Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

California Deep in Debt & Considering New Taxes, Wastes $540,000 for New Cars for Lawmakers

Monday, February 16th, 2015

Ethics LessonEthics 101 for California State Lawmakers –Cartoon: Cal Watchdog

(LA Times) The State of California purchased some $540,000 worth of new Ford Fusion Hybrids and other vehicles for Members of the State Senate to replace vehicles that have as little as 12,400 miles on them over the past 18 months–some were purchased shortly before nearly 40 Senate staffers were laid-off because of a budget shortfall.

“The excesses and absurdities never seem to end with government,” said Lew Uhler, President of the California based Natl Tax Limitation Committee.

According to KCRA Sacramento the state’s Dept of General Services defended the purchases of the cars–eight of which cost nearly $24,000 each.

At a time when the State of California is $423,781,900,000.00+ in Debt and Democrats in Sacramento have proposed a new user fee tax to confiscate another $1.8 Billion from residents and consumers alike, what will it take for voters to revolt and recall Democrat state lawmakers in charge of the public purse?

Related: History and Recall of State Officials –NCSL

Obama Releases 332 Pg Plan to Regulate the Internet & Raise Taxes on Consumers

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

Aijit PaiFCC Commissioner AijitPai@Twitter Fact Sheet: Obama’s 332 Pg Plan
to Regulate the Internet Gives FCC the Power to Micromanage How the Internet Works & Opens the Door to Billions of New Taxes on Consumers

Flashback Video: Remember in 2008 in Dover, NH when then presidential candidate Barack Obama said: “I can make this firm pledge, under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”

Obama is a narcissistic, pathological liar.

H/T: Lana Wong@Facebook

California Already With the Nations Highest Gas Taxes, Democrat Proposes New Road User Fee

Thursday, February 5th, 2015

California Gas TaxesCalifornia Gas Taxes Already Highest in the Country Now Democrat
Assembly Speaker Wants to Gouge Consumers Even More
Image: CA Political Review

(LA Times) California Democrat Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins proposed on Wednesday a new user fee tax, to confiscate an additional $1.8 Billion annually from Consumers called a ‘Road User Charge’ tacked on to residents insurance bills or registration fees to allegedly pay for roadway maintenance.

Flashback: Remember in 2014 when an audit of California’s books revealed in excess of $31 Billion in accounting irregularities–Now Democrats want even more money. When is enough, enough? Can Democrats insatiable appetite to seize other peoples money be ever satisfied?

California already ranked by 500 of the top CEO’s in the country as the worst state to do business mainly because of the state’s high taxes and oppressive regulatory regime, Democrats in Sacramento are not going to make it any easier to attract new companies, business development and opportunity, by taking even more money from Consumers already overly burdened by the highest personal income taxes and gas taxes in the country.

Gallup CEO: Obamanomics Disaster — ‘The Big Lie’ 5.6% Unemployment

Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

Real Unemployment Rate(Gallup) The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment –Image: Marine76@Twitter

“The Official unemployment rate, which cruelly overlooks the suffering of the long term and often permanently unemployed, as well as the depressingly unemployed amounts to a ‘Big Lie’ and its a lie that has consequences…”

  • Flashback: On the 05 December, I wrote here that the U.S. Labor Participation Rate held steady from the previous month at an historic 36 year low of 62.8% subsequent reporting by the U.S. Dept of Labor indicated the Labor Participation Rate fell to 62.7% ending 2014

VP Joe Biden on Obamanomics: “Past 6 Years Have Been Really, Really Hard for This Country”

Friday, January 30th, 2015

Obamanomics 20151 in 5 American Children Rely on Food Stamps –Image: Phk Ken@Twitter

(Daily Caller) VP Joe Biden said the past 6 years have been really hard for the United States — Duh!

Referring to the national hardships of the period which he has been Vice President, Biden also noted the great struggle experienced by the Democratic Party.

“To state the obvious, the past six years have been really, really hard for this country and they’ve been really tough for our party, ” Biden said at the ‘House Democratic Caucus Retreat’ in Philadelphia.

Finally, a Democrat that will “state the obvious” in public with cameras rolling. — Wow, that’s a rarity.

Pew Research: Americans Say Obamanomics Failing Them — Falling Behind the Cost of Living

Monday, January 26th, 2015

Obamanomics...Obama SOTU — Good Grief  –Image Courtesy: Austin Ridenour@Twitter

During his ‘State of the Union’ speech last week, the USA Today reported that President Obama said:

“The shadow of the (recession) crisis has passed
and the state of the union is strong.”

Not so fast — According to Pew Research earlier this month, while Americans views of the economy have improved somewhat:

  • 48% say their economic condition is only fair, 24% call themselves poor while only a meager 27% describe economic conditions as good.
  • Likewise, most Americans 55% continue to say they are falling behind the cost of living and when it comes to job opportunities, 57% say that jobs are difficult to find.
  • Overall the strength of the economy is seen as tepid–66% says the economy is recovering but not very strongly, 17% see no economic recovery at all with just 16% that believe the economy is recovering strongly.

Related: 27 Facts Show How the Middle Class Has Fared Under Obama

Obama’s Latest Tax Hike Proposal on ‘529 College Savings Plans’ Breaks Middle Class Tax Pledge

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

More Free StuffObama’s Latest Brainstorm of ‘More Free Stuff’
Image: Joe Thompson@Twitter 

(CNN) The most compelling reason to save for your child’s college education in a 529 Plan has been for the tax savings–One can sock away up to $14,000 a year according to the IRS (which one of course pays taxes on when earned) for a child’s college costs and pay no capital gains taxes on the interest  when the funds are used to pay for educational costs–Well that’s the plan now unless Obama has his way.

Obama’s latest brainstorm: To strip away 529 College Saving Plans of their key tax breaks–Savings would still be tax deferred but withdrawals on any new deposits made into the 529’s would be taxed as ordinary income to the beneficiary (actually double taxed as one pays income taxes on the money earned before socking it away into a 529 account) Still, why remove the incentive to sock away money to pay for a child’s future education costs?

To the Obama Administration its all about ‘fairness’ (fair for who? Who decides what is fair? Obama?) adding that tax-free distribution of money from 529 accounts unfairly benefits high income earners.

Under Obama’s proposal, one must disincentivize college savings and investment to make children dependent on the government (taxpayers) for their future educational costs.

The Wall Street Journal reports that a Senior Obama Administration official said, “Under the president’s plan, every dollar saved from consolidating and curbing inefficient tax breaks and tens of billions more–is plowed right back into higher education tax benefits for students and middle-class families. In particular, families with incomes of up to $180,000 (Obama’s latest definition of who is rich) will be able to benefit from the expanded Opportunity Tax Credit.”

This so called, ‘Opportunity Tax Credit’ provides more benefit to lower income students, in part because it pays ‘cash’ to students who don’t make enough to pay income taxes.

So let me see if I have this straight. Obama now wants to allow the government to tax (confiscate) interest earned in ‘529 College Saving Plans’ (which one has already paid federal and state income taxes on the money earned before socking funds away for a child’s future college costs) in an effort to be ‘Fair’ to lower income Americans that will qualify for an ‘Opportunity Tax Credit’ paying them tax-free cash to help pay their educational costs.

Whatever happened to Obama’s ‘firm pledge’ not to raise taxes on families earning less than $250,000 annually?

Flashback Video: Remember in 2008 when then presidential candidate Sen. Obama claimed in Dover, New Hampshire:

“I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”

It sounds like its time to roll-over monies saved in 529’s while children are still young and one intends to continue to save for their future college costs for some years to come, into some other investment vehicle — Tax free municipals are looking better-and-better all the time.

Related: Obama Calls for $320 Billion in New Taxes –ATR

Obama SOTU Fantasy: ‘At This Moment — With a Growing Economy, Shrinking Deficits’

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

Obama Deficit(MSN) Obama SOTU: ‘With a Growing Economy, Shrinking Deficits’
Huh??? What Parallel Universe Does he Live?
At This Moment U.S. Federal Debt
$18.093+Trillion –Image: WSJ

During Obama’s Watch the Federal Debt
has Exploded by $7.5 Trillion –Weekly Standard

Obama Bush UnpatrioticVideo Flashback: Remember in 2008 when Sen. Obama claimed adding
$4 Trillion of Debt was ‘Unpatriotic’ During the Bush Administration

H/T: Independent Women’s Forum@Twitter

CBO: Social Security Disability Insurance to Go Bust by FY 2017 & Senior Benefits by 2032

Friday, January 9th, 2015

Elizabeth WarrenLoony Liberal Lefty Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) Tweets Social Security Outlook is a Made-Up Crisis of the GOP

(CBO) “In calendar year 2010, for the first time since the enactment of the Social Security Amendments of 1983 annual outlays for the program exceeded annual tax revenues…CBO projects under current law the DI (Disability Insurance) trust fund will be exhausted in fiscal year 2017 and the OASI (Old Age and Survivors Insurance) will be exhausted in 2032.”

Taxpayers can also thank ObamaCare for liberating Americans out of the historic 40 hour work week which only exacerbates the problem–fewer hours working results in even less tax revenues in federal coffers, accelerating the crisis of funding pension obligations that Democrat Progressive/Socialists like Warren doesn’t believe exists.

Related: The ACA & the Economics of Part-Time Work –Mercatus Center

What Comes Around…It’s Time to Purge John Boehner as House Speaker

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

Its Time(Breitbart) Six Times John Boehner Proved his Incompetence
I am The Tea Party

Flashback: Remember in October, 2013 when Boehner capitulated to Obama on the debt ceiling with no spending cuts and budget reforms when the federal deficit was $16.9 Trillion (now its $18 Trillion+) after Boehner pledged in 2012:

“When the time comes, I will again insist of my simple principle of cuts and reforms greater than the debt limit increase. This is the only avenue I see…to force the elected leadership in the country to solve our structural imbalance.”


On the 04 December, 2012 I wrote here that Speaker Boehner, purged Conservatives from key committee’s–Its now time to ‘purge’ Mr. Boehner from his key House leadership position.

Related: FY 2014/2015 Budget Deal Was a Huge GOP Cave-In –CATO