Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

ObamaCare: IRS Release 159 Pages of New Federal Rules & Regulations on Confiscatory Taxes

Tuesday, December 4th, 2012

ObamaCare Road to Serfdom –Peoples Cube/Conservative Daily News

(Reuters) They’re here–the IRS released 159 pages of new federal rules which go into effect within a few weeks for investment incomes taxes  on capital gains and dividends, together with other new confiscatory taxes all courtesy of ObamaCare.

Related: ObamaCare Taxes Means ObamaCare Layoffs

Cheesecake Factory CEO Warns ObamaCare Will Be Very Costly

More Than Half of Democrats & One Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism’s Failures

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Socialism: Because Its Worked So Well In The USSR –Soda Head

(Breitbart) According to a Gallup Poll published on the 29 November, 53% of Democrats approve of Socialism which isn’t at all surprising but what is, 23% of individuals that identified themselves as Republicans also do.

Related: Why Socialism Collapsed in Eastern Europe –CATO

The Trouble with Socialism is Socialism –Capitalism -v- Capitalists

Obama’s Watch: Borrowed More Money Than All President’s From Washington to George W. Bush

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Borrowed Money From PRC to Finance Obamanomics -Barricuda Brigade

(CNS News) The federal government has now borrowed more money during Obama’s Watch than it did in the period lasting from the time President George Washington took the oath of office until 02 July, 2001 more than 5 months into President Bush’s first term.

At the close of business on 20 January, 2009 when President Obama was inaugurated the national debt stood at 10.2 Trillion at the close of business last Thursday the federal debt was $16.3 Trillion+ and growing steadily.

Related: Unreal-Obama Blames Bush Tax Cuts for Record Deficits

Obama’s Deficit Lies Exposed in 3 Easy to Read Charts –Gateway Pundit

H/T: Red Flag

Obama Opens Fiscal Cliff Proposal With New Taxes, As ObamaCare Tax Hikes Go Into Effect Jan 01

Friday, November 30th, 2012

Suckers Leap–Fiscal Cliff –Cartoon: Legal Insurrection

(Heritage Foundation) President Obama sent his proposal of $1.6 Trillion in new taxes (besides the already numerous ObamaCare tax hikes set to go into effect early next year) together with $50 Billion of new stimulus spending and plan to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling to Congressional Republicans yesterday, as his “balanced” approach to avoid the upcoming fiscal cliff and ability to continue spending borrowed money that we don’t have, with “promises” of spending cuts later–the problem with later, it never arrives.

Sen Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) couldn’t contain his laughter at the Obama Administration’s proposal offered by Treasury Secy Timmy Geithnerwhen will President Obama and Democrat/Socialist Progressives, begin to take the nations economic woes seriously?

When the cow finally jumps over the moon.

Related:  Obama Plans Campaign Style Trip to Push for Higher Taxes

Obama’s Plan $4 Million Hawaiian Vacation as the Nation Plunges Off the Fiscal Cliff

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

Obama Wasting Taxpayers Money Phantom Golfing –The Kitchen Cabinet

(Twitchy) President Obama reportedly is scheduled to spend 3 weeks and some $4 Million of the taxpayers money to take his family on vacation in Hawaii again this year.

All this comes at a time as Americans are further tightening their belts, expecting little to nothing to happen in Washington to resolve the fiscal cliff doldrums that will hit every household with $3,446 in new taxes just after the first of next year.

How Seriously Does Obama & Congressional Liberals Take the Federal Debt Crisis?

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

Obama Forward: National Debt –Cartoon: Cagle Cartoons

(CNS News) The Obama Administration Treasury Dept of Limitless Public Debt, increased the federal deficit $24,327,048,384.38 (or $211.69) the day after Thanksgiving–during Obama’s Watch the federal budget deficit has soared  $49,432.73 per household.

To make matters worse, the economic woes of the United States appears to be nothing but a game to the Obama Administration to toy with.

White House Press Secy Jay Carney answering a reporter’s question about “fiscal cliff” negotiations with Congress said that he didn’t want to ruin the fun for the Obama Administration, which appears isn’t taking budgetary matters very seriously.

Related: Congressional Liberals–Fiscal Cliff is Pretty Great

Taxing the Rich–Would Take 514 Yrs to Pay Off Obama’s FY 2011 Deficit

Democrats Class Warfare: How Does One Define Tax Fairness?

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

Fair Share: –Student News Daily

(CNBC) Democrat-Socialist/Progressives claim that the “Rich” do not pay their Fair Share without ever defining what “Fair Share” actually is?

What are the facts?

According to the IRS people who make $1 Million or more had an average tax rate of 20.4% in 2010. Tax filers who earned $50,000 to $100,00 had an average tax rate of 7.7% while those earning $30,000 to $50,000 had an average tax rate of 4.8%–those earning less than $30,000 had a negative effective rate meaning that they paid no federal income tax after deductions and credits.

Put another way, Millionaires pay a rate that is more than 4 times that of other taxpayers. How is it therefore that Millionaires do not pay their fair share? How does one define tax fairness?

Related:  If 5% Paid 40% of Taxes, What is Their Fair Share? –Washington Examiner

Govt Will Take Almost Half Your Paycheck in 2013 –Heritage Foundation

Treasury Secy Geithner: Lift Debt Limit to Infinaty

Monday, November 19th, 2012

(CNS News) Do Democrat/Socialist-Progressives really want to control federal spending?

Obama’s Treasury Secy Timmy Geithner said last Friday that Congress should just stop putting legal limits on the amount of money that government can borrow (and print, inflating the currency) and effectively lift the debt limit to infinity.

Flashback: Remember when Sen Barack Obama was against raising the debt limit before he supported it.

Beware: This Is Your Life Under ObamaCare

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

ObamaCare: Then & Now –Image: Wake Up America

This Is Your Life Under ObamaCare

  •  Decline to Pay Doctors;
  •  Government Health Care Inferior;
  • Yes Virginia, There is Really a Death Panel; 
  •  Incredible Shrinking Doctors;
  • Medicare is a Cut;
  • Taxes Go Up;
  • Millions Will Still be Uninsured;
  • You May Not be Able to Keep Your Private Insurance at Work.

Full post here from The American Thinker

Related: Beware: ObamaCare Now Reality –NY Post

H/T: Patriot Update

Its Your Money: Pentagon Spends $100,000 For Workshop: Did Jesus Die For Klingons Too?

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

(Washington Times) Only in Washington and what you won’t hear from the dinosaur media.

With a $16.2+ Trillion Deficit Obama’s Dept of Defense authorized spending of $1.5 Million to develop a new beef jerky and $100,000 for a workshop on interstellar space travel which included a session entitled: “Did Jesus Die for Klingons Too?”