Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama Prepared To Bailout European Union

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

In March the Congressional Budget Office said that should Obama’s 2011 Budget be enacted the U.S. Government would add an additional $9.8 Trillion Dollars to the nations accrued debt over the next decade.

While its clear that President Obama has no grasp on fiscal sanity racking up $3 Trillion Dollars of debt in just two years in office, the White House has announced that the American Taxpayers are prepared to Bailout the European Union.

Who will Bailout the United States when President Obama Bankrupt’s Our Country?

More here from CNBC

Related: Folly of a European Bailout –Market Watch

European Union Launches Antitrust Probe Into Google –Washington Times

China & Russia Dump Dollar

Thursday, November 25th, 2010

China & Russia have decided to renounce the Dollar and resort to their own currencies for bilateral trade.

What more is going on with the Dollar that the Obama Administration doesn’t want Americans to know about? Why has the Dinosaur Media been silent on this subject?

More here from China Daily

Related: Thankful for Regulatory Reform –Big Government

Impact of China’s Switch on Foreign Investment Policy –Xinhua News Agency

Cautious Christmas Consumer Spending Forecast

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

After two years of anemic holiday spending—Americans remain budget conscious in estimating how much money they will spend on Christmas gifts this year—Steady drop continues during Obama’s Watch

More here from Gallup

Obama Dismisses Possibility Voters Rejected his Liberal Ideology

Friday, November 5th, 2010

Excuses, Excuses and More Excuses–Obama Blames Voters For Not Understanding

Democrats were dumped due to their economic missteps and failures–What voters seem to care most about is economic recovery and returning people to work.

Limiting the size of government and reducing spending are never easy, in 1994 when the GOP took over Congress they promised to eliminate some 90 superfluous federal agencies but by 2000 those agencies were still in place and most had seen their budgets doubled.

Republicans are on Probation and they too may be booted out of office in 2012 if they lose their way by compromising on Conservative principles and not keep their promises made.

Related: Democrat Rationalizations With No Regrets–Orange County Register

Obama admits GOP gave him shellacking but blames economy–The Hill

Unemployment Rises, Thankfully Obama was handed his hat…

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

Thankfully Obama was handed his hat becoming a lame-duck President, with many Democrat-Socialists in Congress given their pink slips Tuesday night—Obamanomics has been a disaster and unemployment during Obama’s Watch continues to rise.

New claims for unemployment benefits rose last week, while unit labor costs fell in the 3rd Quarter, underlining the weakness in the labor market.

More here from CNBC

Related: Obama (Still) Doesn’t Get It –National Review

Charles Krauthammer: Obama Agenda Is Dead

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

Charles Krauthammer–Obama’s Agenda is Dead: “The question is how much of it is going to be repealed and how much will Obama be willing to concede?” –Video here from Real Clear Politics

Related Posts: Rep. Eric Cantor, R-VA Lays Out 22 Page Game Plan–Politico

Take Your Olive Branch And Shove It, Democrats—Michelle Malkin

Obama Plays Gender Card To Woo Female Voters

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

Obama Receives T-Shirt from Students at University of Washington

Running out of time with just 12 days to go until the midterm elections, The White House is remaking President Obama this week, as he visits the west coast in his pathetic attempt to play the gender card and woo female voters.

Female voters once a reliable force for Democrats are roughly split this Fall between Republicans and Democrats running for Congress and Governor—Recent Gallup Polling, assuming a traditional turnout for midterm elections finds that Republicans are favored by likely female voters 49% to 46%

Today at a campaign stop in Seattle for Sen. Patty Murray, D-Washington, President Obama tells Women they’ve benefited from his policies.


“Why Tea Party Women Lead the Charge–Women have simply had enough of being taxed and told whats good for us…Women control the household accounts and we know when spending is unsustainable threatening the very fabric of our families,” writes Tammy Bruce “…The Tea Party represents stakeholders in the American system, people who were never involved in politics or thought they had to be, yet realized that political corruption and incompetence threatened not only their families but the future of our nation itself…”

Related: Majority of Voting Females turn away from failed DEM Party–Voting Female

Poll: Millennial Enthusiasm Fading as Election Approaches—Ballot Box, The Hill

Democrats & Obama miss mark by treating Women as Political Bloc –FOX News

Jobless Claims Rise Again More Than Expected

Thursday, October 14th, 2010

With the midterm elections less than three weeks away—new jobless claims rise more than economists expected.

There were 462,000 first time claims filed during the week ending 09 October.

California unemployment stands at 12.4% third highest in the country behind by Nevada and Michigan

Related: Unemployment Claims Rise More than Expected—The Hill On the Money

Obama: Don’t Make Me Look Bad

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

Confidence Building?

Hoax & Chains speaking at Bowie State University on Thursday, pleaded with his Democrat faithful in attendance to vote in the upcoming midterm elections saying, “Don’t make me look bad now.”

News on Friday, that the economy lost another 95,000 jobs in September resulting in 14 straight months of unemployment exceeding 9.5% Obama doesn’t need any help in making himself look bad, that’s the one thing he has done well.

Three Dozen Fall Ill At Obama Rally In Maryland

Friday, October 8th, 2010

About 3 Dozen people fell ill requiring medical attention during a campaign rally featuring President Obama yesterday at Bowie State University—Obama was scheduled to appear in an effort to rally Maryland Democrats for incumbent Gov. Martin O’Malley

Related Posts: Government Debt rose to $13.625 Trillion on Wednesday —Washington Times