Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Pelosi: I Think Congressional Pay Cut Undermines Dignity of the Job that We Have Rewarded

Friday, February 15th, 2013

Nancy Pelosi(The Hill) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said yesterday that she opposes a cut in congressional pay of $174,900 because it would diminish the dignity of lawmakers’ jobs.

“I don’t think we should do it–I think we should respect the work we do,” Pelosi told reporters on Capitol Hill. “I think its necessary for us to have the dignity of the job that we have rewarded.”

Nancy Pelosi’s comments were made in the context of the looming Obama Sequester which would force across-the-board-cuts that would affect most federal offices including Members of Congress pay–with lawmakers nowhere near a deal to avert those cuts, federal agencies are bracing for ways to absorb them.

Related: Sequestration Is Still Better than the Alternatives –CATO

Exposing the Absurdity of Washington’s Anti-Sequester Hysteria

Change You Can Believe In…Forward: Health Insurers Warn of 2014 Premiums Sticker Shock

Thursday, February 14th, 2013

Chef BoyAreWeScrewed --Barracuda Brigade for Our American  GirlChef BoyAreWeScrewed –Image: Barracuda Brigade

(American Action Forum) A new survey of major health insurers, representing the vast majority of covered individuals in the U.S. answers the question of what impact will ObamaCare have on premiums in 2014?

The findings illustrate that sticker shock in healthcare premiums await the relatively young and healthy in both the small group and individual markets–the survey finds that cost of premiums for this group will increase by an average of 169% next year.

Flashback: Remember when President Obama claimed “I will sign a universal healthcare bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical families premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

Yet another broken promise.

Change You Can Believe In…Forward.

Related: More Bogus Obama SOTU Promises –Heritage Foundation

H/T: Common Sense Club

Florida Sen Marco Rubio’s Vision For America Preferred Over ‘Hoax-n-Chains’ by a Large Margin

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

Obama Spending Priorities(Gateway Pundit/FOX News) FOX News State of the Union “Focus Group” Tuesday evening preferred Florida Sen Marco Rubio’s vision for America over “Hoax-n-Chain’s”  big government expansion by a large majority.

The FOX News ‘Focus Group” also didn’t believe that Obama was serious about cutting spending.

Related: Limbaugh: Obama will Never be Held Responsible for Anything

Dr Ben Carson Reviews Obama’s SOTU Speech –The Black Sphere

Millions Improperly Claim Obamaphone Subsidies

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Obama Phone Program --Scarlett SageThe Obamaphone Program –Screenshot: The Scarlett Sage

(KFI 640AM)  Taxpayers spent about $2.2 Billion last year to provide phones to low-income Americans but according to a Wall Street Journal review of the program showed that 41% of the more than 6 million subscribers of the Lifeline (Obamaphone) program, could not demonstrate their eligibility or didn’t respond to requests for certification.

H/T: Independent Women’s Forum

Economic Confidence Drops From Five Year High

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Consumer ConfidenceConsumer Confidence Drops From 5 Year High

Related: Eight Retailers to be Closing the Most Stores –24/7 Wall St

Obama’s Watch: Unemployment Higher for Women and African Americans Since Taking Office

Monday, February 11th, 2013

State of the UnemployedState of the Unemployed –Image: Patriotic Moms

(CNS News) Unemployment for both Women and African-Americans is higher today than when Obama first took office, despite an economy that has “technically” been in a recovery since June, 2009

Flashback: Remember in 2010 when President Obama claimed “that were moving in the right direction.” Whatever happened to Obama’s Recovery Summer?

On the 01 February, I wrote here the nations the jobless rate had ticked up to 7.9% from 7.6%  when Obama first took office–Some progress.

Related: Obama to Seek More Tax Hikes From Shrinking Labor Market

Nancy Pelosi: We Don’t Have a Spending Problem

Monday, February 11th, 2013

Nancy Pelosi --Image For AmericaHouse Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-CA –Image: For America

(Townhall) The latest bit of fiscal denialism from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was the claim on FOX News Sunday, “….So it is almost a false argument to say we have a spending problem, we have a budget deficit problem.”

Hey Nancy, what causes deficits?

Related: Yup Obama’s a Big Spender-Just Like his Predecessors –Forbes

Obama Taken to Woodshed on PC, ObamaCare and Fiscal Irresponsibility at Natl Prayer Breakfast

Friday, February 8th, 2013

Obama Natl Prayer Breakfast --TwitchyWannabe Imperial President Set Straight Natl Prayer Breakfast –Twitchy

(Breitbart) World renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon Dr Ben Carson yesterday slammed political correctness, ObamaCare and the national debt at the 61st annual Natl Prayer Breakfast in front of the Emperor himself.

Related: Dr Carson Speaks About Fiscal Responsibility at Prayer Breakfast

Zondervan Author Ben Carson Gives Keynote at Natl Prayer Breakfast

Neurosurgeon Calls for Market-Orientated Healthcare Reform

Gasoline Highest Level on Record for February

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

Record High Gas PricesAverage California Gas Prices Surge Past $4.00 a Gallon –L.A. Times

(CNBC) Consumers are spending more on gasoline then they have in nearly three decades. With pump prices at their highest level on record for this time of year, the stage is set for even a greater climb in gasoline prices and related expenditures than in 2012

Flashback: Remember when gasoline prices spiked in 2008 then presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama said it was the result of George W. Bush’s failed energy polices–today he calls it progress.

Related: Three Reasons Why the Obama Administration is Anti-Energy

Next Step, To Confiscate Americans Wealth

Monday, February 4th, 2013

Govt Confiscates Wealth Promises To Pay You Later --Soda HeadGovt May Raid Your Retirement Savings –Soda Head

(Zero Hedge) First Democrat-Socialist/Progressives want to restrict the sale of firearms that law abiding Americans may own–next the federal government wants to”generously” offer to help you look after your retirement account because they believe that Americans are just “too stupid” to do it themselves and may fall prey to shysters.

Obama’s newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is considering what role they should take to “manage” Americans $19.4 Trillion they have socked away into retirement savings.

Why? Because the federal government is so much better at managing other peoples money and should be trusted to administer yours?

More here from Red Flag News