Archive for the ‘Christmas’ Category

An Inspiration Of Time With God For Today

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019

Ready For ChristmasThe Angel said to them, “Do not be afraid for see–I am bringing you good news of great joy of all people. To you is born this day in the City of David a Savior who is the Messiah, the Lord.” –Luke 2:10-11
Image Courtesy: Respect Life Los Angeles

For a Child has been born for us, a Son given to us, authority rests upon His shoulders and He is named Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. –Isaiah 9:6

Raise your voice and tell the Good News.
Behold the Lord God comes with might. –
Isaiah 40:9-10

“Stand up and raise your heads because your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21:28B

An Inspiration Of Time With God For Today

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

AdventHoly Advent -Image Courtesy: Franciscan Friars

An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said:

“Joseph son of David do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit, she will bear a Son and you are to name Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:20-21

The Greatness and the Goodness of God

I will extol You, my God and King and bless Your name forever and ever. Everyday I will bless You and praise Your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised, His greatness is unsearchable.

One generation shall laud Your works to another and shall declare Your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wondrous works, I will meditate. The might of Your awesome deeds shall be proclaimed and I will declare Your greatness. They shall celebrate the fame of Your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of Your righteousness.

The Lord in gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. The Lord is good to all and His compassion is over all that He has made.

All Your works shall give thanks to You O Lord and all Your faithful shall bless You. They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom and tell of Your power to make known to all people Your mighty deeds and the glorious splendor of Your kingdom and Your dominion endures throughout all generations.

The Lord is faithful in all His words and gracious in all His deeds.

The Lord upholds all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all who look to You and you give them their food in due season.

You open Your hand, satisfying the desire of every living thing.

The Lord is just in all His ways and kind in all His doings. The Lord is near to all who who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. He fulfills the desire of all who fear Him, He also hears their cry and saves them.

The Lord watches over all who love Him but all the wicked He will destroy.

My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord and all flesh will bless His holy name forever and ever. –Psalm 145

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

Happy Birthday JesusJesus is the Reason for the Season –Image: Christian Cinema@Facebook

An Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid, take Mary as your wife for the Child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit, she will bear a Son and you are to name Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” –Matthew 1:20-21 (NRSVCE)

An Inspiration Of Time With God For Today

Friday, December 30th, 2016

Let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace in which you were also called in one body and be thankful. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.  Colossians 3:15-16
Image Courtesy: Archbishop Jose Gomez

Related: For Today’s Bible Readings and More Visit: -USCCB

We Wish You A Merry Christmas – God Bless!

Saturday, December 24th, 2016

We’re Excited & Ready For Christmas
Ying & Wish Everyone a Very Blessed Christmas

Image Courtesy: Respect Life Los Angeles

Life Is a Sacred Gift From God

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

“One Cannot Place a Value on Any Person’s Life, Their Impact is Infinite.”
Image Courtesy: Respect Life Los Angeles

  • IPrayToEndAbortion “A great prayer of life is urgently needed,
    one that will rise up throughout the world.” -Pope St. John Paul II

The One Christmas Video You Have To Watch — He Came Down

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

VIA: The Stream

H/T: OneLife LA

An Inspiration Of Time With God For Today

Friday, December 23rd, 2016

“Do not be afraid, for see — I am bringing you news of great joy for all the people. To you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.”  Luke 2:10-11
Image: Archbishop Jose Gomez

The Birth of Jesus

In those days a decree went out from the Emperor Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration and was taken while Quirinius was Governor of Syria, all went to their own towns to be registered.

Joseph also went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the City of David called Bethlehem because he was descended from the House and Family of David, he went to be registered with Mary, to whom he was engaged and was expecting a Child. While they were there, the time came for her (Blessed Virgin Mary) to deliver her Child and she gave birth to her firstborn Son and wrapped him in bands of cloth and laid Him in a manger because there was no place for them in the Inn.

The Shepherds and the Angels

In that region there were Shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an Angel of the Lord stood before them and the Glory of the Lord shone around them and they were terrified but the Angel said to them:

“Do not be afraid, for see — I am bringing you Good News of Great Joy for all the people: To you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: You will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host, praising God and saying:

“Glory to God in the Highest Heaven and on earth, peace among those whom He favors.”

When the Angels had left them and gone into Heaven, the Shepherds said to one another, “Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.”

So they went with haste and found Mary, Joseph and the Child (Jesus) lying in the manger. When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about the Child and all who heard it were amazed at what the Shepherds told them but Mary, treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.

The Shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for they had heard and seen as it had been told them. Luke 2:1-20

An Inspiration Of Time With God For Today

Sunday, December 18th, 2016

“Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive and Bear a Son and His Name Shall be Called Emmanuel” (Which Means: God With Us) Matthew 1:23  Image Courtesy: Archbishop Jose Gomez

The Birth of Jesus The Messiah

Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place this way. When His Mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with Child of the Holy Spirit and her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to send her away quietly but as he considered this, behold an Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying: “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit, she will bear a Son and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”

All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the Prophet:

“Behold a Virgin shall Conceive and Bear a Son and His name shall be called Emmanuel” (Which means: God With Us) –Isaiah 7:14

When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the Angel of the Lord commanded him, he took his wife but knew her not until she had borne a Son and he called His name Jesus. Matthew 1:18-25

Related: For Today’s Bible Readings and More Visit: -USCCB

Mommy, I Want a St. Joan of Arc Doll — Makes a Great Christmas Gift

Saturday, September 10th, 2016


Order a St. Joan of Arc Doll here in Time for Christmas for Your Children, Grandchildren, Nieces, Friends — Makes a Great Gift Too for that Special Child in Away From Home in the Hospital During the Holidays