Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama’s Watch: White House Gift Shop Goes Bust

Friday, October 11th, 2013

Obama Private Sector Doing Just FineFlashback: Remember When Obama Magnanimously Declared the Private Sector is “Doing Just Fine’

(Washington Times) Another business casualty during Obama’s Watch.

The White House Gift Shop long run by a non-profit group that helped uniformed Secret Service officers and their families has gone broke.

The United States Secret Service Uniformed Division Benefit Fund which traces its roots back to 1946 and for years did business as the ‘Official White House Gift Shop’  lists more than $600,000 in liabilities, has filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and is liquidating.

Hypocrisy: More Obama Lies About Debt Ceiling

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Obama Debt CeilingObama Claims Republicans That Vote Against Debt Ceiling Hike are ‘Extreme’ and ‘Irresponsible’ –Image: I Am The Tea Party/Facebook

(Daily Caller) While President Obama (lies again) claiming that Republican efforts to tie a debt ceiling increase to GOP budget priorities have “never been seen in the history of the country” Democrats have consistently battled debt ceiling increases when Republican president’s were in office.

On the 19 September, I wrote here that Obama claimed, “raising the debt ceiling which has been done over a hundred times does not increase our debt.”

I own an overpass over the 405 its for sale cheap, just in case President Obama is interested? I digress.

Flashback: Remember in 2008 while campaigning for President, then Sen Barack Obama assailed President Bush calling him “unpatriotic” for adding $4 Trillion to the national debt in 8 years as President.

Its taken Obama just 39 months to run up a $5 Trillion debt and now he has the audacity to claim, the nearly nearly $17 Trillion federal budget deficit is not a debt crisis. How “unpatriotic” is that?

Does Obama think, that we’re stupid?

H/T: I Am The Tea Party

ObamaCare Will Raise Premiums Significantly and Limit Health Insurance Options

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

ObamaCare PremiumsWhat the Obama Administration Didn’t Tell You About ObamaCare Exchange Plans –Heritage Foundation

(Washington Examiner) The Obama Administration today, released a report on the costs of ObamaCare for most Americans, heralding its interpretation that 95% of the nation will be able to buy health insurance below earlier projections.

Note the words “earlier projections” that does not mean that the insurance that Americans will have to purchase or be fined, under ObamaCare will be less expensive than what one pays today before ObamaCare takes effect.

We know this because at the same time the Obama Administration was releasing their broad study, Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander released his analysis of the report’s portion on his state Sen Alexander found that ObamaCare will cost far more than what many of his Constituents are paying today–some by as much as 190%

From Sen. Alexander’s release:

  • Today a 27 year old man in Memphis can purchase a health care plan for as low as $41 per month. On the ObamaCare exchange the lowest state’s average is $119 per month a 190% increase.
  • Today a 27 year old Woman in Nashville can purchase a health care plan for as low as $58 per month. On the ObamaCare exchange the lowest priced plan is $114 per month a 97% increase–even with a tax subsidy that plan is $104 per month, almost twice what she can purchase it for today.

On the 31 May, I wrote here that the ObamaCare/Covered California exchange will in fact increase individual market premiums by as much as 146% One of the most serious flaws with ObamaCare is the blizzard of new regulations and mandates that drive up the cost of insurance for people who buy it on their own–this problem will be especially acute when the law’s main provisions kick in on the 01 January, 2014 leading many to worry about a health insurance ‘rate shock.’

In Nashville, 105 insurance plans offered today will be unavailable in the ObamaCare exchange.

In California, the Los Angeles Times reported earlier this month that insurers in the new ObamaCare/Covered California exchange are limiting choices, raising concerns that patients will struggle to get health care.

On the 22 July, I wrote here that Anthem Blue Cross has joined a growing list of other health insurance companies that will not participate in ObamaCare/Covered California exchange.

Related: Study: Yes ObamaCare Will Raise Premiums Significantly

Companies Seek to Unblock California’s 15.4B Barrels of Recoverable Shale Oil in Monterey Field

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Bright Future For ND Dismal Future For CaliforniaBright Future for North Dakota Energy Revenue, Dismal Outlook for California –Image: California Political Review

(WSJ) California’s Monterey Shale formation is estimated to hold as much as 15.4 Billion barrels of recoverable offshore shale oil reserves in the United States lower 48 states or more than double the amount of  North Dakota’s prosperous Bakken Field and Three Forks formations according to the 2013 estimates by the U.S. Dept of Interior and U.S. Geological Survey.

Problems do exist in extracting the oil from layers of rock seeming as impenetrable as another, California’s rigid regulatory climate.

The latter will likely make it impossible any time soon, for California to take advantage of this new found wealth right under ones feet, despite the state’s weak economy and high unemployment, falling tax revenues, a $127+ Billion deficit and dismal consumer confidence that things will improve anytime soon.

Democrats in Sacramento together with their loony liberal lefty environmentalist wacky partners, will be willing to forgo this huge new opportunity to reverse the state’s negative and dangerous economic trends and instead will kick a gift horse in the mouth by staying on their disastrous greeny course, benefiting no one in the short and long term but will ‘feel really good’ when they pretend to ‘feel the pain’ in the suffering of others.

Related: The Liberals Idea of Suffering –The College Conservative

CBO: Nation’s Economy Unsustainable

Saturday, September 21st, 2013

ObamaCare Fiscal Outlook

Thanks to ObamaCare the nation’s economic outlook couldn’t be more bleak. Earlier this month the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported the following:

The federal budget deficit has fallen faster than we expected a few years ago and projected deficits have been reduced relative to what we expected to occur if the policies at that time were to be continued. However, relative to the size of the economy debt remains historically high and is on an upward trajectory  in the second half of the coming decade.

The fundamental federal budgetary challenge has hardly been addressed. The largest federal programs are becoming much more expensive because of the retirement of baby-boomers and the rising cost of health care, so we need to cut back on these programs, increase tax revenue to pay for them or take some combination of those actions. Those choices are difficult and the decision as to when we should implement such changes is complicated by the negative they could have on the economy if they took effect while its still fairly weak.

On Tuesday, the CBO reported their 2013 Long Term Budget Outlook which paints an even more grim picture of the nation’s economy:

  • During Obama’s Watch, between 2009 and 2012 the federal government recorded the largest budget deficits relative to the size of the economy since 1946 causing federal debt to soar.

Flashback: Remember last month when Obama on “The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno claimed “We’ve seen the deficit cut in half.” Either he was lying or simply just doesn’t know or understand even basic economics and only says what he’s either memorized (told what to say) without the use of his teleprompter.

  • CBO projects that federal debt held by the public will reach 100% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2038 debt would be on an upward path relative to the size of the economy a trend that could not be sustained indefinitely.

Budget Projections For The Long Term:

  • Federal spending for major health care programs and Social Security will increase to a total of 14% of GDP by 2038 twice the 7% average of the past 40 years pre-ObamaCare;
  • The federal government’s net interest payments will grow to 5% of GDP compared to an average of 2% over the past 40 years mainly because federal debt will be much larger;
  • The gap between federal spending and revenues will widen steadily after 2015 by 2038 the deficit will be 6.5% of GDP larger than in any year except in 1947 and 2008 and federal debt held by the public will reach 100% of GDP more than in any year except 1945 and 1946 with such large deficits the federal government will be growing faster than GDP a path that would be ultimately unsustainable.

How long the nation could sustain such growth in federal debt is impossible to predict with any confidence. At some point, investors would begin to doubt the government’s willingness or ability to pay U.S. debt obligations making it more difficult or more expensive for the government to borrow money. Moreover, even before that point was reached, the high and rising amount of debt–will have significant negative consequences for both the economy and the federal budget.

Related: CBO: America Is Going Bankrupt –The American Spectator

U.S. Drops to 17th Place in Worldwide Economic Freedom –CATO

Obama: Raising Our Debt Ceiling…Does Not Increase Our Debt

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

U.S. Federal Debt --Heritage FoundationU.S. Federal Debt Approaching $17 Trillion –Heritage Foundation/Twitter

(CNS News) In a speech at the Business Roundtable Headquarters in Washington on Wednesday, President Obama dismissed concerns about raising the debt ceiling by noting that its been done many times before:

“Now this debt ceiling–I just want to remind people in case you haven’t been keeping up, raising the debt ceiling which has been done over a hundred times does not increase our debt, it does not somehow promote profligacy.”

What does he think we’re stupid?

The ‘Budget Control Act’ as a result of the contentious 2011 debt ceiling debate increased the debt limit by $2.1 Trillion but has federal to rein in the key drivers of spending–Congress first place a statutory limit on the national debt in 1917 in the second Liberty Bond Act, it has been raised 13 times since 2001

More here from the Heritage Foundation

Related: Don’t Fear a Govt Shutdown –CATO

Don’t Believe Hysterics-Govt Won’t Shut Down if Debt Ceiling Not Raised

Reaganomics -v- Obamanomics

Monday, September 16th, 2013

Reaganomics -v- ObamanomicsReaganomics -v- Obamanomics –Image: Lana Wong

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Collecting Americans Financial Data Without Authorization

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

Obama's Peeping Tom'sObama’s Peeping Tom’s –Last Great Stand/Twitter

(Washington Examiner) With Congress and American’s attention diverted to Syria lately, serious allegations are being raised that Obama’s new ‘Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’ (CFPB) which has recruited the U.S. Trustee program to collect bankruptcy data on its behalf to aid yet another controversial data-mining program.

Documents obtained by the Washington Examiner describes efforts by the CFPB to collect a decade’s worth of private financial data on the consumer behavior of five million American citizens without their consent.

When was the 4th Amendment repealed?

Related: NSA Phone Records Spying Violated Court for Years

Obama Administration Has Now Lost All Credibility –NY Times

USDA: June Another Record Breaking Month For Food Stamps

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

Buy Coca-Cola With Food Stamps in CaliforniaHave You Seen This Outrageous Poster at 7-11 in California –Image: Roopa/Twitter

 (Daily Caller) The number of households receiving food stamps hit another record high in June according to recently released data from the U.S. Dept of Agriculture, 23,116,928 households participated in the food stamp program in June, up from 23,071,020 in May.

On the 09 July, I wrote here the number of Americans receiving subsidized food assistance from at least 1 of 15 programs offered by the govt during FY 2012 rose to 101 Million higher than the 97,180,000 full time private sector workers in 2012

Obamanomics Just Ain’t Working: Record 90.5 Million Drop Out of Labor Force

Friday, September 6th, 2013

HOPE Isn't HiringObamanomics at Work –Image: Saul Anuzis/Twitter

(Catholic Online) According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of people not in the labor force rose to a whopping 516,000 in just one month, which in turn increased the total number of people outside the labor force to a staggering record of 90,473,000 according to Zero Hedge which adds, what is even worse the Labor Force Participation Rate declined from 63.4% to 63.2% the lowest point since August, 1978

When President Obama took office in January, 2009 there were 80,507,000 Americans not in the labor force–therefore the number of Americans not in the labor force has increased by 9,966,000 during Obama’s Watch.

Flashback: Remember in July when Obama pivoted on jobs for the 19th time since taking office as he now focuses instead on Syria and his Al-Qaeda ‘freedom fighter’ allies that he wants Americans to embrace.