Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

California Lawmakers Get a Pay Raise, Why?

Friday, June 21st, 2013

Politician Carries Bag of MoneyCalifornia Lawmakers Get a Pay Raise –Image: Daily Coronado

(Cal Watchdog)  The California Citizens Compensation Commission have voted to boost the salaries of Gov Jerry Brown and the State Legislators.

What a great move? According to The American Spectator California has the highest poverty rate in the nation together with the educational performance of students ranking near the bottom as measured by the Natl Assessment of Educational Progress, a shrinking industrial base–declining 11% more than in the U.S. as a hole but everything is coming up smelling like roses if you are a state lawmaker–which everyone else is paying for.

Add in the dismal jobless rate of 8.6% higher than the national average of 7.5% a negative net worth of the state and falling tax revenues  in state coffers but everything is coming up roses–if you’re a lawmaker in Sacramento, everyone else is paying for it.

Obama So Loved The Poor…

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

Obama So Loved The Poor...

H/T: Linda Scharf Brazier

U.S. Spooks Said to Be Swapping Americans Personal Data With Thousands of Companies

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

Obama Lying

(Businessweek) Thousands of technology firms, finance and manufacturing companies are working closely with U.S. national security agencies, providing sensitive information and in return, receiving benefits that includes access to classified intelligence, four Whistleblowers familiar with the process have confirmed.

The government has previously assured us that the “data mining” of our personal information is kept in the strictest of confidences.

Do you feel better now, not knowing who may be the actual custodian of your personal information today and who its being shared it with?

Related: IRS to be ObamaCare Reservoir of Americans Medical Records

30 Year Federal Budget Deficit $106 Trillion+

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

Federal Budget Deficit Projection

(Natl Review) President Obama made something of an admission with a small group of Republican Senator’s in March about the size of Medicare and the federal budget deficit.

“The problem you have reforming Medicare is that for every dollar Americans pay into the system they’re going to get three dollars in benefits. Americans don’t understand that.”

Three months later, Sen Ron Johnson (R-WI) and his fellow Senate Republicans attempting to work with top Obama Administration officials, define how big (out of control) the federal entitlement program actually is–their proposal is to agree on the size of the problem before tackling reforms to solve it.

Obama Administration officials came into the meeting reiterating President Obama’s position that $4 Trillion in deficit reduction would basically solve the problem for now but according to GOP 30 year deficit projections prepared by Johnson and obtained by The National Review the true size of the problem is staggering and surprised even the most seasoned budget negotiator.

Obama’s rhetoric of $4 Trillion in deficit reduction doesn’t touch the real problems we face–try $106 Trillion the medium estimate, even the lowest conservative estimate is $72 Trillion, the highest $120 Trillion.

How much worse will ObamaCare balloon the deficit, making matters much worse?

Related: Obama Family Africa Trip to Cost Taxpayers $60–$100 Million

More Than 1000 IRS Employees Misused Govt Credit Cards –CNS News

Obama’s Watch: Jobless Rate Ticks Up to 7.6% Real Unemployment Rate 11.3%

Friday, June 7th, 2013

USA Unemployment

(Weekly Standard)  The unemployment rate ticked-up today to 7.6% total non-farm payroll increased by only 175,000 jobs.

Flashback: Back in January, 2009 Team Obama forecast that the unemployment rate would be just above 5% if Congress passed his economic stimulus bill.

Zero Hedge reports there are job numbers and then there are job numbers in the context of U.S. population that keeps rising–By now the trick of lowering the unemployment rate courtesy of a “collapsing” labor force participation (LFP) rate is known by all…As of May, assuming realistic LFP assumptions the real U3 (official unemployment data) rate should have been not 7.6% but 11.3%

On the 03 May, I wrote here that Americans are realizing a continuing tapering of growth and wages–jobless rate for Millennials is the highest since the Second World War.

Obamanomics Is a Failure UCLA Anderson Forecast Reports

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

Great Recession

(AP) The “Great Recovery” hasn’t materialized and the economy has fallen short of even normal growth according to a forecast released today.

The 2nd Qtr UCLA Anderson Forecast says the growth of real GDP meaning the inflation adjusted value of goods and services produced–falls short of the rates required for the national economy to truly recover from the most recent recession.

Related: Its Not a Recovery-Not Even Normal Growth, Its Bad -LA Times

Obama’s Watch: Declining Wages & Hours; Jobless Rate for Millennials Highest Since WW II

Friday, May 3rd, 2013


(Zero Hedge) While everyone is focusing on todays ‘Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) numbers, it appears that once again the news readers have missed in all of the noise the qualitative aspects of the BLS report.

Those parts which actually looks at the quality of new jobs, their earning power–which were all toward the lower paying spectrum of available jobs together with productivity and labor demand which we find the biggest BLS report weakness. 

Americans are realizing a continuing tapering of growth of wages and now the second drop in a row, posting its weakest rise since November 2012–Bigger problems in today’s BLS report shows a drop in average weekly hours for all employees and the previous report showing a decline in the labor participation rate from an abysmal 63.5% to 63.3% the lowest levels since 1979 when Carter occupied the White House.

Related: Black Unemployment Rate Remains at 13.2%

Unemployment Rate for Millennials Highest Since WW II at 16.1%

Obama’s Nanny State: Feds Now Want to Ban Anti-Bacterial Soap

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

The Nanny State
When the Nanny State Kills –Bastiat Institute

(AP)  Fed’s now are considering banning Anti-Bacterial Soap to save us from ourselves.

It wasn’t all that long ago that the all powerful federal dictators followed California, banning the 125 year old incandescent light bulb said to promote energy efficiency–the Nanny State approved fluorescent light bulbs that Americans are now being forced to buy contain mercury, a known toxic substance that exposure to even small amounts may cause permanent health problems.

Obama’s Sequester: Majority of Americans Still Not Concerned

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

Obama's Sequester

(Gallup) Majority of Americans are still not concerned about ‘Obama’s Sequester’ despite his fear mongering–recent airline delays appear to have had no impact on the public assessment.

Related: Obama’s $25 Million Hotel & Car Rental Tab on Last Mexico Trip

What Sequester? Star’s Align (Again) at Obama White House

California Sees Largest Spike in New Jobless Claims than Any Other State in the Nation

Monday, April 29th, 2013

California Unemployment

(CVBT) The number of people in California making new jobless claims was 24,303 in the week ending 13 April according to the U.S. Dept of Labor.

On the 05 April, I wrote here the number of people not participating in the labor force across the nation continues to skyrocket to a record 90 million during Obama’s Watch–the labor force participation rate plunged to 63.3% the lowest level since 1979 when another Democrat, Jimmy Carter occupied the White House.

Related: Gloomy Prospects: Politicians Splurge and Economy Sputters