Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obamabonds? White House Won’t Rule It Out

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

One Trillion Obamabond --Net Right DailyObamabonds –Net Right Daily

(Politico) What does a president give to himself who doesn’t believe that we have a spending problem–the authority to raise his own credit limit and spend as much money as he wants.

White House Press Secy Jay Carney today during his daily press briefing would not rule out the possibility that the Obama Administration won’t mint a $1 Trillion coin to keep its spending spree going.

In 2011, Kurt Brouwer, Chairman of Brouwer & Janachowski a financial advisory firm in Northern California wrote in WSJ/MarketWatch that the U.S. won’t default on its debt obligations if Congress doesn’t raise the “debt limit” despite all of the hyperbole by the dinosaur media and loony liberal lefties–there is sufficient receipts for the government to continue making interest payments, it will just have to prioritize spending if the debt ceiling isn’t raised.

Related: Defaults, Debt Ceilings & the 14th Amendment –CATO

President Obama: The United States Doesn’t Have a Spending Problem

Monday, January 7th, 2013

Obama's Watch--Natl Debt(The Blaze) The United States does not have a spending problem–at least President Obama reportedly doesn’t believe so, telling House Speaker John Boehner, during recent negotiations regarding the ‘fiscal cliff’ at the White House—Yes, Boehner was shocked to hear those words from Obama given our $16.4+ Trillion out of control, runaway federal deficit.

Unemployment Rate Unchanged At 7.8%

Friday, January 4th, 2013

Obama On Vaction --TwitterObama on Vacation –Image: White House/Pete Souza@Twiiter

(Market Watch) The economy created just 155,000 jobs in December leaving the nations jobless rate unchanged at 7.8% November’s jobless rate was revised up from the dubious reported 7.7% to 7.8%

Flashback: Remember before taking office, Barack Obama pledged that he would put a renewed focus on jobs when the nations unemployment rate stood at 7.6% which he said the nations jobless rate, “…could not be more serious…these numbers demand action.”

Promises, Promises!

More here from FOX News

Related: Economy Needs 100K to 125K to Keep Up With Population

Moody’s Says ‘Fiscal Cliff” Deal Insufficient, More Action Necessary to Avoid Credit Downgrade

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

Obama's Watch--Credit DowngradeObama’s Watch: Credit Downgrade –Asian Conservatives

(The Hill)  Moody’s Investor Service announced today the the compromise to avoid the fiscal cliff is not enough to protect the nations credit rating from a credit downgrade.

On the 05 August, 2011 I wrote here that Standard & Poors announced that they had downgraded the U.S. credit rating for the first time in its history.

In September, Zero Hedge reported federal spending was 102.4% of GDP

We are becoming Greece.

Related: Obama Wastes No Time Getting Back to his Golf Game

GOP House Vote on $4 Trillion ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Boondoggle Violated 3 Day Pledge to Read the Bill

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

Fiscal Cliff Deal--The Sad Truth --Judge Andrew NapolitanoFiscal Cliff Deal–The Sad Truth –Judge Andrew Napolitano

(CNS News) Democrat-Socialist/Progressive controlled Senate voted 88-9 to approve the Fiscal Cliff boondoggle which they had all but three minutes to read, before paving the way to add $4 Trillion to our out of control federal budget deficit.

The GOP House of Representatives violated their pledge to voters to make the bill available to the public for three days before it would be voted on.

Republicans promise…that they will be principled (next time) and will keep their pledge to reign in spending when the debt ceiling showdown takes place next month.


You Failed Speaker Boehner, Time For You To Go

Tuesday, January 1st, 2013

Time to Step Down Mr Boehner --I Am The Tea PartyIts Time to Step Down House Speaker John Boehner

(FOX News) At the end of the day, 85 RINO’s joined 172 Democrat/Socialists to pass the Senate Fiscal Cliff bill 257-167 which provides tax credits to such things as:

  • Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands Rum;
  • 2 and 3 Wheel Electric Vehicles;
  • Obama’s Green Energy Initiative of Biofuels;
  • Extension of ‘Special Rules’ for the Film & Television Industries;
  • Extension of 7 Yr Tax Credit for Motorsports Entertainment;
  • Help for Asparagus Farmers

More here from Business Insider

Related: Congress Gives Hollywood Tax Incentive Extension –Breitbart

After Fiscal Win, Obama Warns Congress on Debt Fight –Reuters

Senate OKs Tax Hikes in Fiscal Cliff Gimmick 89-8

Tuesday, January 1st, 2013

Fiscal Cliff 2013

(Market Watch) With the help of Senate RINO’s lawmakers passed a bill early this morning that raises taxes on job creators, increases capital gains taxes and delays any real spending cuts for two more months.

In 2011, Conservative political columnist Pat Buchanan writes in his column entitled An Establishment in Panic “…What school of economic thought–Keynesian, Supply-Side or Monetarist says raising taxes in a slumping economy is the recipe for a return to prosperity? There is no such school. Why, when the whole country is talking about the need to create jobs, would Congress raise taxes on a private productive sector that employs six in seven Americans and is the creator of real jobs.”

With $1 Trillion of New ObamaCare Taxes taking effect today (who knows what black hole will swallow up that money) how is it that raising even more taxes in an anemic economy is going to create even a single job and open the flood gates for new business development and economic expansion?

Senate RINO’s Cave On Real Fiscal Cliff Deal

Monday, December 31st, 2012

Fiscal Cliff New Year --The Veritas ReportHappy New Year 2013 Fiscal Cliff –The Veritas Report

(Washington Times) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, (R-KY) and VP Joe Biden appear to have worked out some kind of deal to avert the so called fiscal cliff by agreeing to raise taxes on job creators (individuals earning more than $400,000 and families with incomes over $450,000) extending a number of programs from Obamas 2009 failed stimulus law to continuing Obama’s green energy fiasco, without tackling our out of control $16.4 Trillion+ debt crisis with any real spending cuts.

How does kicking the proverbial can down the road again for yet another day and another time avert a looming economic national disaster?

Where is the leadership?

Related: Sen Rand Paul Slams ‘Spending Bill’ Fiscal Cliff Deal –Politico

U.S. Hits Borrowing Limit –Natl Journal

Obama Describes Himself As A Workaholic–Hasn’t Been On Vacation

Saturday, December 29th, 2012

Obama Golfing In Hawaii --TwitterObama Golf Outing in Hawaii –Twitter

(Reagan Coalition) President Obama becomes defensive when ABC News Jake Tapper asks where he’s been during his presidency? Obama claims that he hasn’t been on vacation.


On Wednesday, Obama played his 111th round of golf of his presidency (19th golf outing in 2012) during his 5 day respite in Hawaii costing the taxpayers some $4 Million Dollars as the nation teeters falling off the fiscal cliff.

Obama Signs Executive Order Providing Members of Congress a Pay Raise for Not Doing Their Jobs

Friday, December 28th, 2012

1339 Days Without A Budget --The BlacksphereSenate Majority Leader Reid Abrogates Constitutional Duty -Blacksphere

(Weekly Standard) President Obama issued an executive order to end the pay-freeze on federal workers which has the effect of giving VP Joe Biden and Members of Congress that refuse to do their jobs a pay raise.

Related: Obama’s Hidden Tax–Continued Decline in After Tax Incomes