Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI said that “Athanasius was undoubtedly one of the most important and revered early Church Fathers but this Great Saint was above all the impassioned theologian of the Incarnation of the Logos, the Word of God who as a Prologue of the fourth Gospel says–“became flesh and dwelt among us.” —John 1:14

“We have many causes which to be grateful to St. Athanasius, his life like that of St. Anthony (Feast Day 17 January) and of countless other Saints shows us that ‘those who draw near to God do not withdraw from men but rather become truly very close to them.’ (Deus Canitas Est, n.42)

Full address here of Saint Athanasius by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, Patron Saint of California & Anti-Marxists, Please Pray For Us!

Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

St Joseph the Worker

‘Saint Joseph the Worker’ Holy Card
Image: Catholic Springtime

(Franciscan Media) Today we celebrate the Feast of ‘St. Joseph the Worker’ (established by Pope Pius XII in 1955 in order to Christianize the concept of labor) in response to ‘May Day’ celebrations by Communists.

Joseph the carpenter of Nazareth reminds us of the dignity and importance of labor (that some in our day seriously lack the initiative of, I digress) and that work is part of God’s plan for the world by responsibly cultivating the goods of creation, we grow in dignity as men and women made in God’s image.

By the daily labor in his shop, Joseph offered to God the patience and joy of providing the necessities to his Holy Spouse and of the incarnate Son of God an example to all laborers.

“Workman and all those laboring in conditions of poverty will have reasons to rejoice rather than grieve, since they have in common with the Holy Family daily preoccupations and cares.” –Pope Leo XIII

The texts of the Mass and the Liturgy of the hours provide a catechetical  synthesis  of the significance of labor seen in the light of faith.

The Opening Prayer states: “O God, Creator of all things, who laid down for the human race the Law of Work, graciously grant that by the example of St. Joseph and under his patronage, we may complete the works You set us to do and attain the rewards You promise. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son (Jesus!) who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.”

The Office of Readings, is taken from the document of the Second Vatican Council on the Church in the modern world.

In every type of labor that we do, we are obeying the Command of God given in Genesis 2:15 –“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till (work the soil) and keep it.” 

The liturgy for today’s feast vindicates the right to work and this message that needs to be heard and heeded especially in our day.

There is a special dignity and value to the work done caring for ones family (and extended family) The Office of Readings contains an excerpt from the Vatican II document on the modern world:

“For while providing the substance of life for themselves and their families, men and women are performing their activities in a way which appropriately befits society, The can justly consider that by their labor they are unfolding the Creator’s work, consulting the advantages of their brother men and are contributing by their personal industry to the realization in history of the divine plan.” —Gaudium Et Spes –Man’s Activity Throughout the World –No. 34

More here from Catholic Culture

Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Joseph The Worker -USCCB

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of Pope Saint Pius V, Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, April 30th, 2024

Pope Saint Pius V

Pope Saint Pius V (1504-1572)
Image: Luisa Piccarreta

(EWTN) Born Michael Ghislieri in Italy Alessandria in 1504 into an impoverished family despite their distinguished past, Michael the future Pope Saint Pius V was instructed by members of the Dominican Order, choosing to join them at the age of 14 after a decade of study in theology and philosophy, he was Ordained a Priest becoming known for his solemn penances. his long hours of prayer, fasting and the Holiness of his speech.

Fr. Michael Ghislieri was elected Bishop of Sutri in 1556 and one year later Cardinal, he became known in this capacity as an able yet unflinching man who rigorously fought heresy and corruption wherever he found it. In 1566 he was elected Pope and took the name Pius V.

A defender of Catholic doctrine and Christian civilization during the tumultuous 16th century, this Dominican Pope is remembered for implementing steps to stop the spread of militant Islam, bringing together both Spanish and Italian Naval forces including those of the Papal states. Seriously outnumbered, Pope Pius V requested that each Sailor and all of Europe pray the Holy Rosary and receive Communion. During this same time, Pope Pius V Ordered a 40 hour devotion in Rome during which time the battle took place–The Christian ‘Holy League’ vastly outnumbered, won a dramatic and decisive battle against the Muslims, destroying their entire fleet in 1571

Pope Pius V was charged with the task of implementing sweeping reforms according to Franciscan Media which included: Ordering the founding of seminaries for the proper training of Priests; Publishing a new Missal together with a new Breviary; a new Catechism and established the new ‘Confraternity of Christian Doctrine’ classes for the young. Pope Pius V likewise zealously enforced legislation against abuses in the Church and patiently served the sick and poor by overseeing the construction of hospitals, providing food for the hungry and giving money customarily used for Papal banquets to poor converts–Pius V decision to continue wearing the white Dominican habit led to the custom of the Pope wearing a white cassock which continues to this day.

In striving to reform both Church and State, Pope Pius V encountered vehement opposition from England’s Queen Elizabeth and the Roman Emperor Maximilian II

Pope Pius V in 1572 was working toward a new and broader alliance of Western Christian powers against expansionist Islamic Jihad, unfortunately for civilization he didn’t live long enough to see this through, becoming ill and died on the 01 May uttering:

“O Lord, increase my sufferings and my patience.” 

Pope Pius V was Beatified by Pope Clement X in 1672 and was Canonized by Pope Clement XI in 1712 — Since that time only two other Pope’s Saint Pius X in 1954 and John Paul II in 2014 have been declared a Saint.

More here from Franciscan Media

Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of Pope Saint Pius V, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Catherine of Siena, Patron Saint of Nurses & Sexual Temptation – Please Pray For Us!

Monday, April 29th, 2024

St. Catherine of Siena

Saint Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)
Image: Saint Dominic Priory

(EWTN) Born in Italy Siena in 1347 Catherine appeared to be favored by God with extraordinary graces as soon as she was capable of knowing Him. When Catherine was still very young, she withdrew into seclusion a little ways out of the town to imitate the lives of the Fathers of the desert–returning after sometime to her father’s home, Catherine continued to be guided by the same spirit and consecrated herself with a vow of chastity to God by a private vow.

Catherine’s love for spiritual discipline, prayer and her sentiments of virtue were such as are not usually found in one so tender in age but God was pleased to put her resolution to a great trial.

At 12 yrs of age, Catherine’s parents thought of engaging her in a married state, she found them deaf to her pleas that she might live single. Catherine thereafter redoubled her prayers, watching and discipline, knowing that her protection must be from God alone.

Catherine’s parents found her inclination to solitude as unsuitable to the life for which they designed for her–they endeavored to divert her from it and began to prevent her devotions, depriving her in this view of the little chamber they had until then permitted. They loaded Catherine with the most distracting jobs and laid on her, all of the drudgery of the house as if she was nothing more than a servant girl. The hardest labor, humiliations, contempt and insults from her sisters were to Catherine a subject of joy and as such was her enthusiastic love of Crosses, that she embraced them in all shapes with a holy eagerness and received all ridicule with admirable sweetness and heroic patience.

If anything grieved Catherine the most, it was the loss of her dear solitude but the Holy Spirit, that interior faithful master to whom she had listened, taught her to make another solitude in her heart–where amidst all of her jobs, she considered herself always alone with God to whose presence she kept herself no less attentive, then if she had no menial jobs to perform that would distract her. In that admirable work of God’s Providence which she wrote:

“That our Lord hath taught her to build in her soul a private closet, strongly vaulted with the Divine Providence and to keep herself always close and retired there. He (God) assured her that by this means she should find peace and perpetual repose in her soul, which no storm or tribulation could disturb or interrupt.”

Catherine’s sisters and other friends attempted to persuade her to join with them in the diversions the world offered, claiming that virtue was not  an enemy to neatness in dress or to cheerfulness under which soft names they endeavored to recommend the dangerous liberties of worldly past-times and vanities.

When Catherine was 18 she entered the ‘Dominican Third Order’ according to Franciscan Media and spent the next 3 yrs in seclusion, prayer and austerity (self-discipline) — Gradually a group of followers (Priests, Lay Men and Women) an active public apostolate grew out of her contemplative life.

Catherine’s letters, mostly for spiritual instruction and encouragement of others, began to take more-and-more note of public affairs. Opposition and slander resulted from her mixing fearlessly with the world, speaking with candor and authority of one completely committed to Jesus Christ–Catherine was cleared of all the allegations at the Dominican General Chapter of 1374

Subsequently Catherine’s influenced reached great heights because of her evident holiness, her membership in the ‘Dominican Third Order’ and the deep impression that she made on the Pope. Catherine worked tirelessly for the crusade against the Turks and for peace between Italy Florence and the Pope.

In 1378 the ‘Great Schism’ began splitting the allegiance of Christendom between two, then three Pope’s and putting even Saints on opposing sides.

Catherine spent the final two years of her life in Rome, in prayer and pleading on behalf of the cause of Urban VI and the unity of the Church, offering herself as a victim of the Church in its agony. Catherine passed away at the age of 33  and was Canonized in 1461 by Pope Pius II

More here from Franciscan Media

Today Christians Memorialize St. Peter Chanel, Martyr for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, April 28th, 2024

St Peter Chanel

Saint Peter Chanel (1803-1841)
Image: Catholic Online

(EWTN) Born in France Cuet near Belley, as a young boy Peter worked as a Shepherd until the local Parish Priest recognizing something unusually special in him convinced his parents to let Peter study in a school that he had started. From there, Peter went on to the seminary where it was said of him:

“He had a heart of gold with the simple faith of a child and he led the life of an angel.”

Peter was Ordained a Priest and assigned to a parish at Crozet in SE France, in just three yrs, Fr. Peter had transformed the Parish.

In 1831 Fr. Peter joined the the newly founded ‘Society of Mary’ since he had long dreamed of becoming a missionary but for 5 yrs he was assigned to teach at the seminary in his hometown of Belley. Finally in 1836 Fr. Peter’s dream was realized and he was sent with other Marists (members of the ‘Society of Mary’) to the islands of the Pacific.

Fr. Peter endured great hardships, disappointments, frustrations and almost complete failure as well as the opposition of the Futuna tribe leader (Chieftain) Niuluki — Fr. Peter’s worked seemed hopeless, only a few had been Baptized and the local Chieftain continued to be suspicious and hostile. When the Chieftain Niuluki own son asked for Baptism, Niuluki became so angry that he sent his warriors to kill Fr. Peter, he was killed without uttering a word of complaint.

Martyr for Jesus Christ: Fr. Peter’s violent death on this date in 1841 at the age of 38 brought about the conversion to Christianity many of the people of Futuna living there and many remain Catholic to this day.

Fr. Peter Chanel was Beatified in 1889 by Pope Leo XIII and Canonized in 1954 by Pope Pius XII

Thought of the Day: Success or failure is often not completely in our hands and sometimes we have to face what seems almost certain failure but success is not required of us only fidelity. St. Peter Chanel’s work ended in his own death in the face of what seemed total failure. Out of that failure, God brought about the success that Fr. Peter was seeking.

More here from Franciscan Media

Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Peter Chanel, Visit: -USCCB