Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Lame Duck Obama Wanting to Stay Relevant to Issue New EPA Regs to Take Effect After his Term

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

Obama Lame Duck(NY Times) Obama is set to announce sweeping new EPA Regs mandating ‘the first ever federal limits on power plant emissions’ according to Market Watch that are intended to cut emissions 32% from 2005 levels by 2030

The new EPA rule also demands that power plants use more renewable sources of energy like wind and solar power–states will be expected to submit an initial version of their ‘plans’ by next year. — Already, the ‘State of Indiana’ together with Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Wisconsin have indicated that they will reject Obama’s latest initiative.

White House officials concede that Obama’s latest EPA mandates to address his fears of ‘global warming’ are a part of his legacy building.

There are certain doubts that these new Obama imposed mandates will ever actually survive in the version to be unveiled today. Already more than a dozen states and the coal industry have vowed to sue the EPA, those cases will ultimately go unresolved though Obama’s waning days as president and the next administration may very well rescind Obama’s latest grandiose legacy building directives.

More here from The Wall Street Journal

Related: Obama Climate Change Regs to Kill Jobs, Raise Electric Rates

Obama Fantasizes Compares Himself to Reagan

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

Reagan v Obama Labor MarketReagan’s Labor Expansion -v- Obama’s Labor Collapse
Image: Kelly@Twitter

(Politico) President Obama says he believes that he’s led a new ‘Reagan Revolution’ so that would make Hillary Clinton, if she wins his “Bush Senior.”

“Much in the same way the ‘Reagan Revolution’ required Bush Senior” to complete his transformation of American politics, Obama told his White House alumni staff in a conference call this week, “we’ve got to make sure we’re laying the foundation” for the next Democrat elected.

Yea Riiight… TPS !!!

Reagan v Obama JobsReagan -v- Obama Foundations: Recoveries & Jobs Growth —IJ Review

PT v FTP/T Jobs Surge by 161,000 — F/T Jobs Tumble by 349,000 –Zero Hedge

Related: Factory Orders Scream Recession–Annual Drop Biggest Since 08

96.3 MillionĀ  Not in Labor Force Obama Advisor Blames it on the Calendar

Say It Ain’t So! Women Are Still Short Changed Working for the Obama Administration

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

Equal Pay Obama(WFB) Women Working for the Obama Administration Make Just
.84 cents or 15.8% Less for Each Dollar Earned by Men, According to a
AEI Analysis of 2015 Salary Data –Image: Women Vote@Twitter

  • Flashback: On the 07 April, 2014 I wrote here President Obama: Why Do Men Earn More Than Women in Your Administration? Citing Data from 2011 2012 and 2013

Obamanomics: Labor Force Participation Rate Falls to Lowest Level in 38 Years

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

Labor Force Participation Rate(Marketwatch) Labor Force Participation Rate in June, Falls to 62.6%
Lowest Level Since Democrat Jimmy Carter was President in 1977
Image Courtesy: AEI

Related: Americans Not in Labor Force Soars by 640,000 –ZeroHedge

Record 93,626,000 Not in Labor Force –CNS News

California Democrat Legislature Pass $117.5B Spending Bill While $1 Trillion Unfunded Pension Liabilities Looms, Calls It Responsible

Wednesday, June 17th, 2015

California Obesity...California Budget Deficit $426,757,000,000+ Per Person $11,133
California Debt Clock

(OC Register) California Democrat controlled legislature passes a $117.5 Billion spending plan calling it responsible.

  • Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins D-San Diego said: “Our state is on a firm financial footing and that stability gives us an opportunity which has been rare in recent years.”

Huh??? With a ballooning $426 Billion+ Deficit and $1 Trillion in Unfunded Pension Liabilities what ‘firm financial footing’ is Democrat Assembly Speaker Atkins referring?

Obama’s Watch: Govt Debt Threatens to Send Economy Into a Death Spiral CBO Warns

Wednesday, June 17th, 2015

US Debt ClockU.S. Debt Clock Real Time

(Washington Times) Rising federal debt threatens to choke economic growth within a decade, beginning a death spiral that will sap revenue from government programs even as demand grows forcing the government to borrow even more money Congressional Budget Office (CBO) warns:

“If current laws remain generally unchanged, federal debt held by the public would exceed 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) within 25 years or by 2040 and will continue an upward path relative to the size of the economy–a trend that could not be sustained.”

  • Flashback: Remember in March when Obama Tweeted that: “The deficit has come down by two-thirds since I’ve been president.”

Obama Debt(Video Flashback) Remember in 2008 when then Sen. Obama claimed
adding $4 Trillion of Debt was ‘Unpatriotic’ During the Bush Admin —
What is Adding $7.5 Trillion+ During Obama’s Watch — Treasonous?

More here from Fox Nation

This Is Another Reason You Don’t Deserve $15 an Hour

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

Taco BellRes Ipsa Loquitur –Image Courtesy: Zlatan@Twitter

H/T: Michael A. Nothem@Twitter

Why Not Trump For President? At Least He Knows Where Jobs Come From

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

Donald TrumpDonald Trump Makes It Official –Image Courtesy: Joe Roediger@Twitter

Why Not Trump For President? At least Trump has plenty of Executive level experience (much more so than Obama ever had before he sought the presidency or Hillary Clinton could ever hope to have) Trump has created tens of thousands of ‘private sector’ jobs–many more jobs than Hillary Clinton has and at least Trump knows where jobs come from.

Flashback: Remember in October when Hillary Clinton said: “Don’t let anyone tell you that a, you know it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs…”

McDonald’s Protesters Demand $15 Hour, Why Not $20? Maybe $50? Why Not a Cool $100 Per Hour?

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

McDonalds...McDonald’s Protesters Demand $15 Per Hour –Image: Demos@Twitter

(Chicago Tribune) After marching to McDonald’s headquarters today, 10 protesters from a crowd of more than 1,000 were allowed on McDonald’s property to deliver a petition–calling for a $15 per hour wages for the company’s front line workers.

“We want a fair share,” workers protesters and agitators chanted.

What is fairness? What maybe is ‘fair’ for you isn’t ‘fair’ for me? Maybe McDonald’s workers should be just happy to have a job?

When government mandates a ‘minimum wage’ then businesses make adjustments to pay for the added costs writes CATO Institute such as reducing hiring, cutting employee work hours, reducing benefits and charging higher prices. Some policymakers believe that companies simply absorb the costs of minimum wage increases through reduced profits…

  • If $15 per hour is a so called ‘living wage’ why not $20 per hour?
    Better yet, maybe $50 per hour or why not a cool $100.00 per hour?

Say Hello to Your ReplacementMcDonald’s Former Workers: No ObamaCare, No Protesting,
No Overtime, No Work Slow Downs, No Vacations…
Image: Krispy Konservative

Flashback: On the 28 October I wrote here that Lowe’s debuts its ‘Robotic Shopping Assistants’ at its Orchard Supply Hardware store in San Jose — No ObamaCare, Not Demanding Higher Wages, No Work Stoppages, No Sick Leave, No Missed Days…

Related: Restaurants Close Doors After Seattle Hikes Minimum Wage

Seattle’s $15 Wage Law a Factor in Restaurants Closings

Obama: Private Sector Doing Fine; Climate Change Natl Security Threat — 109 Million+ Americans Receiving Food Assistance

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

Obamanomics...(WFB) The taxpayers spent $100 Million providing food assistance last year to 109,930,000 Americans, up from 47,102,780 just 2.50 yrs ago or from 45,794,474 in 2011

  • Flashback: Remember when Obama claimed the private sector is doing fine.

On Wednesday, President Obama told Coast Guard Academy graduates “that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security…”

Riiight… If one is so naive and self-delusional to forget about ISIS committing genocide against Christians, the U.S. labor participation rate is an anemic 62.8% and the federal deficit is $18.234 Trillion+ up from $6.991 Trillion when Obama first took office.