Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of Venerable Pierre Toussaint, Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, May 28th, 2024

Venerable Pierre Toussaint

Pierre Toussaint (1766-1853)
Image: Info Catolica

(Franciscan Media) Born a slave in Haiti, Pierre’s Master Jean Berard taught him to read and write according to SQPN and when Berard moved to New York in 1787 he took Pierre together with his youngest sister Rosalie.

Pierre apprenticed with a leading hairdresser, learning the trade very quickly and would one day, very successfully work in the homes of some very wealthy ladies in NYC — When Berard passed away, Pierre stayed on to care for his ailing widow, he was freed from slavery when Madame Berard passed away in 1807

Subsequently working for himself, Pierre became quite wealthy and later fell in love with Marie Rose Juliette whose freedom he purchased and then the two were married. The young couple later adopted Euphemie, his orphaned niece.

Pierre attended daily Mass at St. Peter’s Church on Barclay Street, the same parish that Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (Feast Day 04 January) attended.

Very benevolent and charitable, Pierre donated to various organizations assisting others in need without regard to race, Pierre and his wife Marie, opened their home to orphans, educated them and would care for abandoned individuals suffering from Yellow Fever. — Later, urged to retire and enjoy his wealth, Pierre responded:

“I have enough for myself but if I stop working,
I have not enough for others.”

To his final days, Pierre worked tirelessly to help anyone who needed it, he passed away at the age of 87 in NYC — In 1996 Pierre was declared Venerable by Pope Saint John Paul II 

More here from Natl Catholic Register

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Augustine of Canterbury , Please Pray For Us!

Monday, May 27th, 2024

St. Augustine of CantenburySt. Augustine of Canterbury
Image: Longbows & Rosary Beads

(EWTN) When Pope Gregory began to plan for the evangelism of England, the land was still largely pagan although in the Southwest, there were remnants of earlier missionary efforts. To lead this important mission, Pope Gregory chose Augustine–Nothing much is known of him until the year 596 when with a party of 40 Benedictine Monks, he set out Northwards from Rome according to Franciscan Media to evangelize the Anglo-Saxons in England.

Upon reaching Provence, the Monks accompanying Augustine grew fearful of the dangers that lay ahead, alarming stories were being told of the ferocity of the Pagans and the hazards of crossing the treacherous waters of the English Channel.

Augustine subsequently returned to Rome and to Pope Gregory only to be assured by him that the fears of the Monks were groundless–Augustine again set out. This time the group crossed the English Channel and landed in the territory of Kent, ruled by King Ethelbert, a pagan married to a Christian, Bertha Ethelbert who received them kindly and set up a residence for them in Canterbury.

After King Ethelbert listened carefully to the Monks teaching, he gave them permission to evangelize his subjects–One year later on Pentecost in 597 King Ethelbert converted and was baptized.

Subsequent to this promising start, Augustine returned to Provence to be consecrated Bishop in France and then returned to Canterbury where he set up his See.

Now a Bishop,  in 603 Augustine constructed a Church and Monastery on property given by King Ethelbert–these structures formed the nucleus for the metropolitan cathedral–they were destroyed by fire in 1067 and the present cathedral begun by Lanfranc in 1070 stands on its site. As the Christian faith spread, additional Sees were established at London and Rochester.

Work was often slow and Bishop Augustine did not always meet with success. Attempts to reconcile the Anglo-Saxon Christians with the Briton Christians (who had been driven into Western England by the Anglo-Saxon invaders) ended in dismal failure.

While the Briton Christians were sound in fundamental doctrine, Bishop Augustine failed to convince them to give up certain Celtic customs at variance with Rome and to forget their bitterness with the Anglo-Saxon Christians.

Laboring patiently, Bishop Augustine wisely heeded the missionary principles–quite enlightened for his time, suggested by Pope Gregory:

  • Purify rather than destroy pagan temples and customs;
  • Allow pagan rites and festivals be transformed into Christian Feasts;
  • Retain local customs as far as possible.

Bishop Augustine’s last years were spent in spreading and consolidating the Christian faith in the short eight years since his arrival, which would eventually bear great fruit, leaving the continuation of his work to others long after his death in 604 — Bishop Augustine of Canterbury can truly be called the ‘Apostle of England’ for which he is the Patron Saint.

Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Augustine of Canterbury, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Philip Neri, Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, May 26th, 2024

St Philip NeriSaint Philip Neri (1515-1595) Image Courtesy: Christian Forums

(Franciscan Media) Born in Italy Florence, his family was poor. Philip Neri’s family moved to San Germano in 1533 according to SQPN to help some relatives with their businesses, while there, Philip would escape to a local Dominican Chapel in the mountains–Philip abandoned any chance to go into business like his relatives and moved to Rome with the resolve to devote his life and individuality to God.

While in Rome, Philip studied philosophy and theology and for the next 13 years his time was unusually spent as a lay person in his day, Philip actively engaged in prayer and evangelism.

As the ‘Council of Trent’ was reforming the Church on a doctrine level, Philip’s appealing personality was winning him friends from all levels of society–from Beggars to Cardinals. Philip rapidly gathered around himself a group of other laypersons, won over by his audacious spirituality. Initially they met as an informal prayer and discussion group and also served the poor in Rome.

At the urging of Philip’s Confessor, he was ordained a Priest in 1551 and soon became an outstanding Confessor, gifted with the knack of piercing the pretenses and illusions of others, though always in a charitable manner and often with a joke.

Fr. Philip Neri would arrange talks, discussions and prayers for his penitents in a room above the Church, he would on occasion lead ‘excursions’ to other Churches, often time with music and a picnic along the way.

Some of Fr. Philip Neri’s followers would later become Priests, living together in a community–this was the beginning of the ‘Congregation of the Oratory’ which Fr. Philip Neri founded. A feature of their life was a daily afternoon service of four informal talks together with vernacular hymns. — Cardinal Newman founded the first English speaking house of the Oratory, three centuries later.

Fr. Philip Neri’s advice was sought by many prominent figures. Fr. Neri became one of the most influential figures of the Counter-Reformation, mainly for converting to personal holiness many of the influential people within the Church. — Fr. Neri died at the Church of San Maria in Italy Vallicella at the age of eighty.

In 1615 Fr. Philip Neri was Beatified by Pope Paul V and was Canonized in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV

More here from EWTN

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Bede The Venerable, Priest & Doctor of the Church, Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, May 25th, 2024

St BedeSaint Bede the Venerable (672-735) Image: Catholic Fire

(CNA) Born in England Wearmouth, Bede’s parents sent him at a young age to study at the Monastery of St. Paul in Jarrow, that was founded by Benedictine Abbot Benedict Biscop (later be Canonized in his own right) Biscop’s extensive library may have sparked a curiosity in young Bede, who would grow up to be a voracious reader and prolific writer.

Bede’s teachers could see in their pupil that his life exhibited a remarkable devotion to prayer and study–Later when Bede returned to Jarrow and continued his studies with Abbot Ceolfrid (a companion of Benedict Biscop) the Abbot and a group of other Monks instructed Bede not only to study scripture and theology but also sacred music, poetry and Greek –Bede would continue his studies for 11 more years before entering the Priesthood at the age of 30 around the beginning of the 8th Century.

Subsequently Fr. Bede took on the responsibility of celebrating daily Mass with the members of his Benedictine community, while also farming, baking and doing other works at the Monastery.

Fr. Bede gave absolute priority to prayer, fasting, charity and hospitality, he regarded all other works as ‘valueless’ without the love of God and one’s neighbor. — Fr. Bede also possessed outstanding intellectual gifts, which he used to survey and master a wide range of subjects according to an all-encompassing vision of Christian scholarship.

Later, Fr. Bede declined a request to become Abbot at his Monastery, instead he concentrated on writing and produced more than 45 books during his lifetime–primarily about Theology and the Bible but also on Science, Literature and History. Fr. Bede would go on to teach hundreds of students at the Monastery and its school, which would become renowned throughout Great Britain.

During Fr. Bede’s lifetime, his spiritual and intellectual gifts garnered wide recognition. his writings on scripture were considered so authoritative, that a Church council ordered them to be publicly read in English Churches.

Some of the most illustrious members of English society made pilgrimages to Fr. Bede’s Monastery to seek his guidance and he was personally invited to Rome by Pope Sergius.

Fr. Bede was unfazed by these honors, perhaps inspired by the Benedictine monastic ethos, which emphasizes ones absolute commitment to the monastic community–Fr. Bede chose not to visit Rome or travel any significant distance beyond the Monastery of St. Paul during his entire lifetime.

Instead the world would come to Fr. Bede, through the visitors that he received according to the Benedictine tradition of hospitality and through his voluminous reading. Fr. Bede in-turn reached the world without leaving his monastery, writing books that were copied with reverence for centuries and still read to this day. Fr. Bede is one of the last Western Christian writers to be numbered among the Church Fathers.

Fr. Bede understood that love rather than learning was his life’s purpose saying:

“It is better to be a stupid and uneducated Brother who, working at the good things he knows, merits life in heaven, than to be one who–though being distinguished for his learning in the Scriptures or even holding the place of a teacher, lacks the bread of love.”

Fr. Bede died on this date on the Vigil on the Feast of the Ascension of Christ in 735 shortly after finishing the Anglo-Saxon translation of the Gospel of John.

In 1899 Fr. Bede was declared ‘Doctor of the Church’ and was Canonized by Pope Leo XIII

More here from EWTN and here from Franciscan Media

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Bede, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, Please Pray For Us!

Friday, May 24th, 2024

St Mary Magdalene de Pazzi

St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi
Image: Catholic Online

(CNA) Born in Italy Florence, the future ‘Mary Magdalene’ was given the name of Caterina at the time of her baptism, she came of noble, prominent parents and was their only daughter.

Caterina was drawn to the Holy Eucharist from a young age and made her first Communion at the age of 10 and shortly thereafter vowed her virginity to God. At the age of 14, Caterina was sent to school at the ‘Convent of Cavalaresse’ where she lived in such a disciplined and fervent manner as to make the Sister’s prophesy that one day she would become a great Saint.

In December 1582 Caterina entered the ‘Carmelite Convent of Santa Maria Degl’ where Holy Communion was administered daily (unusual for the time period) which was the chief reason for her choosing this convent.

The following year, Caterina received her religious habit and took the name Mary Magdalene, being then so ill that they feared she would not recover, she was professed.

Sister Mary’s recovery marked the start of an extended mystical experience which lasted 40 days and involved extraordinary experiences that were taken down by her Sister’s in a set of manuscripts. — Sister Mary served the monastery in a series of teaching and supervisory positions, while also contributing to her community through manual labor, her fellow Camelites respected Sister Mary’s strict sense of discipline which was accompanied by profound charity and practical wisdom, her experiences of suffering and temptation helped her to guide and inspire others.

Extraordinary spiritual occurrences were a frequent feature of Sister Mary, to a much greater degree than is typical in the tradition of Catholic mysticism–while she often disliked the attention and would seemingly have preferred for these events to remain private.

Sister Mary did wish however to call attention to God’s love, which she saw as tragically under appreciated and unreciprocated by mankind. –Sister Mary is remembered for making dramatic gestures, running through the halls of her monastery or ringing the bells at night, while proclaiming the urgent need for all people to awaken to God’s love and respond in kind.

In 1607 when Sister Mary Magdalene was just 41 yrs of age, she passed away from an excruciating illness, borne with heroic joy to the end.

Innumerable miracles followed Sister Mary’s death and the process for her Beatification was begun in 1610 under Pope Paul V and finished under Pope Urban VIII in 1626 — Sister Mary Magdalene was Canonized by Pope Clement IX in 1669

More here from Franciscan Media

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of Pope Saint Gregory VII, Please Pray For Us!

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

St Gregory VII

Pope Saint Gregory VII (1020-1085)
Image: —Spread

(Franciscan Media) Born in Italy Sovama and named Hildebrand, he was educated in Rome and subsequently went to France according to Catholic News Agency and became a Monk at Cluny.

During the 10th century and the first half of the 11th century, these were dark days for the Church partly because the Papacy was the pawn of various Roman families. In 1049 these things began to change when Pope Leo IX a reformer, was elected and brought a young Monk Hildebrand, to Rome as his Counselor and special representative on important missions; he would later become Pope Gregory VII

Three Evils Plagued the Church at That Time:

  • Simony: The buying/selling of Sacred offices and things);
  • Concubinage: The practice of keeping a concubine and the unlawful marriage of the clergy;
  • Investiture: Kings and Nobles controlling the appointment of Church officials.

To all of these Hildebrand directed Pope Leo XI attention to as his Counselor and would never ceased to condemn.

When Hildebrand was elected Pope (taking the name Gregory VII) in 1073 his Papal letters stressed the role of ‘Bishop of Rome’ as the Vicar of Christ and the visible center of the unity in the Church — Pope Gregory is well known for his long dispute with Roman Emperor Henry IV over who should control the selection of Bishops and Abbots.

Pope Gregory subsequently excommunicated the Emperor Henry IV, his subjects turned against him and at last he sough absolution of Pope Gregory at Canossa but the Emperor did not persevere and set up an anti-Pope and besieged Pope Gregory at the castle of St. Angelo resulting in the aged Pontiff attempt to flee, fiercely resisting any attack on the liberty of the Church –Pope Gregory subsequently died in exile saying: “I have loved justice and hated iniquity, therefore I die in exile.”

His faithful attendant answered: “Vicar of Christ, an exile thou canst never be, for to thee God has given the Gentiles for an inheritance and the uttermost ends of the earth for thy possession.”

Thirty years later the Church finally won its struggles against Lay Investiture.

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Rita of Cascia, Patron Saint of the Abused & Widows – Please Pray For Us!

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

St Rita of Cascia

Saint Rita of Cascia (1381-1457)
Image: Patheos

(CNA) Born in Italy Umbria, Rita’s parents Antonio and Amato Lotti were known as ‘Peacemakers’ of Jesus. From her earliest of days, Rita visited the Augustine Nuns at Cascia and showed interest in a religious life but at the age of 12, she was married off to a violent and hot tempered husband Paolo Mancini, he was murdered some 18 yrs later. Rita forgave his murderers and prayed that her two sons that promised to avenge their father’s death may also forgive. — Rita was given this grace, her son’s who died while young men had reconciled with God.

Subsequent to the death’s of Rita’s sons, she again felt called to a religious life and went to the Augustine Convent at Cascia but initially was refused entry. Rita prayed and sought the intercession of Saint’s Augustine, Mary Magdelene and John the Baptist — Rita was finally permitted to enter the convent and lived a life of prayer, penance and service to the people of Cascia. Over the years, her austerity, prayerfulness and charity became legendary.

When Sister Rita received a stigmata like thorn wound in answer to her prayers to be more profoundly conformed to the passion of the Lord Jesus. Sister Rita’s care for ill Nuns was especially loving and she would counsel lay persons who came to the Monastery.

Sister Rita was bedridden the last 4 yrs of her life, consuming almost nothing except for the Eucharist, she passed away on this day in 1457 at the Augustinian Convent,  Cascia of tuberculosis.

In 1627 Sister Rita was Beatified by Pope Urban VIII and Canonized in 1900 by Pope Leo XIII

On the 100th Anniversary of Saint Rita’s Canonization, Pope Saint John Paul II, noted  her remarkable qualities as a Christian Woman saying:

“The Saint of Cascia belongs to the great host of Christian Women who have had a significant impact on the life of the Church as well as society — Rita well interpreted well the feminine genius by living it intensely in both physical and spiritual motherhood.”

More here from the Vatican and here from Franciscan Media

Related: National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia, Philadelphia, PA

Today Christians Memorialize St. Cristobal Magallanes & Companions Martyrs for Jesus Christ, Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

St Cristoobal Magallanes and CompanionsSaint Cristobal Magallanes & Companion Martyrs
Image Courtesy: Pierced Hearts

Born into a farm family in 1869 in Mexico Totatiche, Cristobal (or Christopher) worked as a shepherd during his youthful days according to SQPN entering the seminary at Guadalajara at the age of nineteen.

In 1899 at the Church of St. Teresa of Guadalajara, Cristobal was Ordained a Priest according to Pierced Hearts and was given the responsibility of Chaplain, Vice Principal of a school of arts and trades in Guadalajara.

For 17 years Fr. Cristobal worked in the Parish of Totalice, establishing Catechism centers and schools for those living in the countryside, together with constructing a dam to aid irrigation, founded homes for orphans, together with organizing a program of small plots of lands were provided to help poor farmers, which the government of Mexico had instituted  and enforced laws against the Church in an absurd attempt to eradicate Catholicism, going so far as to ban all foreign clergy and the celebration of the Mass.

On this date in 1927 Fr. Cristobal went to celebrate a religious feast on a local ranch where a fight ensued between the Cristeros and federal Roces commenced by General Goni — Fr. Cristobal was arrested and taken to Totalice, where he was imprisoned together with his Vicar Fr. Caloca, subsequently the pair were moved to the municipal palace in Colotitlan to face execution where Fr. Cristobal said:

“I am innocent and I die innocent. I forgive the authors of my death from my heart and ask God that my blood would serve to bring peace to divided Mexicans.”

Fr. Cristobal together with 21 other Priest and 3 Lay-Companions were Martyred in Mexico, between 1915 and 1937 by either an assassins bullet or hanging.

In 1992 Fr. Cristobal was Beatified and 73 years to the day of his execution/martyrdom he was Canonized by Pope Saint John Paul II

More here from Franciscan Media

Related: Holy Scripture Readings on the Memorial of St. Cristobal Magallanes & Companions -USCCB

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Bernardine of Siena, Please Pray For Us!

Monday, May 20th, 2024

St Bernadiene of Siena

Saint Bernardine of Siena
Image: Catholic Online

(EWTN) Born in Italy Massa Marittima in the territory of Siena, Bernardine was a true disciple of St. Francis, an admirable minister of the Word of God, inflamed with the most ardent love of our Divine Redeemer, was made by God an instrument to kindle the same Holy fire innumerable souls and to inspire them with his spirit of humility and meekness.

At the age of 17 Bernardine enrolled himself in the confraternity of Our Lady in the hospital at Scala to serve the sick. About three years later when Bernardine was about 20 according to Franciscan Media the plague was at its height in his hometown with sometimes as many as twenty people dying in one day at the local hospital. Bernardine offered to manage the hospital and with the help of other young men, nursed patients. While Bernardine escaped the plague, a fever finally exhausted him and confined him for several months.

Following Bernardine’s recovery, he spent another year caring for his beloved Auntie (her parents had died when he was just a child) and at her death, he began to fast and pray to know God’s will for his life.

Bernardine entered the Franciscan Order at 22 and was Ordained just two years later. For nearly a dozen years Fr. Bernardine lived in solitude and prayer however his gifts ultimately caused him to be sent to evangelize. Fr. Bernardine always traveled by foot, sometimes ministering for hours in one place, then doing the same in another town.

Fr. Bernardine, especially known for his devotion to the Holy name of Jesus, devised the symbol “IHS” the first 3 letters for the name of Jesus in Greek in Gothic letters on a blazing sun–this was to displace the superstitious symbols of the day as well as the insignia of factions. The devotion spread and the symbol “IHS” began to appear in Churches, homes and public buildings. Opposition arose from those who believed it was a dangerous innovation. Three attempts were made to have Pope Martin V take action against Fr. Bernardine but his holiness, conviction and intelligence prevailed–were evidenced of his faithfulness.

Fr. Bernardine’s tireless commitment to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people remained until the very end of his life.

In 1444 Fr. Bernardine set out to minister in Naples, where he had only visited once before, en-route he became ill and was taken to the Convent of Saint Francesco where he died on the ‘Vigil of the Feast of Ascension’ at the age of 63

Fr. Bernardine was Canonized in 1450 by Pope Nicholas V

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. Bernardine of Siena, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of Saint Theophilus of Corte, Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, May 19th, 2024

St Theophilus of Corte

Saint Theophilus of Corte (1676-1740)
Image Courtesy: Roman Catholic Saints

(Franciscan Media) Born at Corte in France Corsica and named Biagio Arrighi, according to SQPN into a noble and wealthy family, we don’t know much about his early life.

Biagio Arrighi joined the Franciscans at the age of 17 taking the name “Theophilus’ (Friend of God) and soon showed contentment in solitude and prayer. After admirable completing his studies, Theophilus was Ordained a Priest and assigned to a retreat house in Italy Subiaco.

Inspired by the austere life of the Franciscans, Fr, Theophilus founded other such houses in France Corsica and Italy Tuscany. As time past, he would likewise became famous as an Evangelist and his missionary work.

Fr. Theophilus generously served the needs of Christians in the confessional, sickrooms and hospitals, together at the graveside.

Worn out by his labors, Fr. Theophilus passed away in 1740, he was was Canonized in 1930 by Pope Pius XI