Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama’s Tax Increases Slam Seniors

Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

Democrat-Socialists failure to extend the Bush Tax Cuts not only will hurt small businesses on Main Street but will be devastating to Seniors. Obama’s Tax Hikes that will go into effect on January 01, will hurt all Americans that have worked, paid their taxes and have invested a portion of their taxable incomes.

Senior Citizens that have saved and invested for their ‘Golden Years’ will especially be hard hit by the Obama’s Tax Increases even lower income Seniors will face higher taxes as Obama, confiscates more and more of their income.

Thanks to ObamaCare, Seniors have even “more good things to look forward to” if one actually believes those really lame Andy Griffith ads?

3M announced this week, thanks to ObamaCare–Sky Rocketing Costs 23,000 Senior Citizens may lose their health care coverage beginning in 2013

Related Posts: Government Spends Money Like Its Theirs –Rome News Tribune

Democrat-Socialists love spending other peoples money–Obama donates $100 Billion to the UN

President Obama’s Tax Piracy –The American Spectator

Obama Facing Increasing Voter Discontent

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

President Obama defended his failed economic policies yesterday in the face of tough questions from skeptical Americans less than 5 weeks before the midterm elections, that threaten his fellow Democrats control of Congress.

Holding the latest in a series of backyard meetings with middle-class voters, Obama heard from one small businessman’s fears that his tax plans could “strangle” job creation. Obama also fielded questions about high unemployment and the impact of his health care overall.

Rest here from Yahoo News

Related Posts: More Family & Friends Moving-In Together—USA Today

Economy Lost Speed in Spring, More Weakness Ahead—The Washington Times

Democrat-Socialist Majority In Congress, Plan To Raise Taxes

Wednesday, September 29th, 2010

Democrat-Socialists in Congress adjourn for a 7 week vacation returning back to their Congressional District to campaign for their jobs without taking any action on tax cuts—should the Democrat Majority take no action before the end of the year, the Bush Tax Cuts will expire and every American Taxpayer will realize an increase in their income taxes in 2011

House of Representatives Votes to Adjourn—Final Votes Results Yeas 210–Nays 209

House Republicans, renewed their call for the Democrat Majority to schedule a vote whether or not to extend the Tax Cuts. Congressman Mike Pence, R-IN called the absence of a vote unconscionable that the Democrat-Majority plans to adjourn before an up or down vote on tax cuts.

Confiscation of Wealth–Taxing the Rich Job Creators

Poor people do not create employment opportunities and Government can not create prosperity by spending other peoples money.

Related Posts: The Failed Policies of the Wrong Way Congress–Rep. David Dreier, R-CA

Congress Set to Adjourn Without Addressing Expiring Tax Cuts—Washington Examiner

Republican Minority Leader John Boehner: Vote to Adjourn–Vote to Raise Taxes –Michelle Malkin

Chicago Law Professor To Obama: $250,000 Is Not Super Rich

Friday, September 24th, 2010

“The rhetoric in Washington about taxes is about millionaires and the super rich but the relevant dividing line between millionaires  and the middle class is pegged at family incomes of $250,000…that makes me super rich and subject to a big tax hike if the President has his way” wrote University of Chicago Law Professor Todd Henderson before his post was taken down but lives on in cached form.

Law Professor Todd Henderson acknowledged that he along with his spouse a physician earn more than $250,000 making them eligible for President Obama’s proposed tax hike but he sees a problem. “A quick look at our family budget, which I will happily share with the White House, will show him that like many Americans we are just getting by despite seeming to be rich,” said Henderson, “we aren’t.”

Henderson’s blog post prompted a flurry of responses in the blogosphere, not all of them sympathetic…and a revelation of threatening emails he has since received. The firestorm later spurred Henderson to “hang up my blogging hat” he later revealed at Truth on the Market writing, “…I was a fool and I didn’t anticipate how this kind of thing could happen.”

Full post here from ABA Journal

Related Post: Earning $250,000 Does Not Make You Rich, Not In My Town—Above The Law

H/T: Xiao-Mei—Xiexie

Obama Economic Stimulus Spends $111 Million For 55 Jobs

Friday, September 17th, 2010

With nearly double digit unemployment nationally and over 12% in Los Angeles, this is another perfect example how Obama’s Economic Stimulus Plan is a boondoggle.

Two Los Angeles agencies received $111 Million in Obama Stimulus Funds but have used the money to create just 55 jobs, City Controller Wendy Gruuel said on Wednesday.

More here from Daily News Los Angeles

Foreclosures Hit Record High In August

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Homes lost to foreclosure hit an all time record high in August with California raking up 20% of the national foreclosures.

According to a report from Realty Trac the Irvine based based marketplace for foreclosure properties said 69,143 properties received a foreclosure filing in August, a 3% increase from July

Related: More Delinquent Home Loans Entering Foreclosure Pipeline

Obama Economic Stimulus $823,200 African Genital Washing Program For Men After Sex

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

American Taxpayers money at work: Obama’s Economic Stimulus Team allocates $823,200 for a UCLA research program to teach uncircumcised African men how to properly clean their genitals after having sex.

On the 03 August, I wrote here about some of the other porker programs that the Obama Administration Watch Dogs approved spending to stimulate the economy.

More here from CNS News

Obama More Big Promises Without Delivering On First Stimulus

Monday, September 6th, 2010

President Obama returned to campaign mode today pitching yet another stimulus, less than two months out until the general elections.

The latest scheme: $50 Billion (more) for the nations infrastructure

Exactly why is it that the taxpayers should pay for this latest gimmick, before Obama delivers on all of the grandiose promises made with his first economic stimulus?

Democrat-Socialists haven’t yet even spent all of the money from their first stimulus slush fund which was promised to hold unemployment below 8%

Related: Unemployment Rate 9.6% as 54,000 Jobs Lost–Washington Times

Most Asian Stocks Fall after Obama Proposes $50 Billion Dollar Stimulus–Bloomberg

Obama’s Recovery Summer: Unemployment Rate 9.6%

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

Obama Administration Spin: White House Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Christina Romer, said the Labor Dept report on unemployed was better than expected.


Were we not told that Obama’s $787 Billion Dollar actual $862 Billion Dollar Economic Stimulus created 3 Million Jobs?

President Obama reacts to August Jobs numbers, doesn’t mention net jobs loss of 54,000 jobs.

Obama Administration in Denial

Economic Stimulus has worked so well that President Obama now intends to unveil a new stimulus to spark jobs growth and “keep the economy growing.”

More here from The Washington Examiner

Restoring Honor Rally Draws More Than 500,000 At Lincoln Memorial On Saturday

Saturday, August 28th, 2010

Glenn Beck calls for National Revival during  the “Restoring Honor” rally today in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Sarah Palin speaks at “Restoring Honor” rally today in Washington, DC  where it was estimated that more than 500,000 were in attendance at the Lincoln Memorial.

Alveda King, the Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke at the “Restoring Honor” rally—King told the crowd, ” I’m attending this rally to help reclaim America…I’m joining Glenn to talk about faith, hope, charity and honor. Those things that America needs to reclaim. Our children need to remember to love each other, their parents, God and their neighbors. I agree with Glenn on all those principles. So that’s why I’m here, for me its principles over politics.”

Thousands of people poured into the National Mall from the Lincoln Memorial to the World War II Memorial during the “Restoring Honor” rally today in Washington, DC

Related Posts: Report from Washington: Restoring Honor Rally

Beck, Palin, Faith, Hope and Charity—The Weekly Standard

Turnout Strong as Glenn Beck Rallies Americans to Restore “Honor” to the Nation—FOX News