Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Central California Restaurant Closes, ObamaCare Faulted for Killing 50 More Jobs

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

ObamaCare Job LossesObamaCare Layoff Bomb Detonates, Corporations Announce Mass Job Casualties –Asian Conservatives

(KSBW/ABC) Chevy’s Fresh Mex Restaurant in Salinas closed abruptly today putting about 50 people out of work.

Chevys Fresh Mex restaurant owner Gary Loesch told KSBW News that he had no choice, blaming the economy together with ObamaCare new health regulations coming in 2014 for the decision to close his business of 11 years saying, “We hope that Salinas and all of California can turn around but with ObamaCare kicking in next year, we could not have made it even one month.”

Related: ObamaCare to Cause Massive Job Losses Across Food Industry

GAO: ObamaCare Will Add $6.2 Trillion to Long Term Deficit

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

Obama Spending(Townhall) Well in a not so surprising report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) today, it turns out that ObamaCare is estimated to add another $6.2 Trillion to the long-term deficit, the National Review reports.

Flashback: Remember when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)  claimed that ObamaCare will create 4 Million jobs and will reduce deficit spending by $1.3 Trillion over two decades.


Related: Don’t Like Sequester Cuts? Find Others –O.C. Register

Calif Website Makes it Easier to Compare Wages, Overspending and the Worsening Budget Crisis

Monday, February 25th, 2013

California Avg Wages --OC RegisterGovernment Compensation in California Average Wages

(OC Register)  Comparing how your city, county or even your local sewage district pays its workers has just got a whole lot easier.

Through a website run by the California State Controller’s Office you can see how much workers have been paid and how much of that pay came in addition to their regular salary.

Progressives in California and at the national level, never stop telling us that we have a revenue problem–in reality like at the national level the problem is not revenues reports A View From the Ranch but with the massive overspending that takes place. Overspending on salaries of a bloated government on the excessive retirement and benefit payments that come from politicians ‘repaying’ their union supporters through overly generous collective bargaining agreements.

Since 2005 in California the compensation level of government employees has increased by more than 100%

California Very Generous Government Employee CompensationWhich helps to explain how California’s Predictable Budget Crisis Worsens and why its undoubtedly only a matter of time before the American taxpayers will be asked to bailout California and other states.

Related: Misery Index is About to Soar in California & U.S. -Cal Watchdog

CBO Gives Obamanomics an F

Saturday, February 23rd, 2013

Obama Grade FObama Gives Himself an Incomplete, Any Teacher Knows That’s an F –The Looking Spoon

(American Thinker) The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued its report yesterday to the sound of crickets from the Dinosaur Media.

Why would this report be ‘Liberal Kryptonite’ because we back on page 8 we learn the lasting legacy of Obama’s and Democrats ultimate spending spree in the name of recovery.

American Recovery and Investment Act of 2009 (AARA) long run effects, ‘AARA will reduce output slightly in the long run, CBO estimates–by between zero and 0.2% after 2016…AARA’s long run impact on the economy will stem primarily from the resulting increase in government debt.’

On the 26 October, 2012 I wrote here that average GDP growth less than half what Obama forecast–U.S. debt was then $16.2 Trillion+ (today $16.57 Trillion) and rising increasingly faster during Obama’s Watch.

Obama’s ‘Kiss of Death’ Claims Another Business

Thursday, February 21st, 2013

Ray's Hell BurgersRay’s Hell Burgers in Arlington Virgina

(Barracuda Brigade) Remember Ray’s Hell Burgers the burger joint Obama visited a couple of times early in his first term?

Dead. Kaput. The latest victims of Obama’s “Kiss of Death” in which seemingly in which every business that he personally visits–especially those he touts as a new economic success story–goes bankrupt.

Sometimes this is understandable as in the case of those “Eco-Friendly Green Energy Losers” that he keeps “investing in” (spending the taxpayers money) but other times it really does seem like a curse.

Rest here from Breitbart

Obama: Things Are Moving in the Right Direction

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

An Obama RecoveryObama: Economy is Moving in the Right Direction –Asian Conservatives

U.S. Homebuilder Confidence Dips from 6 1/2 Year High

Walmart is Freaking Out about the Economy, Should the Rest of Us?

Nancy Pelosi: “We’ve Had Plenty Of Spending Cuts”

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Pelosi on Govt Spending --Rep Jeff DuncanHouse Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) “The fact is we’ve had plenty of spending cuts.”

Related: Obama’s Budget to Add $4.4 Trillion in Debt by 2016

House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan: Obama Delusional on Debt

Image: Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC) –Facebook

ObamaCare Health Ins Exchanges Deadline Passes, 26 States Have Opted Out for the Good of America

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Year of the Snake ObamaCare(Washington Times) The backbone of ObamaCare is taking shape with 26 states choosing to let the federal government run the online insurance markets–otherwise known as the “Health Insurance Exchanges” mandated by Obama’s so called signature reforms.

Obama’s Dept of Health & Human Services has encouraged states to run their own exchanges, which they claim would help the uninsured find coverage. Only 17 states and the District of Columbia, took on this task while 7 states decided to split the duties according to a breakdown by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.

There are many arguments against creating ObamaCare Health Ins Exchanges, the CATO Institute outlines. First, states are under no obligation to create one; Second, operating an ObamaCare Health Ins Exchange is illegal in 14 states that have enacted either statutes or the citizens of the given states have passed Constitutional Amendments forbidding state employees to implement ObamaCare individual and employer mandates; Thirdly, each ObamCare Health Ins Exchange would cost its state an estimated $10 to $100 Million per year to operate, as state budgets are lean because of Obamanomics failures, states would need to raise taxes to offset the costs, to name a few.

Additionally, as the federal budget deficit now exceeds $16.5 Trillion rejecting ObamaCare Health Ins Exchanges helps to reduce the out of control federal deficit–ObamaCare offers its deficit financed subsidies to private health insurers only through state created exchanges–if all states declined, the federal deficit would fall by an estimated $700 Billion over 10 years.

Gone are the days when reasoning and logic dictated what is in the best interest of the nation. Today we know that Obama’s claims that his signature legislative achievement will cut the cost of a typical families health insurance premiums by up to $2,500 a year was a lie.

Since the State of California got suckered into establishing an ObamaCare Health Ins Exchange, according to the LA Times the Dept of Insurance officials have expressed concern about substantial rate hikes for some existing policyholders and under a new rating map approved by state lawmakers–premiums for similar coverage may increase as much as 25% in West Los Angeles, 22% in the Sacramento area and nearly 13% in Orange County.

Likewise, on the 14 February, I wrote here according to a new survey by the American Action Forum of major health insurers representing the vast majority of covered individuals in the U.S. the question of what impact ObamaCare will have on premiums was answered, finding that healthcare premiums for the relatively young and healthy Americans will skyrocket by an average of 169% in 2014

In 2009, Glenn Woiceshyn wrote in Capitalism Magazine that “Bad Government undermines prosperity–its root cause is the failure to uphold and protect individual rights.”

ObamaCare is bad government policy, it confiscates individuals wealth and prosperity, it promises what it can not deliver and deprives Americans of individual liberty.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream, it must be fought for protected and handed on for them to do the same.” — Ronald Reagan

Related: ObamaCare Funds for Pre-Existing Conditions Runs Low –WaPo

Why Raising the Federal Minimum Wage Will Do More Harm Than Good

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Obama Minimum Wage IncreaseWhy Raising the Minimum Wage Hurts Workers -Calif Political Review

Related: The Negative Effects of Minimum Wage Laws –CATO

What’s Really Behind Obama’s Proposed Minimum Wage Increase?

H/T: Lana Wong

Lone Star State Quickly On Its Way to Being Known as “Saudi Texas”

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

Texas Acrive Oil & Gas Wells 2012Texas Active Oil & Gas Wells Image: Texas Comm Environmental Study

(San Antonio Express News) The “Lone Star State of Texas” is quickly earning a new moniker: Saudi Texas–Oil production in Texas is soaring so much that production jumped to an average of 2.139 million barrels a day in November, the best showing in more than 25 years.

Analysts are chalking up Texas booming production to shale plays, especially South Texas Eagle Ford Shale which is quite possibly the largest single economic development in the history of the State of Texas and ranks as the single largest oil and gas development in the world.

Oil Analysts are tossing around the words “phenomenal, amazing and unprecedented” when discussing the numbers.

On the 13 March, 2012 I wrote here long gone are the days of any logical person using the Obama Administrations talking points that the United States has only 2% of the world’s oil reserves, yade, yade, yade…

The reality is, the United States currently has 1.142 billion barrels of technically recoverable oil resources and over 200 years worth of oil at current consumption rates.

More here Exposing the 2% Oil Reserves Myth -IER

H/T: Common Sense Club