Archive for the ‘Christmas’ Category

Consumer Spending During ‘Black Friday Weekend’ Falls $1.7 Billion From a Year Ago

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

Thank Obama...Christmas Sales Down, Thanks Obama –Image: Accuracy in Media

(NY Times) It was a cold, clear day in Leesburg, VA and a Security Guard at am outlet mall there said the midmorning crowd was smaller to that of a typical Friday but an ordinary day it was not. It was ‘Black Friday’ traditionally the biggest shopping day of the year.

With the nations economy stumbling along and consumer confidence hitting a 7 month low in November ‘Black Friday Weekend’ itself the seasons customary kickoff is looking a bit gloomy.

Christmas shopping generally accounts for 20 t0 40% of a retailers annual sales and ‘Black Friday Weekend’ typically represents 10 to 15% of those sales.

Over the course of the weekend, Consumers spent $1.7 Billion less on Christmas shopping than they did just a year ago, according to the National Retail Federation.

According to Yahoo/Finance retailer got Americans into stores over the weekend but failed to motivate them to spend. A record 141 million people were expected to shop in stores over the four day weekend ending yesterday up from last years 137 million but total spending was expected to fall ‘for the first time ever’ since the National Retail Federation began tracking the numbers since 2006

Obama Admin Tweets Biden With Camel as They Push to Give Muslim Brotherhood Another Chance

Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

Guess What Day It IsObama Administration Tweets Joe Biden With Camel as Egyptian Military Cracks Down on Muslim Brotherhood –Image: Breitbart

(Daily Caller) The Obama Administration today pushed multiple statements today to give the Islamic Fascist Muslim Brotherhood another chance, calling for elections in Egypt as the country’s military cracked-down on Muslim Brotherhood supporters, that have unleashed their fury on Christians according to Asia News attacking 7 Catholic churches together with 15 Coptic-Orthodox and one Protestant Churches in Cairo.

The news was announced by Father Rafic Greich a spokesman for the Egyptian Catholic Church who underlined the fact that the Western Media has remained silent about the attacks on Christians.

More here from Jihad Watch

H/T: Weasel Zippers

Merry Christmas…

Friday, June 14th, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happiest of New YearsMerry Christmas Everyday

(FOX News) Texas Governor Rick Perry signed legislation into law protecting “Merry Christmas” Thursday, removing any risks of saying “Merry Christmas” and to insure that the religious holiday and all religious observances like it will always be permitted to be observed in Texas Public Schools.

H/T: The Kitchen Cabinet

Jesus Is The Reason…Merry Christmas

Monday, December 24th, 2012

Birth of Jesus --The Federalist PapersJesus is the Reason –The Federalist Papers

(CNA) In a rare article in the Financial Times, Pope Benedict XVI writes that its a time for Christians to engage with the world, “reassess priorities” and reflect on how to live out their faith with eternity in mind.

“While Christmas is undoubtedly a time of great joy, it is also an occasion for deep reflection, even an examination of conscience,” said Pope Benedict XVI

Related: The Reason for the Season is Christ –Catholic Online

Pope Benedict XVI Childhood Letter to Baby Jesus Reveals his Faith & Devotion

Friday, December 21st, 2012

Seven Yr Old Joseph RatzingerSeven Year Old Joseph Ratzinger –First Things

(CNA) A recently unearthed letter from 7 year old Joseph Ratzinger to Baby Jesus, reveals the future Pope Benedict XVI devotion to the Sacred Heart and his desire to be a priest one day when he grew up.

Dear Baby Jesus: Quickly come down to earth. You will bring joy to children. Also bring me joy. I would like Volks-Schott, green clothing for Mass and a heart of Jesus. I will always be good.

Greetings from Joseph Ratzinger

More here from Catholic News Agency

JB Partners Group Grinch, That Stole Christmas

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

Seniors Decry Christmas Tree Ban by the “JB Partners Group” Grinch

(LA Daily News) Residents at Newhall Senior Apartment Complex are protesting an Order from the JB Partners Group Grinch to remove their beloved Christmas Tree from their community room because its a religious symbol and politically incorrect.

Yesterday, Tarzana based JB Partners Group Grinch, sent a memo to the staff at the Willows Senior Apartment Bldg demanding that they take down Christmas Trees and Menorah’s  in communal areas–JB Partners Group has owned the property for the past 4 years but this is the first time it’s given such an Order to staff–today about 2 dozen residents gather in the lobby to erect a neon green sign protesting the decision of the JB Partners Grinch which says: “Please Save Our Tree.”

Comments may be directed to the JB Partners Group Grinch, at 18375 Ventura Blvd, Suite # 611, Tarzana, CA 91356 or by email to:

More here from FOX News