Archive for the ‘Christianity’ Category

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. David of Wales – Please Pray For Us!

Friday, March 1st, 2024

St David of Wales

St. David of Wales –Image: NNDB

(CNA) Saint David is remembered as a missionary Bishop and the founder of many Monasteries during the 6th century United Kingdom, Wales.

Saint David’s conception is believed to have occurred as a result of rape–a detail that seems unlikely to have been invented by later biographers, his mother, Saint Non (or Nonna) may have been the daughter of Lord Cynyr of Caer Goch, according to Fr. Harry Allagree Blogger of ‘The Good Heart’ who gave birth to him atop of a cliff during a storm.

Becoming a renowned teacher and Priest, David was elected Bishop of Menevia, an important port city, linking Wales and Ireland in his time.

Twelve monasteries have their founding by Bishop David, who developed a reputation of strict asceticism. St David’s Cathedrial stands on the site of a monastery that he founded in Wales, Pembrokeshire.

It is believed that Bishop David, lived to be very old and died somewhere around 589, other traditions place his death at 601, his last words to his followers were reportedly:

“Be joyful and keep your faith and your creed. Do little things that you have seen me do and heard about. I will walk the path our fathers have trod before us.”

Saint David of Wales, was Canonized by Pope Callistus II in 1120

In 2010 Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI during his visit to Wales, spoke of today’s Saint of the Day and said:

“Saint David was one of the great Saints of the sixth century, that golden age of Saints and missionaries in these isles and he was thus a founder of the Christian culture which lies at the root of modern Europe. David’s preaching was simple yet profound: his dying words to his Monks were, ‘Be joyful, keep the faith and do little things.” It is the little things that reveal our love for the one who loved us first (1st John 4:19) and that bind people into a community of faith, love and service. May Saint David’s message, in all its simplicity and richness, continue to resound in Wales, drawing the hearts of its people to renewed love for Christ and His Church.”

  • Full Salute here of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
    to Saint David of Wales

In These Perilous Times Take Heed to the Word of The Lord!

Thursday, February 29th, 2024

“…There will be difficult times
in the Last Days!” –2 Timothy 3:1
Image Courtesy: MFVA Friars

The Last Days

Remember that there will be difficult (perilous) times in these Last Days. People will be selfish, greedy, boastful and conceited; they will be insulting, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful and irreligious; they will be unkind, merciless, slanderers, violent and fierce; they will hate the good; they will be treacherous, reckless and swollen with pride; they will love pleasure rather than God; they will hold to the outward form of our religion but reject its real power. Keep away from such people! –2 Timothy 3:1-5

Signs of the End of the Age

When Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately saying, ‘Tell us, when will this be and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?’

Jesus answered them, “Beware that no one leads you astray. For many will come in My Name saying, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will lead many astray. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not alarmed; for this must take place but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, there will be famines and earthquakes in various places, all this is but the beginning of the birth pangs.”

Persecutions Foretold

Jesus continued, “Then they will hand you over to be tortured and will put you to death, you will be hated by all nations because of My Name. Then many will fall away and they will betray one another and hate one another, many false prophets will arise and lead many astray and because of the increase of lawlessness, the love of many will grow cold but the one who endures to the end will be saved. This Good News of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come.” 

Matthew 24:3-14

Hear The Truth

St. Paul: “For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires and they will turn away from listening to the Truth and wander away to myths.”  –2 Timothy 4:3-4

The Promise of the Lord’s Coming

“…First of all you must understand this, that in the Last Days scoffers will come, scoffing and indulging their own lusts and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since our ancestors died, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation!’

They deliberately ignore this fact, that by the Word of God heavens existed long ago and an earth was formed out of water and by means of water, through which the world of that time was deluged with water and perished. By the same Word the present heavens and earth have been reserved for fire, being kept until the Day of Judgment and destruction of the godless.

Do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like one day. The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some think of slowness but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.

The Day of the Lord will come like a thief and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise and the elements will be dissolved with fire and the earth and everything that is done on it will be disclosed.

Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, what sort of persons ought you to be in leading lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the Coming of the Day of God, because of which the heavens will be set ablaze and dissolved and the elements will melt with fire? In accordance with His promise (1 Corinthians 1:8; Philippians 1:101 Thessalonians 3:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:23) we wait for new heavens and a new earth, where righteousness is at home.

Final Exhortation (Appeal) and Doxology

Therefore, beloved, while you are waiting for these things, strive to be found by Him at peace, without spot or blemish and regard the patience of the Lord as salvation. So also our beloved brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, speaking of this as he does in all his letters. There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, since you are forewarned, beware that you are not carried away with the error of the lawless and lose your own stability but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen! 

2 Peter 3:3-18

  • Jesus taught, “The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God has come near; Repent and Believe in The Good News!”  –Mark 1:15

If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and Believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved! For one believes with the heart and so is justified and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved. The Scripture says, “No one who Believes in Him will be put to shame.” (Isaiah 28:16; Psalm 25:1-22) For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on Him. For, everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved!”  –Romans 10:9-13

  • You May Know the Joy of Salvation and Eternal Life
    Today,Through The Good News of Christ Jesus!

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of St. Oswald of Worcester

Thursday, February 29th, 2024

St OswaldSt. Oswald of Worcester -Image: St. Paul Street Evangelization

(Franciscan Media) Born in England into a military family during the 10th century (Oswald’s parents immigrated from Denmark according to SQPN before his birth) Oswald was raised and educated by his uncle the Archbishop of Canterbury (would be Canonized and known as St. Odo the Good -Feast Day: 04 July) Oswald continued his education in France where he would later become a Benedictine Monk.

In 962 Oswald was appointed Bishop of England Worcester (later Archbishop of York) working with St. Dunstan and St. Ethelwold to revive monastic and ecclesiastical discipline in England — Archbishop Oswald founded the Abbey at Ramsey and the Monastery at Winchester and supported and improved scholarships at the Abbey, together with inviting leading educators in such fields as mathematics and astronomy to lecture. 

Archbishop Oswald became widely known for his sanctity and especially his love for those less fortunate. — The final Winter of his life was spent at the Cathedral in Worcester that he so loved. At the beginning of Lent in February 992, Archbishop Oswald resumed the practice of washing the feet of 12 poor Men each day.

On this leap year day in 992, Archbishop Oswald died after he washed the feet of the twelfth Man, kissing his feet and giving a blessing.

More here from Catholic News Agency

Today Christians Honor Blessed Daniel Brottier – Please Pray For Us!

Wednesday, February 28th, 2024

Blessed Daniel BrottierBlessed Daniel Brottier (1876-1936) Image: Cradio

(Catholic Online) Born in France, Blessed Daniel Brottier, was a decorated Priest who served as a volunteer Chaplain during World War I risking his own life from time-to-time, cited six times for bravery, receiving the ‘Croix de Guerre’ and the ‘Legion of Honor’ according to 365 Rosaries during his 4 years at the front, ministering to the suffering and dying–It was miraculous that during the war, Fr. Brottier didn’t suffer a single wound.

Following the end of the war, Fr. Brottier was invited to help establish a project for orphaned and abandoned children in Paris, spending the last 13 years of his life there.

Blessed Daniel Brottier...Fr. Daniel Brottier –Image Courtesy: 365 Rosaries

Fr. Brottier was Beatified by Pope Saint John Paul II in Rome in November, 1984

Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Patron Saint of Youth – Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, February 27th, 2024

St Gabriel of Our Lady of SorrowsSt. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (1838-1862) — Catholic Tradition

(Franciscan Media) Born in Italy into a large family and Baptized Francis, he lost his mother when he was only 4 yrs of age. Educated by the Jesuits and having been cured twice of serious illnesses, Young Francis came to believe that God was calling him to a religious life.

Not yet 17, Francis wished to join the Jesuits but twice was turned down. Subsequent to the death of his sister to cholera, his resolve to enter into a religious life became more fervent and he was accepted by the Passionists — Upon entering the novitiate, Francis was given the name of ‘Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows.’

Ever popular and cheerful Gabriel quickly was successful in his effort to be faithful in little things, his spirit of prayer, love for the poor, consideration of the feelings of others, exact observance of the Passionate Rule as well as his bodily penances–always subject to the will of his wise superiors, made a deep impression on everyone.

Gabriel’s superiors had great expectations of him as he prepared for the priesthood but after just 4 short years of religious life, symptoms of tuberculosis appeared. Ever obedient, Gabriel patiently bore the painful effects of the disease and the restrictions that it required, seeking no special consideration.

On the 27 February, 1862 Gabriel passed away at the age of just 24 and was fondly remembered as a remarkable young man example to both young and old.

Canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920, Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows and Saint Aloysius, is one of the Patrons of Youth.

More here from EWTN

Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of St. Maria Bertilla Boscardin – Please Pray For Us!

Monday, February 26th, 2024

Saint Maria....

Saint Anna Maria Bertilla Boscardin
(1888-1922) –Image: Mc Rodriguez

(CNA) Anna Francesca Boscardin was born in Italy Brendola and lived a difficult childhood in a poor peasant family with an abusive alcoholic father prone to jealousy, she was afforded little education, so she could spend more time at home working and was often the butt of jokes and nicknamed ‘The Goose’ as she wasn’t considered to be not very intelligent.

However Anna’s life changed when she entered the ‘Sisters of Saint Dorthy’ in 1904 taking the name ‘Bertilla’ working in the convents kitchen and laundry for three years while training to be a nurse.

Sister Maria Bertilla, began working in a hospital for children in Treviso with diphtheria, quickly becoming the children’s favorite due to her simple and gentle way. Later when the hospital was taken over by the military in World War I, she cared for wounded soldiers, even staying with patients comforting them amidst the threat of constant air raids and bombings.

Subsequently an envious supervisor reassigned Sister Maria Bertilla now popular among the patients to a hospital laundry but when her Mother-General learned of this she made Sister Maria Bertilla head of the children’s ward in 1919 until her death.

Sister Anna Maria Bertilla passed away on the 20 October 1922 following a long battle with cancer. On the 31 July, 1949 she was declared ‘heroic in virtue’ and was Beatified by Pope Pius XII in June, 1952

On the 11 May, 1961 by Pope John XXIII Canonized Sister Maria Bertilla before a crowd of many of her former patients that fondly remembered her caring for them.

Related: Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin –Vita dei Santi

An Inspiration Of Time With God For Today

Sunday, February 25th, 2024

Jesus taught, “…about that day and hour no one knows,
neither the Angels of Heaven, nor the Son but only the Father.
For as the days of Noah were,  so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” Matthew 24:36-37
Image Courtesy: Kayla Cusano

Signs of the End of the Age

When Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to Him privately saying, ‘Tell us, when will this be and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?’

Jesus answered them, “Beware that no one leads you astray. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah!’ They will lead many astray and you will hear of wars and rumors of  wars; see that you are not alarmed, for this must take place but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, there will be famines and earthquakes in various places, all this is but the beginning of the birth pangs.

Persecutions Foretold

Then they will hand you over to be tortured and will put you to death, you will be hated by all nations because of My name (Jesus!) then many will fall away, they will betray one another and hate one another, many false prophets will arise and lead many astray and because of the increase of lawlessness (See also: Romans 1:18-32;
2 Timothy 3:1-5)
the love of many will grow cold but the one who endures to the end will be saved. This Good News of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world, as a testimony to all the nations and then the end will come.”  Matthew 24:3-14

Jesus taught, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life! Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world but in order that the world might be saved through Him. (Jesus) Those who believe in Jesus are not condemned but those who do not believe are condemned already because they have not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”

John 3:16-18

  • You May Know the Joy of Salvation and Eternal Life
    Today Through The Good News of Christ Jesus!

Related: Final Battle will be Over Marriage/Family, Says Fatima Visionary Sister Lucia dos Santos  -Church Pop

Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of Blessed Sebastian of Aparicio, Patron of Travelers – Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, February 25th, 2024

Blessed Sebastian

Blessed Sebastian of Aparicio
Roman Catholic Saints

(Franciscan Media) Sebastian born of poor parents in Spain Galicia, throughout life his roads and bridges connected many distant places, his final bridge building was to help Women and Men, recognize their God given dignity with destiny.

At the age of 31 Sebastian sailed to Mexico where he began working in the fields, eventually building roads to facilitate agricultural trading and other commerce–his 446 mile road from Mexico City to Zacatecas took 10 years to construct and required careful negotiations with the indigenous people along the way.

As the years went by, Sebastian became a wealthy farmer and rancher. When he was 60, he got married, his spouse motivation many have been a large inheritance, his was to provide a respectable life for a young Woman without even a modest marriage dowry, when his first wife died, Sebastian remarried for the same reason, his second wife preceded him in death.

When Sebastian was 72 he distributed his wealth among the poor and entered the Franciscans as a Brother, assigned to a large Friary at Puebla de Los Angeles, south of Mexico City, Sebastian collected money for the Friars for the next 25 years, earning him the nickname “Angel of Mexico.”

Sebastian was Beatified on the 17 May, 1789 by Pope Pius VI

Today Christians Honor Blessed Luke Belludi – Please Pray For Us!

Saturday, February 24th, 2024

Blessed Luke Belludi

Bl. Luke Belludi (1200-1285)
Ad Jesum Per Mariam

(Franciscan Media) In 1220 as Fr. Anthony of Padua was ministering conversion to Jesus Christ to the inhabitants of Italy Padua, a young nobleman Luke Belludi, came up to him and humbly asked to receive the habit of the followers of Saint Francis — Anthony took to the talented, well educated Luke and personally recommended him to Saint Francis who then received him into the Franciscan Order.

Luke then only 20 yrs of age, was to be Anthony’s traveling companion and help in his ministry, tending to him through his last days and taking Anthony’s place upon his death. Subsequently appointed Guardian of the Friars Minor in the City of Padua. In 1239, the city fell into the hands of its enemies, Nobles were executed, the Mayor and Council were disbanded, the great University of Padua closed and the Church dedicated to Saint Anthony was left unfinished. –Luke, banished from Padua secretly returned and at night, Luke and the new Guardian of the Friars Minor, visited the tomb of Saint Anthony in the unfinished shrine to pray for his help.

One night a voice came from Saint Anthony’s tomb, assuring Luke and the present Guardian of the Friars Minor, that Padua would soon be delivered from the evil tyrant.

After the fulfillment of the prophetic message, Luke was elected Provincial Minister and furthered the completion of the great Basilica in honor of Saint Anthony his teacher, traveling companion and confidant. Luke subsequently founded many Convents of the order and had, as Saint Anthony, the Gift of Miracles.

Upon Luke’s death in 1285 he was laid to rest in the Basilica that he helped finish and has had a continual great respect up to the present time. Blessed Luke Belludi was beatified according to Roman Catholic by Pope Pius XI

Today Christians Commemorate St. Polycarp, Martyr for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Friday, February 23rd, 2024

St Polycarp

Saint Polycarp
Image: Vassallomalta

(EWTN) St. Polycarp was one of the most illustrious of the apostolic fathers who, being the immediate disciple of the Apostles, received instructions from their own mouths and inherited of them the Spirit of Jesus Christ, in a degree so much the more eminent.

Bishop of Smyrna (modern day Turkey Izmir) Saint Polycarp was a revered Christian leader during the first half of the second century.

St. Ignatius on his way to Rome to be martyred, visited Polycarp at Smyrna and later at Troas, wrote him a personal letter. The Asia-Minor (modern day Turkey) Churches recognized Polycarp’s leadership by selecting him as their representative  in about the year 158 to discuss with Pope Anicetus the date of the Easter celebration in Rome–a major controversy in the early Church.

Only one of the many letters written by Saint Polycarp has been preserved, according to EWTN the one that he wrote to the Church of Philippi in Macedonia.

During the sixth year of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (161-180) a violent persecution broke out in which the Christian faithful, gave heroic proof of their courage and love for God, to the astonishment of the infidels. When the Christians were torn to pieces with scourges until their very bowls laid bare, amidst the moans and tears of the spectators, who were moved with pity at the sight of their torments, not one of the Christians gave a so much as a single groan, so little regard had they for their own flesh in their cause for God.

No kinds of torture, no inventions of cruelty, cause them to to conform to the pagan worship of the times.

Polycarp was  subsequently led into the crowded Smyrna stadium to be burned alive at which time he said to his tormentors:

“You threaten me with a fire which burns for a short time then goes out but are yourselves ignorant of the judgment to come and the fire of everlasting torments which is prepared for the wicked. Why do you delay? Bring against me what you please.”

St Polycarp Flames Did Not ConsumeMiracle: St. Polycarp in the Flames
Which Did Not Consume Him

The flames did not harm Polycarp and an Order went out for a Spearman to pierce him through which he did and such a huge quantity of blood poured out of his left side that it quenched out the fire–the Centurion then ordered that Polycarp’s body be burned.

The “Acts” of Polycarp’s martyrdom are the earliest preserved, fully reliable account of a Christian Martyr’s death in 156