Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama Orders Fed Regs ‘Impose the Least Burden on Society’ Issues 80,000 Pages of Regs in 2013

Monday, January 13th, 2014

Federal RegulationsObama’s Watch: 2013 Federal Register 80,000 Pages of New Regulations –Image Courtesy: Sen Mike Lee R-UT@Facebook

Flashback: Remember when President Obama issued Executive Order 13563 on the 18 January, 2011

Section 1 General Principles of Regulation:

(b) (1) ‘Propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned determination that its benefits justify its costs (recognizing that some benefits and costs are are difficult to quantify); (2) tailor its regulations to impose the least burden on society—taking into account among other things and to the extent practicable, the costs of cumulative regulations; (3) select, in choosing among alternative regulatory approaches, those approaches that maximize net benefits…”

Section 4 Flexible Approaches:

‘Where relevant, feasible and consistent with regulatory objectives and to the extent permitted by law, each agency shall identify and consider regulatory approaches that reduce burdens and maintain flexibility and freedom of choice for the public….’

The Obama Administration has violated their own regulation.

Related: Red Tape Rising–Obama Era Regulations –Heritage Foundation

Obama Admin Plans to Reform Business Regs–Again –John Birch Society

Obamanomics: Is The Real War on Women, Employment Opportunities Continue to Deteriorate

Friday, January 10th, 2014

War on WomenIn 2012 There Were 780,000 More Unemployed Women in Labor Force Concerned Women for America

(CNS) One year later, the number of Women not in the labor force continued to deteriorate during Obama’s Watch, declining by 20,000 from November to December, 2013 according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Related: Jobs Report Shows Hiring Crash –Washington Examiner

How Will Obama Try to Spin These Anemic Employment Numbers?

Friday, January 10th, 2014

US Jobs GrowthOnly 74,000 Jobs Created in December, 347,000 Americans Left Work Force U.S. Job Growth Skids to Lowest Level Since 2011 –FOX Business

US Labor Participation RateU.S. Labor Participation Rate Drops to 35 Year Low of 62.8%
Image: Koen DeLeus@Twitter

People Not in Labor ForceAmericans Dropping Out of Labor Force Explodes by 535,000 to a New All Time High of 91.8 Million –Image: Zero Hedge

Related: Just 74000 Jobs Created, Labor Force Shrinks Again –NRO

Macy’s Announce 2500 Layoffs, Closing Stores –Chicago Tribune

80% of U.S. Adults Face Near Poverty, Unemployment –CBS News

U.S. Women are Dying Younger Than Their Mothers, No One Knows Why

Obama’s Watch: Poverty Rates Break 50 Year Record

Wednesday, January 8th, 2014

Obama War on PovertyObama’s Record: War on Poverty –Image: Right Change@Facebook

(Washington Times) Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 Million taxpayer funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the United States has only declined slightly and the poor have lost ground during Obama’s Watch.

While Obama often rails against ‘income inequality’ in America, his deeds and actions together with his families personal lifestyle, doesn’t match his political rhetoric.

As Americans continue to tighten their belts, ‘The Obama’s Family’ spent wasted $4 Million of taxpayers money on a lavish 17 day Hawaiian vacation which Michelle O, has stayed behind to celebrate her 50th Birthday at additional costs to the taxpayers and to the ire of Maui locals, all the while:

  • About 50 Million Americans are living below the federal poverty line which the federal government defined in 2012 was an annual income of $23,492 for a family of four;
  • Despite Obama’s pledge not to raise income taxes on those earning less than $250,000 on 01 January, new ObamaCare taxes began to be deducted from Americans paychecks;
  • Food Stamp enrollments for an entire year hit a record high of 47,665,069 in 2013 according to the U.S. Dept of Agriculture, representing nearly 1 out of 7 people in the United States;
  • Obama seeks an additional 13 week extension of emergency unemployment benefits to the long term unemployed that ended on the 28 December at a cost of about $6 Billion all the while President Obama’s personal ‘political action committee’ Organizing For Action claims that ‘we’ve seen 41 consecutive months of job growth since Obama took office with more than 7.3 Million new private sector jobs’ added to the economy together with growing opportunities for upward mobility.

If Obama is so confident that his economic policies are working so well, why is the economy so lousy and we need an additional ’emergency extension’ of unemployment benefits?

Related: Obama, The Fed & The Phony Economic Recovery

Obama: Extending Unemployment Benefits Creates Jobs, You Know

Obama Claims ‘No Serious Evidence’ ACA is Holding Back Economy

ObamaCare/Covered California In Crisis

Friday, December 20th, 2013

Covered California Can Not Be TrustedCovered California Website Can Not Be Trusted
Image: Matt Baume@Twitter

Covered California Waiting“No. 331 in the Queue. Yea, This is Gonna Go Well.”
Douglas Tarr@Twitter

aaaand 30 minutes later“aaaand 30 Minutes Later, That’s What I Thought”
Douglas Tarr@Twitter

According to Affordable Health California they claim ‘Covered California’ is simply swamped by enrollees with 53,510 signing up between 16-18 December, how many of them are Medi-Cal enrollees?

In November, California Political News reported that more than 72,000 ‘Covered California’ applicants qualify for Medi-Cal.

California Medi-CalA Deeper Look Into California Medicaid Program
‘California Common Sense’

“By enrollment, Medi-Cal is already the nations largest Medicaid program, In 2012 it covered 7.6 Million people or more than a fifth of the state’s population. As the second largest portion of the state budget and as one of the budget’s fastest growing expenses, Medi-Cal has historically been a target for cost containment–additionally, Medi-Cal’s relatively low (and still declining) reimbursement rates have discouraged more and more physicians from providing services to Medi-Cal patients, reducing access to care for many enrollees,” the exact opposite of what ObamaCare claimed that it wanted to change.

How many more ObamaCare/Medi-Cal enrollees will realize even more limited choices in the coming year with 70% of California physicians reportedly boycotting Covered California?

Related: Medi-Cal Enrollment Likely Significantly Underestimated

California Doctors May Realize Even Lower Reimbursement Rates

California Rehab Clinics Bill Taxpayers for Fake Clients, Addictions

What Gov Christie & Obama Have In Common: Moody’s Lowers N.J. Debt Outlook to Negative

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

Birds of a FeatherBirds of a Father…

What does RINO New Jersey Gov Chris Christie & President Obama have in common?

Wall Street analyst’s at Moody’s Investors Services this week, lowered their outlook on New Jersey’s debt from stable to negative according to saying the state remains hamstrung by rising costs and “a sluggish economic recovery” despite Gov Christie’s efforts.

On the 05 August, 2011 I wrote here that Standard & Poors announced they had downgraded the U.S. Credit Rating for the first time in our nations history.

Related: Initial Unemployment Claims Worst in 9 Months –Zero Hedge

Existing Homes Sales Tumble, Lowest Since December 2012

Ted Cruz: Ryan-Murray Budget Deal “Spends More, Taxes More” Continues Funding ObamaCare

Friday, December 13th, 2013

Ryan Murray BudgetRyan-Murray Budget Deal Breaks the Sequester Promise of 2011 to Cut Spending a Decade Later –Rep Tim Huelskamp (R-KS)@Twitter

(Heritage Action) The ‘Ryan-Murray House Senate Budget Deal’ despite all the rhetoric and praise RINO House Speaker John Boehner may give it and the supposed “deficit reduction” it actually increases spending during the next 2 years by $63 Billion above current law and lives up to none of the promises it makes.

While Ryan-Murray ‘agreement’ purports to produce $23 Billion in deficit reduction it does so by relying on savings (when has this actually ever happened) in 10 years with promises of future spending reductions later as Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) points out:

“The new budget deal–spends more, taxes more and allows for continued funding of ObamaCare…This proposal undoes the sequester modest reforms and pushes us two steps back, deeper into debt. Supporters of this plan are asking for more spending now in exchange for minor changes that may possibly reduce spending later.”

When have we heard this before?

Back in 2011 the National Review reminds us that back in 1982 President Reagan, agreed to $3.00 in spending cuts for every $1.00 in tax hikes–promised spending cuts are illusionary and after awhile, they are forgotten about and all that remains is higher taxes on Americans.

Thomas Paine writing in 1791 in the ‘Rights of Men’ pointed out: “It is a general rule that when taxes are once laid they are never taken off.”

We haven’t learned much during the past 222 years.

Related: Spending Deal Strips Key Protection for Senate Minority Rights

Dennis Miller Slams John Boehner –Twitchy

Ryan-Murray House/Senate Budget Deal Betrayal of Conservative Principles

Thursday, December 12th, 2013

California RINOs That Supported Budget DealCalifornia RINO’s That Supported Budget Busting Betrayal

TSA--Only In DCIn the Ryan-Muuray Budget “Deal” Americans Will Now Have to Pay More For This –Sen Rand Paul (R-KY)@Twitter

President Obama together with House Democrats and RINO’s reeling from low voter ratings, were eager to cut a budget deal that takes the heat off of them for not doing their jobs for the next two years which the Libertarian Party points out:

  • Continues to add $1 Trillion annually to the already out of control $17.2Trillion federal budget deficit;
  • Locks in continuous funding of ObamaCare;
  • Raises taxes, including an increase in TSA fees hidden federal taxes that will be tacked on to your airline tickets.

Republicans who pretend to ‘oppose ObamaCare’ promising to replace and defund it are allowing it to continue unchecked which has resulted in more than 5.5 Million Americans to lose their health insurance, raising premiums, deductibles and costing jobs.

Many in the House GOP have put off being good stewards of the public purse and have betrayed the principles which they’ve claimed. Former Reagan OMB Director David Stockman said on CNBC “Its the final surrender of the House Republican leadership to Beltway politics, kicking the can and ignoring the budget monster that’s hurtling down the road.”

Related: Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) “I Cannot Support Budget Deal” –Breitbart

Sen Mike Lee (R-UT) Opposes House-Senate Budget Deal

The Budget Deal and Why Were $17 Trillion+ In Debt

ObamaCare Sticker Shock: High Deductibles Fuel New Worries

Monday, December 9th, 2013

Affordable“Affordable? Canceled Plan Due to ObamaCare Had $0.00 Deductible–ACA Compliant Plan Comes With $10,000 Deductible”

This Is ObamaCare Plan“This is ObamaCare/Covered California Plan $5,000 Deductible. So BEFORE You Are Covered at All, You Come Out of Pocket $5,000”
Image: Ur Tweetheart@Twitter

Sen Carper Afforable Really“Sen Tom Carper (D-DE) Affordable Really? Over $1,000 Per Month. Cheaper Plans Have $12,000 Deductibles. Way to Go Dems!!”
Image: PhilsFlysBirds@Twitter

(Yahoo Finance) ObamaCare high deductibles fuel new worries–many people with modest incomes are encountering a troubling element of the federal health care law, deductibles so steep, they may not be able to afford the portion of medical expenses that insurance doesn’t cover, subverting one of the ACA stated goals, which to ensure more people receive needed health care. Hospitals in the meantime are bracing for a rise in unpaid bills.

For policies offered in the federal exchange as in many states, the annual deductible often tops $5,000 for an individual, $10,000 for a couple.

In El Paso, Texas for example, a husband and wife both age 35 one of the cheapest ObamaCare compliant plans on the federal exchange offered by Blue Cross & Blue Shield has a premium less than $300 but the annual deductible is more than $12,000 For a 45 year old couple seeking health insurance on the federal exchange in Saginaw, Michigan a policy with a premium of $515 has a deductible of $10,000

In Santa Cruz, California, Robert Aaron a self-employed 56 year old Engineer said he was looking for a low cost plan on Covered California, the best one he could find had a premium of $488 a month but the annual deductible was $5,000 and that he said, “sounds really high.”

More here from the NY Times

Related: High Deductibles Fuel New ACA Sticker Shock Worries –WSJ

ObamaCare Architect: If You Like Your Doctor You Can Pay More

What the Obama Admin & Dinosaur Media Won’t Tell You About the Fake 7% Unemployment Rate

Friday, December 6th, 2013

Labor Participation RateObama Supporters Won’t Point to Labor Participation Rate When Reporting on November’s Skewed Jobs Data –Felix Barajas@Twitter

Real Unemployment RateThe Real Unemployment Rate is 11.5% –Zero Hedge

Related: 41% of Net New Job Growth Were in Govt –CNS

Private Sector Has Shrunk in 41 States During Obama’s Watch