Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Democrat’s War on Women: 180,000 Fewer Job Opportunities in March

Friday, April 4th, 2014

Women SufferageWomen Suffrage Movement –Image: Vintage Periods

(CNS) The number of Women unemployed climbed 180,000 in March according to data released by the U.S. Dept of Labor today.

On Friday, I wrote here that President Obama and Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) oppose legislation that would restore the 40 hour work week which ObamaCare reduced to 30 hours, limiting job opportunities and sacrificing liberty for many Women.

Related: Obama’s Watch–Only 38.6% of Jobs Have Gone to Women

Virginia Democrat Rep Jim “Moron” Believes Congress is Underpaid

Friday, April 4th, 2014

Congress Jack AssesDumb-O-Crat Member(s) of Congress…

(Roll Call) Rep Jim Moran (D-VA) claims that Members of Congress already being paid (more than their worth) $174,000 annually are underpaid adding, “A lot of Members can’t afford to live decently in Washington.”

The retiring Moran Moron, intends to remedy this matter, what he sees as a “gross inequality” by introducing legislation that would hike Congressional salaries.

More here from Washington Free Beacon

March Jobs Data Weaker Than Expected, Obama Vows Veto of House Bill to Restore 40 Hr Work Week

Friday, April 4th, 2014

ObamaCare MathObamaCare Math –Image: Brian Cole@Twitter

(RILA) In a letter sent to Congress on Wednesday, the ‘Retail Industry Leaders Assn” called on Congress to immediately pass bipartisan legislation “Save American Workers Act” (HR 2575) to restore the historic 40 hour work week that ObamaCare killed.

Flashback: Remember when then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed that ObamaCare will create 4 Million—400,000 jobs almost immediately and death of 40 hour work week means freedom to follow your passion.

President Obama vowed to veto the legislation if it ever made it to his desk.

It should be of no surprise that March payroll data that was expected to increase 200,000+ jobs according to Zero Hedge was lower than economists anticipated.

Related: Real Unemployment Rate Points in Wrong Direction -NY Times

Work Sharing & Long Term Unemployment –AEI

Using Twitter to Forecast New Applications for Jobless Benefits; First Time Unemployment Claims Spike 16,000 Last Week

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

What Twitter Knows About Jobless Claims

(WSJ) A significant number of people filed initial claims for unemployment benefits at least if you believe an index based off of Twitter.

Economists at the Univ of Michigan have developed a technique that scans billions of Tweets, looking for people Tweeting about job losses and then creates a prediction of the Labor Dept’s weekly report on initial filings–their prediction, 342,000 people filed new claims for jobless benefits last week.

Applications for first time unemployment benefits shot-up 16,000 last week bringing the total to 326,000 from the previous weeks ‘revised’ unemployment claims the U.S. Dept of Labor reported this morning.

On the 04 February, I wrote here an historically high number of people will be locked out of the labor force because of ObamaCare according to a study from the Congressional Budget Office, CNBC reported in February.

Did the State of Michigan Just Trigger a Constitutional Convention?

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

Natl Debt --Cagle CartoonsU.S. Federal Budget Deficit $17.5+ Trillion

(FOX News) Momentum is building behind what would be an unprecedented effort to amend the Constitution and balance the federal budget, in the wake of lawmakers in the State of Michigan, becoming the 34th state to exercise their rights triggering the 2/3 necessary pursuant to Article V of the Constitution of the United States.

In the wake of Michigan’s vote, Rep Duncan Hunter (R-CA) pressed House Speaker John Boehner yesterday to determine whether the states crossed the necessary threshold to begin the process of achieving a balanced budget amendment and Obama, can’t do a damn thing about it.

If 2/3 of the states have indeed called for a constitutional convention, the ball is now in Congress’ court.

The last time a successful amendment was ratified was May 1992 the 27th Amendment on Congressional pay increases.

Michelle Obama During her Mooch Visit to China: “There Were Actually Laws in America That Allowed Discrimination Against Black People Like Me”

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Michelle Obama ChengduMichelle Obama Standing in Place Doing Tai-Chi Her Way in Chengdu
Image: Karson Yiu@Twitter

MIchelle Obama SichuanMichelle Obama Visits an English Class in China, Sichuan Privince
Image: Nerdy Wonka@Twitter

(Weekly Standard) Michelle Obama vacationing in China with her family at taxpayers expense today visited a school and warned students that not everything is perfect in America saying:

“There have been times in our history where we have fallen short. Many years ago, there were actually laws in America that allowed discrimination against black people like me, who are a minority in the United States but over time, ordinary citizens decided that those laws were unfair, so they held peaceful protests and marches (if Michelle O believes the Civil War was nothing more than a ‘peaceful protest and march’ I digress) they called on government officials to change those laws and they voted to elect new officials who shared their views.”

Michelle Obama in her revisionist history lesson today, failed to mention that now in America thanks in large measure of her husband, that we have adopted a new form of Slavery…

Slavery 2014That now is $17.543 Trillion

**Editor’s Note** While Michelle Obama, may have been speaking about the ‘Civil Rights’ movement, that still wasn’t a time of “peaceful protests and marches” and irregardless, Michelle Obama is in China, mooching off the American taxpayers and bashing America–again.

Related: Democrats Filibustered 1964 Civil Rights Act -Gateway Pundit

Somethings Worth Considering…

Friday, March 21st, 2014

Income InequalityWhy Isn’t Obama’s Name First on This List?
Image: Michael Nothem@Twitter

Obama Admin Paid Women Less Than Men in 2011 in 2012 and 2013

Related: Income Inequality is Worse Under Obama –MSN Money

Is Obama Diminishing the Dignity of the Office of the Presidency?

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

BHOObama Talks With Zach Galifianakis Between Two Ferns
Image: Market Watch

(Breitbart) With 3 Americans missing from Malaysia Airlines #370 which appears more and more likely to be a terrorist attack together with the ongoing crisis with American and British ally Ukraine, the deaths of 4 American heroes in Benghazi and more dismal economic news being reported–labor force participation rate hits record low for young people, it would seem that Obama, would more important things to do with his time than making an appearance on a satirical “Funny or Die” video with Zach Galifianakis championing ObamaCare.

If ObamaCare is really the greatest thing since sliced bread and working as good as Obama claims, then why is it that the percentage of uninsured (which we were told ObamaCare was to help) is nearly the same as when Obama took office?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Related: What Else Can Obama Do to Undermine Natl Security?

States That Voted to Reelect Obama, Have Highest Rates of Income Inequality

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

Obama Vacation

The Obama’s Family 17 Day Lavish Hawaiian Christmas Vacation Cost Taxpayers $4 Million –Image Courtesy: Racheal@Twitter

(Breitbart) The top 5 states with the highest income inequality all voted to reelect Obama president–no state boasted a higher rate of income inequality than of all places Washington, D.C. according to a study released on Monday, from Money

Obama’s Job Approval Drop to Record Low of 38%

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

Obama Job  ApprovalObama’s Job Approval Hits Record Low –Image: Voting Female@Twitter

(FOX News) President Obama’s job approval hit a new record low this week, as a majority of Americans say that his administration has mostly failed in creating jobs and economic development, ObamaCare and the country’s image according to a FOX News poll released today.

For the first time in a FOX News poll, fewer than 4 voters in 10–a mere 38% approve of President Obama’s job performance, 54% disapprove, before now Obama’s worst job rating was 40 to 55% in November, 2013

In February, 42% approved and 53% disapproved of Obama’s job performance.