Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama’s Watch: 4 of 5 Americans Struggle With Joblessness, Near Poverty or Reliance of Welfare

Monday, July 29th, 2013

Obamanomics 2013

(AP) Isn’t this lovely? 4 out of 5 adult Americans struggle with joblessness, near poverty and/or reliance on welfare benefits for at least part of their lives–a sign of a deteriorating economy and an elusive American dream.

Flashback: Remember in Berlin when Obama said that ‘Climate Change’ is the global threat of our time–Forgets about poverty in America.

Related: Study Shows, Obama Rarely Mentions Poverty –FOX Nation

Obama’s Economy: Record Poverty, High Hispanic Unemployment

Image Courtesy: Anti-Big Bro Gov/Twitter

Obama: I’ve Got a Little More Than 1200 Days Left in Office; What Will America Look Like?

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

2016 Obama's AmericaVideo: Barack Obama Promised to Fundamentally Change America –This is What Change Looks Like

(Weekly Standard) Barack Obama knows how much time he’s got left to transform America into his vision of a Socialist utopia, he said so last night at an “Organizing For Action” event in Washington, DC 

“I’ve got a little over 1,200 days left in office and I’m going to spend every waking minute of every one of those days thinking about and then acting upon any good ideas out there that are going to help ordinary Americans to succeed…”

What’s Obama done up until now?

Obamanomics: A Synonym of Failure -The Washington Times

We’re In Terminal Phase of an Unprecedented Debt Spiral -Zero Hedge

UCLA Anderson Forecast Paints Dismal Picture of Economic Recovery

101M Get Food Assistance-Outnumbers F/T Private Sector Workers

What will America look like?

Where will we be?

Image Courtesy: Entertainment Wallpaper

Obama’s Watch: Gas Prices Surge Towards $5.00 Gallon in Los Angeles

Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Gas Prices East L.A.Gasoline Prices East Los Angeles Last Week –Image: Rick/Twitter

(24/7WallStreet) Most of the focus on the rise in gasoline prices caused by a surge in oil prices have been in effect of the march toward $4.00 a gallon–the focus is misplaced, at least to the extent in several regions of the country, most notably California where a gallon of premium gas is expected to surpass $5.00 a gallon.

Where is the outrage by Democrats?

Flashback: Remember in 2008 when then candidate for president Barack Obama blamed President George Bush for high gas prices and claimed they were due to previous failed energy policies or when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) blasted President George Bush for rising gasoline prices-In April, 2008 Sen Majority Ldr Harry Reid (D-NV) echoed Pelosi’s comments claiming that  gasoline prices were “the number one issue facing America today.”

Crickets Chirp…

Related: Consumer Prices Up 0.5% in June on Gas Hike –USA Today

Obama’s Watch: Economy Sputters Along; California Business Climate Ranks Dead Last

Monday, July 15th, 2013

Obamanomics--The New Normal

(Bloomberg-Businessweek) The Commerce Dept reported today that retail sales rose slower than expected at at anemic .04% last month after a .05%  in May, Americans spent less at department stores and restaurants in June, they purchased fewer computers and electronics.

Economists pay close attention to core sales because its components are used to calculate the economy strengths or weakness. Overall consumer spending has cooled from the start of the year.

In related economic news, California’s economy may be improving slightly but the ‘Golden State’s’ business climate ranks dead last among the 50 states according to the 2013 Survey by Chief Executives magazine.

Rest here from Cal Watchdog

Related: Goldman Joins JPM in Cutting 2Q GDP Rate to 1% Stall Speed

What Did Obama Do On His Summer Vacation? Killed 760,000 Jobs

ObamaCare Turns Labor Market Into Part-Time Workforce

Obamanomics: Jobless Claims Jump to 2 Month High; California Consumer Confidence Weakens

Thursday, July 11th, 2013

Obama's Economy

(Market Watch) The number of people who applied for jobless benefits in the first week of July spiked 16,000 to a seasonally adjusted 360,000 the highest level in two months the U.S. Dept of Labor reported today.

Last week Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge reported that manufacturing jobs continue to collapse–their fourth consecutive monthly drop which is great news for part-time workers. In June restaurant and bar employees hit a new all time high of 10,339,800 workers–increasing by a whopping 51,700 in one month.

In California, the jobless rate remains higher than the national average–low job growth has weakened consumer confidence declining six points according to Hispanic People statewide have become more concerned about where the economy may go in the next few months–indicating that consumers are not thinking about making major purchases, at least until the economy shows a marked improvement.

Ronald Reagan Inherited a Mess, Instead of Whining About It he Fixed It

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Ronald W ReaganBefore Going Golfing Again, Obama Blames Bush for Weak Jobs Report

H/T: Chris Lotto/Facebook

Obama’s Watch: 101 Million Receive Food Assistance From Govt; Outnumbers Full Time Private Sector Workers

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

Obama Food Stamp President--Soda HeadObama Food Stamp President –Image: Soda Head

(CNS News) Is this the “Hope-n-Change” Americans that voted for Obama had in mind ?

The number of Americans receiving subsidized food assistance from at least one of the 15 food programs offered by the federal govt costing the taxpayers $114 Billion in FY 2012 has risen to 101 Million, representing about a third of the U.S. population.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were  97,180,000 full time private sector workers in 2012

Collapse of the Dollar Has Begun

Monday, July 8th, 2013

InflationThe Collapse of the Dollar Has Begun –Dollar Vigilante

Image: Courtesy: The Veritas Report

Obama Unable to Accept Responsibility for Anything, Blames Bush Again for Weak Jobs Report

Sunday, July 7th, 2013

Obama Blames Bush---Again

(Washington Examiner) Obama now in the second term of his presidency still can’t accept responsibility for anything–On Friday, the White House continued to blame the economy that Obama inherited from President Bush, for the anemic growth in jobs, issuing a statement citing the “deep hole that was caused by the severe recession that began in 2007.”

Flashback: In Obama’s first budget blueprint, he promised that unemployment would fall below 5.5% by 2013

On Friday I wrote here the Dept of Labor reported that the June jobless rate held steady at 7.6% right where it was before taking office when Obama promised that he would put a renewed focus on jobs claiming that the nation’s jobless rate “…couldn’t be more serious, these numbers demand action.”

Obama Lied !

H/T: The Young Cons

Obamanomics New Abnormal: Jobless Rate Holds Steady in June at 7.6%

Friday, July 5th, 2013

Obama's Perpetual Recession

(Market Watch) The Dept of Labor reported today that the nation’s unemployment rate in June, held steady at 7.6% the ‘New Abnormal’ writes Zero Hedge which is turning out to be quite an embarrassment for the Obama Administration.

There is good news says’s Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge. ‘Even as manufacturing jobs continue to collapse putting their fourth consecutive monthly drop in June to 11.964 million jobs, minimum wage Servers and Bartenders have never been happier–In June, restaurant and bar employees just hit a new all time high of 10,339,800 workers, increasing by a whopping 51,700 in one month.’

Flashback: Remember before taking office Barack Obama pledged that he would put a renewed focus on jobs when the nations unemployment rate stood at 7.6%  (coincidentally right where it stands today, if one actually has confidence in the unemployment numbers? I digress) Obama claimed the nation’s jobless rate “…couldn’t be more serious, these numbers demand action…”


Related: Only 47% of Adults Have Full Time Jobs –Breitbart