Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama Borrowed Nearly 6 Times as Much in February as Sequester Cuts All Year

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

Sequester CutsThe Sequester Will Be Good for The Economy –CATO

(FOX Nation) During the month of February as Campaigner-in-Chief Barack Obama was whining about the sequester and warning Americans they would see dramatic effects in their lives  if “sequestration” kicked in, the federal debt climbed by $235.5 Billion

That one month increase in the national debt  was nearly 6 times as much as the $44 Billion in spending cuts the Congressional Budget Office estimates will take place in all of FY 2013 as a result of sequestration.

Related: Credit Rating Agencies Shrug Off Sequester-More Cuts Needed

Calif Gov Jerry Brown Champions Green Agenda While Economic Issues Are Most Important Problems Facing Americans

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

California Misery

California Misery –Daryl Cagle Cartoons

(LA Times) California Gov Jerry Brown vowed last week to keep pushing to “decarbonize the economy” and invited other state governors to join his pursuit of the liberal green initiative at the Natl Governors Conference in Washington last week–even though climate change is not what Americans are saying is the most important problems facing the nation today.

Most Important Problems Facing America Today –Gallup

Americans Most Important Issues

Related: Obama Out of Touch–Makes Climate Change Top Priority

Reporter to Obama: Sounds Like You’re Not Accepting Any Responsibility

Monday, March 4th, 2013

Obama Liberal Truth --Lana WongObama Perpetual Campaigner-in-Chief –Image: Lana Wong

(Barracuda Brigade) During a press conference on the 01 March, a reporter said that Lecturer-in-Chief Obama sounded like he was passing all of the blame for the Sequester on Republicans and not accepting any responsibility for himself.

Post-Sequester Cuts: Sun Is Shining in L.A.

Monday, March 4th, 2013

Weekly Weather Forecast  --NBC News L.A.Post-Sequester Weather Forecast for Los Angeles –Image: NBC/LA

Sun rose this morning in Los Angeles and the apocalyptic warnings of dire consequences from the Obama Administration’s Chicken Little’s and reported by the news readers of the dinosaur media, just haven’t come true.

Related: Liberals Hide the Truth about Sequester –Times Free Press

All This Whining–About Sequester Shows Why America is Doomed

WaPo Fact Checker: 4 Pinocchio’s to Obama’s Sequester Spin

TGIF: Obama Administration Releases More Than 700 Pages of New ObamaCare Regulations

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Friday Afternoon Document Dump --American ThinkerFriday Afternoon Regulations Dump –American Thinker

(The Hill) TGIF: The Obama Administration releases more than 700 pages of new regulations to implement portions of ObamaCare–the Dept of HHS claims that these new rules would “help to ensure that every American has access to high-quality affordable healthcare.”

On the 14 February, I wrote here that according to a new survey of major health insurers representing the vast majority of covered individuals in the U.S. answers the question of what impact ObamaCare will have on premiums in 2014 illustrating “sticker shock” as healthcare premiums will rise on average of 169% on the relatively young and healthy.

Related: CalPERS Plan 85% Rate Hike for Long Term Care Ins –LA Times

H/T: Weasel Zippers

Goofy Things Loony Liberal Lefties Say…

Friday, March 1st, 2013

Maxine Waters, She Said That... --Lana WongHuh? –Image: Lana Wong

(National Review) Rep Maxine Waters, D-CA in an attempt to outdo Campaigner-in-Chief Barack Obama’s claims that even minor cuts in the amount of growth of federal spending this year, warned on Thursday that the sequester could cause “over 170 million jobs” to be lost.


Only 134 million of Americans currently have jobs.

In related news The American Spectator reports that Bryan Preston over at PJ Media has the scoop on another sequestration horror story that is falling apart.

Obama Administration Threatens to Veto Senate Republican Plan to Avoid Sequestration

Thursday, February 28th, 2013

Finger in the Dike --Legal InsurrectionA Finger in the Dike –Legal Insurrection

(AP) The Obama Administration threatened to veto a Senate Republican plan that would give President Obama more authority and flexibility to find $85 Billion in spending cuts this year–the measure was intended to replace the automatic spending cuts otherwise known as “Sequestration” that is scheduled to kick-in tomorrow.

The Obama Administration says it instead backs a Democratic measure to replace the cuts with more taxes on job creators.

Related: CBO: Democrats Sequester Bill Adds Billions to Deficit

Watergate Reporter Bob Woodward Blasts Obama on Sequestration

CATO: Sequestration Will Not Make U.S. Less Safe

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

The Truth About Sequestration --CATOSequestration Will Not Make the U.S. Less Safe –CATO At Liberty

Related: The Fairy Tale on Spending Cuts –CATO Institute


California Economic Recovery? Honda Relocating 50 Jobs from Torrance to Marysville, Ohio

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

Obama State of the Union(California Political News) Everyday, Obama and Gov Jerry Brown claim the economy is improving and is on the right track but what they fail to mention are the 4,000 people that JPMorgan will be letting go this year and the 15,000 in 2014

In related grim economic news for California, Honda announced last week that they will be moving 50 jobs from Torrance to Marysville, Ohio starting 01 April, to improve the speed of decision making and overall efficiency.

Related: What Happened to the Golden State? -Washington Examiner

Obama’s 2013 Tax Hikes, Twice as Large as Looming Sequestration

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

Obama's 2013 Tax Increase Twice as Large as Sequestration --Heritage FoundationObama’s 2013 Tax Increases, Twice as High as Sequestration

Related: Democrats Complain about Debt Clock on Capitol Hill

U.S. Debt Clock