Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Washington Post/ABC News Poll: Outlook Bleak for Democrats Ahead of Mid-Term Elections

Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

Obama Promised LandObama’s Utopia –Cartoon: Vegas Lounge Lizard@Twitter

(Washington Post) According to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll released today, shows that Republicans in a stronger position than Democrats wi the states with Senate seats up for grabs with respondents continuing to disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy and his signature legislative achievement ObamaCare,

Attitudes about the economy remain ‘overwhelmingly negative’ with 72% saying the economy as “not so good” or poor.

On the 04 February, I wrote here according to a recent CBO report its forecast that an historically high number of Americans will be locked out of the labor force by 2021 due to ObamaCare,

Last year according to CNS News the labor participation rate hit a 35 year low of 63.2% the last time the labor participation rate was this low was in 1978 when another Progressive/Democrat-Socialist occupied the Oval Office–Jimmy Carter.

Obama Foreign & Domestic Policy Based on How he Believes World Should Operate, Than Reality

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

Obama Foreign PolicyNaive Obama Getting Spanked for Weak Foreign Policy
Image: Dorothy Carter@Twitter

(Washington Post) President Obama has led a foreign and domestic policy agenda based more on how he thinks the world should operate than on reality–this is evident in Obama’s “miscalculations” in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Taiwan, China, Russia, Ukraine…

While foreign policy crisis’s continue erupting on Obama’s Watch, today the Obama Administration forges ahead with its Progressive, domestic green agenda of a narrow, isolationist view of their responsibilities, announcing new stricter EPA regulations, further weakening an already overly regulated, anemic, struggling U.S. economy, which further emboldens our adversaries throughout the world.

Related: How EPA Regs Kill Jobs & Reduce Your Income –The Foundry

EPA Moves Against Alaska Gold Mine Project to Protect Fishies

Obama Appoints Green Group Scientist EPA Integrity Official

EPA Regs Shutter New England’s Largest Coal Plant

Obama’s Climate Plan Calls for Making Excess Carbon a Crime

H/T: FOX Nation

No Thanks to Obama, U.S. to Become Worlds #1 Producer of Natural Gas

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014

America No 1 Energy ProducerSee how Natural Gas from Shale is Good for American Business
Energy from Shale@Twitter

(Energy from Shale) In the first part of this year (no thanks to Obama) the U.S. will become the worlds No 1 producer of natural gas we’re also expected to be the  No 1 country in oil output according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Related: Obama Admin Limits Oil Shale Development on Federal Land

Anti-Fracking Advocates Angry Because They’re Losing

The Obama’s Set New Record of Nearly $7.4 Million for Vacation Travel Expenses

Saturday, March 1st, 2014

The Obama's...The Obama’s Tighten Their Belts –Image: Israel Matzav

(BizPac Review) It took a lawsuit but Judicial Watch discovered Friday, that ‘The Obama’s’ have set a record for travel on the taxpayers dime, racking up a staggering $7.4 Million in just 3 trips alone last year:

  • Obama’s 2012-2013 Christmas Vacation cost $4,086,355.20
  • President Obama’s trip to California to appear on “The Tonight Show” in August cost taxpayers in flight expenditures alone $2,145,907.20
  • The Obama’s Martha’s Vinyeard Family Vacation last Summer cost taxpayers in flight expenditures alone $1,164,268.80

The grand total for just these 3 trips in flight expenses alone cost taxpayers a whopping $7,396,531.20 

Remember When Obama Claimed It Was ‘Unpatriotic’ Adding $4 Trillion to Federal Deficit…

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

Obama Federal Deficit

(CNS News) The marketable U.S. Debt of the Federal Govt has more than doubled–climbing by 106% during Obama’s Watch increasing from $5.75 Trillion at the end of January 2009  to $11.82 Trillion at the end of last month according to the U.S. Treasury’s latest monthly statement of the public debt.

Flashback: Remember when Obama called (then) President Bush unpatriotic for adding $4 Trillion to the federal deficit in 8 years as President and likewise when Obama claimed that raising the federal debt ceiling doesn’t increase our debt.

Obama is a liar!

Democrats That Oppose ‘Keystone XL Pipeline’ Have $1000s Invested in Competitors

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

Obama Keystone XL Pipeline

(Washington Free Beacon) Democrats that oppose construction of the ‘Keystone XL Pipeline’ have an ulterior motive, money–investing $1000s of dollars in direct competitors to the company looking to build the pipeline with private money.

On the 05 February, I wrote here that the State Dept issued its long awaited report in the ‘Keystone XL Pipeline’ and found that there would be minimal climate impact concluding, that if the pipeline from Canada is not built, it could result in significant increases in greenhouse gases that liberals claim cause global warming, because the alternative means that trucks and railways used in the transporting of fuel are more carbon intensive than the pipeline.

Sen Tim Kaine (D-VA) remains opposed to construction of the pipeline saying, “In my view, there is now enough evidence to conclude that construction of this pipeline is not in America’s (especially my) long term interest.”

According to Sen Kaine’s most recent financial disclosure the freshman Democrat has $15,001 to $50,000 invested in ‘Kinder-Morgan Energy Partners’ Kinder-Morgan has been looking to build a pipeline hat would directly compete with Keystone.

Related: Time for Obama to Put Thousands of People to Work

Obama’s Watch: Economic Confidence Lowest Since December, Only in Washington, DC is it High

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

Economic ConfidenceEconomic Confidence Lowest Since December

Only the District of Columbia Has a Positive Outlook

Obama Admin “Liberated” More Americans From Employment in January to Pursue Their Happiness

Friday, February 7th, 2014

ObamaCare Death PanelObamaCare Death Panel — Ramirez Cartoons/

(Zero Hedge) The Obama administration has liberated even more Americans from employment to pursue their happiness in January, payrolls increased by just 113,000 the Labor Dept reported this morning, well below the gain of 180,000 jobs economists expected.

On the 09 January, the Labor Dept reported that in December, a mere 74,000 jobs were created with 347,000 Americans being “liberated” from employment opportunities.

Related: Teenage Unemployment 20.7% Three Times Natl Avg –CNS

President Obama: Free the Keystone XL Pipeline

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

Keystone PipelineObama on Keystone XL Pipeline —Stop the Energy Freeze@Facebook

Keystone XL PipelineNo More Excuses –Image: Reince Priebus/RNC@Twitter

(L.A. Times) Welcome to the “Year of Action.” In last weeks SOTU speech, President Obamav vowed to do whatever he has to, to help the economy.

Last week, the State Dept issued a much awaited study on the Keystone XL Pipeline, it found that there would be minimal climate impact concluding, that if the pipeline from Canada is not built, it could result in significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions because the alternative means trucks and railways used in the transporting of fuel are more carbon intensive than the pipeline.

Full article here by Jonah Goldberg at

Related: Will Obama Keep Ignoring Positive Reports on Keystone XL?

Historically High Number of People Will Be Locked Out of Labor Force Because of ObamaCare

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

The D WordDepression Era Unemployment

(CNBC)  An historically high number of people will be locked out of the workforce by 2021 because of ObamaCare, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released today.

In related economic news from the CBO it is estimated that the labor participation rate which is already historical lows is projected to further drop to 60.8% by 2024 should things remain the same.