Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Imagine a World Without Balloons, Congress Votes 394-1 to Save the ‘Federal Helium Reserve’

Friday, April 26th, 2013

Balloons3D Birthday Balloons in 3D Max –Polygon Blog

(National Review) Speaking on the House floor on Thursday, Loony Liberal Lefty Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) stood up for some most important ‘victims’ of Congressional gridlock,  Children’s Birthday Parties and Comedians.

Discussing a bill to continue the federal government’s sales from the Natl Helium Reserve Johnson said, “…Imagine Mr Speaker, a world without balloons.”

Today, according to The Wall Street Journal the House of Representatives on a vote of 394-1 passed legislation to stop the closure of the Texas based Federal Helium Reserve which contains a 1/3 of the worlds helium supply.

The Federal Helium Reserve was created after World War 1 when we imagined a world where blimps would be the future of air travel and vital to our national security.

Its good that Congress before their recess next week took care of this impending crisis, what would happen to our nation without federal supplies of helium to fill all of those blimps that our nations commerce and commercial passenger aviation relies.

Obama’s Watch: U.S. Debt to GDP 105%

Friday, April 26th, 2013

USA Is Like GreeceObama’s Watch: Total U.S. Debt to GDP 105% –Zero Hedge

Obama Administration Endorses Internet Sales Tax

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

Obama Tax Hike Exemption CardObama’s Tax Hike Exemption Card –Image: Nothing But The Facts

(Weekly Standard) The Obama Administration today announced they’re endorsing “The Marketplace Fairness Act” (Internet Sales Tax) another tax increase on Americans earning less than $200,000 a year and Families earning less than $250,000 annually.

The White House claims this latest tax gimmick will somehow “level the playing field for local small business retailers that are in competition everyday with large out of state online companies.

It remains dubious how sending more tax money to Washington so that bureaucrats can spend it will some how level this so called playing field for local small business retailers?

Still No White House Tours, Dept of Homeland Security Orders Bagpipes & Drum Supplies

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

Obama's SequesterEat Cake! Justin Timberlake Hits White House; Michelle O, Excited to Celebrate Rhythmic Groove of Memphis Soul Pictures –Twitchy

DHS Chief Janet Napolitano, Orders Bagpipes for Homeland Security

Image Courtesy: Barracuda Brigade

Democrat Senator Jay Rockefeller: ObamaCare Becoming too Complicated to Implement

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

ObamaCarePresident Obama: Maybe You’re  “Better Off” Taking Painkillers and Foregoing Surgery –Real Clear Politics

(Washington Times) Democrat Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, a leading force in the creation of ObamaCare now says that President Obama’s chief legislative achievement is at risk of failing under its own regulatory weight and that its becoming too complicated to properly implement.

On the 12 March, I wrote here that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Tweeted out a picture of 828 pages of new ObamaCare regulations in one day–there are nearly 20,000 pages and their just getting started.

Related: HHS Sebelius: ObamaCare More Complicated Than Anticipated

California SB-747 Will Shutter Fast Food Businesses, Kill Thousands of Jobs

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

State of California Suicide --Cagle CartoonsCalifornia Suicide –Cartoon: Daryl Cagle

(California Political News) Do you think that your local doughnut shop, taco business or pizza parlor could afford to spend $50,000 on “risk assessment” for each of the foods it serves–because they “could cause obesity or cancer?”

Should the legislature pass SB 747 Introduced by Democrat Senator Mark DeSaulnier hundreds of thousands of people will be forced out of work on Day 1 and tens of thousands of people that invested their money in businesses will lose their investments.

SB 747 known as the ‘Public Health Epidemic Protection Act of 2013’ would require the State Dept of Public Health, for every product intended for consumer consumption–to conduct a “risk assessment evaluation” to determine whether the product contributes significantly to a significant public health epidemic.

DeSaulnier’s bill would authorize the State Dept of Public Health to charge the manufacturer of the product for ‘reasonable costs’ of producing the risk assessment and will create a “Public Health (Slush) Fund” to be used by the department–to fund the nanny state program.

Related: California Democrats Killing Off Businesses & Jobs

Economy Adds Just 88,000 Jobs in March, Americans Not in Labor Force Soars to 1979 Levels

Friday, April 5th, 2013

Obama Jimmy Carter MomentObama/Jimmy Carter 2 –Image: Americans for Limited Government

(Zero Hedge) The economy just continues to get worse for the American worker during Obama’s Watch, the number of people not participating in the labor force soared by a massive 663,000 to a record 90 Million Americans who are no longer even looking for work–the labor force participation rate plunged from an abysmal 63.5% to 63.3% the lowest level since 1979

The U.S. Dept of Labor, reported that just 88,000 jobs were added in March forecasters were expecting hoping for between 150,000 to 200,000 jobs.

According to the Heritage Foundation the economy needs to add between 100,000 to 125,000 jobs per month just to keep pace with normal population growth.

The Obama Administration appears divorced from reality, following the release of the March jobs report according to The Washington Post the White House claims that today’s unemployment report provides more proof that the economic recovery is continuing.

What parallel universe are they from? 

$423,500 Obama Stimulus Program on “Barriers to Correct Condom Use” Creates Zero Jobs

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

Obama Stimulus Waste

(Weekly Standard) The details of an Obama Stimulus Grant awarded through HHS to Indiana University to study condom use have now been released–the project titled: ‘Barriers to Correct Condom Use’ has now been completed with no jobs created or saved.

Related: Obama Stimulus: Documented Failure –CNS News

Stimulus Scam –CATO/Washington Times

Obama’s Watch: Weekly Jobless Claims Rise to the Highest Level in 4 Months

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

Obama Jobless

(CNBC) The number of Americans filing first time claims for unemployment benefits rose last week to their highest number in four months, the Dept of Labor reported today.

On the 29 March, Human Events reported that since the so-called Obama Recovery began, household income has dropped 5.6% that is after the $6 Trillion in deficit spending to “stimulate” the economy, supposedly for the benefit of the average American household.

While Obamanomics fails to live up to the grandiose promises made and the crisis in North Korea worsens with their announcement that they have approved a nuclear strike on the United States Obama yesterday traveled to San Francisco to raise campaign cash.

State Auditor: California’s Net Worth Negative $127.2 Billion

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

California --Cagle CartoonsState of California –Cartoon: Daryl Cagle

(Sacramento Bee) Were the State of California a business it would be a candidate of insolvency, with a negative net worth of $127.2 Billion according to the financial report issued by State Auditor Elaine Howle and the Bureau of State Audits.

Remember when Gov Jerry Brown claimed in his ‘State-of-the-State’ address in January, that California had confronted its critics by erasing decades old deficit and praised his Democratic state controlled legislature for the state’s economic and budgetary turnaround–he lied!