Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

White House Press Secy Josh Earnest: ObamaCare Substantially Reduced the Deficit

Monday, January 5th, 2015

US Debt ClockU.S. Federal Deficit Now Exceeds $18 Trillion…
Image Courtesy: Victor Herrera@Twitter

During today’s White House Daily Press Briefing, Press Secy Josh Earnest claimed (at 51.38) “Its important for people to remember, the ACA (ObamaCare) substantially reduced the deficit which is good for the economic health and fiscal health of the country….”


Isn’t this lie, eerily similar to the Obama Administration big whopper on the federal deficit, claiming on the 15 October: “Under President Obama, the deficit has been reduced by two-thirds since 2009.”

What do they think, that we’re stupid?

Flashback: Remember in 2008 when Obama was campaigning chasing votes for president, he assailed then President George Bush, calling him ‘unpatriotic’ for adding $4 Trillion to the national debt in 8 yrs as president.

It took Obama just 39 months to run up $5 Trillion more in debt and now the Obama Administration has the audacity to insult our intelligence by claiming the $18.080 Trillion federal deficit is actually falling.


California New Gas Taxes Go Into Effect, Now Highest in the Country

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

California Gas Taxes(Catholic Online) With the Exception of Two States,
States With the Highest Taxes Voted for Obama in 2012
Californians Against Higher Oil Taxes

Flashback: On the 13 May, I wrote here that California in 2014 was the worst state for business according to an annual survey of 500 CEO’s across the country which graded states which they were familiar on measures including taxes and regulatory regime, the quality of the workforce and the quality of the living environment.

With the 930 new laws which mostly all took effect yesterday, it isn’t very likely that CEO’s across the nation will give California any better grade this year.

Obama Claimed Today ‘Economy has Gotten Better’ Unless Your Black with 11.1% Unemployment or the New 18 Million Receiving Food Stamps

Friday, December 19th, 2014

Obama Presser(Deneen Borelli) Obama Claims ‘2014 Has Been Strongest Year for Job Growth’ Unless Your Black 11.1% Unemployment –Image: ABC @Twitter

Obamanomics...18 Million Added to Food Stamp Program
Image: Soquel by the Creek@Twitter

Obama’s Watch: Catastrophic Economics and What Post-Ferguson Racial Politics Have in Common

Friday, December 5th, 2014

Wages and HoursWages & Payroll Hours at Anemic Pace

(WSJ) Americans are waiting for a raise, wages have been stagnant since the recession, squeezed family budgets and contributed to the dissatisfaction with the economy–average hourly earnings in the private sector have risen just 2% in October from a year ago, in line with the sluggish trend of the past 5 years and barely exceeding the inflation rate–cost of living.

On the 07 November, I wrote here the U.S. Labor Participation Rate held steady at an historic 36 year low of 62.8% according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Black Unemployment remains at double-digit highs of 10.9% nearly double the national average now six years into Obama’s failed presidency.

The Obama Administration has attempted to divert Americans attention away from their catastrophic economic policies by playing the race card, dividing Americans against themselves and never has this been more clear, since the post-Ferguson Grand Jury decision.

How Israel Can Help Solve California’s Water Crisis

Thursday, December 4th, 2014

Israel 21C(Israel21C) How Israel Can Solve California’s Water Crisis

  • Flashback: On the 15 May, I wrote here if not for California’s wacky environmentalists policies and want for more crippling regulations that are now driving away business investment and opportunity, legislators in Sacramento could have helped out everyone had they invested in the future years ago by constructing life-saving desalination plants along the coastline such as Israel’s Sorek Desalination Plant that provides 26,000 cubic meters or 7 million gallons of clean portable water every hour to over 1.5 million people.

U.S. Budget Deficit Now $18 Trillion+

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

U.S. Budget DeficitU.S. Federal Debt Now Exceeds $18 Trillion  –Image: Soquel by the Creek

Related: (Video) Obama Calls Bush ‘Unpatriotic’ Adding $4 Trillion to Debt

Obama’s EPA Proposes Extreme Air Quality Standards

Friday, November 28th, 2014

Cost of EPA RegsCost of EPA Regs: 336,000 Mfg Jobs in One Year –Heritage Foundation

(Daily Signal) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just released its proposed new standard on ground level ozone which allegedly is a component of smog–every 5 yrs, the EPA is required by law to review and if appropriate release these standards.

In 2008 the EPA issued an ozone standard of 75 parts per billion (ppb) the new standard proposed by the EPA would decrease that level to 65 to 70 ppb though the EPA is considering an even lower standard of 60 ppb.

The National Association of Manufacturers has said a 60 ppb would be the costliest regulation in U.S. history according to a new study conducted by NERA Economic Consultants which reveals that the new EPA ozone regulation from the Obama Administration may cost $270 Billion annually and place millions of more good paying American jobs at risk.

On the 13 November, 2013 I wrote here thanks to Obama’s EPA and California’s disastrous environmental regulations which resulted in the closure of San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant and the loss of nearly 1,000 jobs, air pollution actually increased by as much as 35% together with wholesale electrical prices.

The Columbus Dispatch reported in June, 2011 that because of Obama’s proposed EPA clean air rules they would be scuttling 11 coal burning power plants, costing 600 jobs and consumers would face an increase in electricity costs ranging from 10 to 15% over the subsequent 5 years.

In another example of Obama’s EPA over-regulation in July 2010 the EPA announced that it would be cracking down on farm dust.

Related: How EPA Regs Kill Jobs & Reduce Your Income –Daily Signal

Unemployment Rate Dips to 5.8% One in Five Jobs Created in Food Service Industry — Labor Participation Rate 62.8%

Friday, November 7th, 2014

Hillary Clinton EconomyDemocrat Economics 101

(FOX Business) The jobless rate dipped to 5.8% with news that the  economy added 214,000 jobs in October–well below Economists expectations of 231,000 jobs–1 in 5 new jobs created in October were in the food service industry according to Zero Hedge with wages remaining unimpressively flat. 

U.S. Labor Participation rate holds steady at an historic 36 year low of 62.8% according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics–Black unemployment remains at double digit highs of 10.9% nearly double the national average, now 6 years into the Obama presidency.

Related: Dissatisfaction with Obama, Economy Key in GOP Wave Election

California Highest Number & Percentage of Welfare Recipients in the Country–Continue to Reelect Democrats for Prosperity

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

California Welfare CasesCalifornia Highest Number & Percentage of Welfare Recipients
in the United States –Image Courtesy:
Soquel by the Creek@Twitter

Obama’s Watch: Economic Confidence Index -10

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

Economic Confidence(Gallup) Negative Economic Confidence Throughout 2014

Flashback: Remember earlier this month when Obama said: “Make No Mistake, My Policies are On the Ballot, Every Single One of Them.”