Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama’s Economic Catastrophe, Tax Hikes During A Recession

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

Forget the Campaign Pledge “Hoax & Chains” made to the American people about not raising taxes on anyone making less than $200,000 and families earning less than $250,000 Obama broke that promise when taxes increased on tobacco products and a 10% tax imposed on customers of tanning salons which affects those the most who can least afford them.

Having now already lied to the American People about Raising Taxes—the Obama Administration next step is to let the Bush Tax Cuts expire on the so called wealthiest Americans, the job creators in this country—poor people don’t create jobs.

Related: Morning Bell: An Admission of Failure Via The Heritage Foundation

Eliminate the Corporate Income Tax–Corporation Pass On Taxes to the Consumer

Don’t Let Obama’s Tax Increases Go Into Effect Via Fosters Daily Democrat

During Obama’s Watch Federal Debt Has Quadrupled Via NY Daily News

Federal Debt and the Risk of a Fiscal Crisis Via Congressional Budget Office

U.S. Consumer Confidence Falls, Lowest Since February Via CNBC

Does Obama Want To Create Permanent Dependency?

Monday, July 19th, 2010

U.S. Unemployment is nearly 10%—President Obama’s offshore drilling ban will cost approximately $2.1 Billion Dollars in economic loss to Gulf Oil States during the first 6 months, a loss of 8,000 jobs and $500 Million in lost wages.

It’s estimated that Obama’s Offshore Drilling Moratorium will result in a loss of 12,000+ plus jobs nationwide, not only on oil rigs but related industries.

President Obama blames Republican’s for not extending jobless benefits all the while Democrat-Socialists control Congress and have reassured Americans that Obama’s Stimulus has kicked the economy into high gear creating 3.6 million jobs if all of this is true, why with such a robust recovery is it necessary to extend unemployment benefits again?

Americans of course know when they’re being lied to and realize that the economy is not producing jobs that the Obama Administration have championed. Unemployment is near double digits, consumer confidence has fallen to an 11 month low as the U.S. Economy is falling towards another credit collapse and the federal budget deficit continues to skyrocket during Obama’s watch.

Does Barack Obama, want to create permanent dependency on government in order for Americans to feel beholden to Democrat-Socialists, to ensure voter turnout them?

Free Market Capitalism is the engine that drives the U.S. Economy creating jobs and wealth potential, while government stifles economic prosperity by regulation, taxes and spending money other peoples money (redistributing income) resulting in permanent dependency on government.

President Obama makes poverty permanent creating an eternal class of the poor, from which there can be no relief—pioneering a perpetual source of grief.

Related Post: Obama creates more crisis to manipulate and control–Canada Free Press

Consumer Confidence Falls To Lowest Level In 11 Months

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

Consumer sentiment weakened in July to its lowest level in 11 months on a resurgence in fears about the economy.

President Obama acknowledges that the Fall elections (in 109 days) could amount to a referendum on his stewardship, during an interview with NBC—-With continuing high unemployment, Obama says,”my policies that got us out of this mess” while praising what his administration is doing for the American people.


More here from

Obama’s “Recovery Summer” Campaign Travels To Michigan

Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Today President Obama travels to Holland, Michigan as part of his “Recovery Summer” campaign, championing the success (actually the failures) of his $862 Economic Stimulus which has resulted in increasing Unemployment in Michigan up to 13.6% from 12% in February, 2009—Michigan has lost 112,707 during the past 18 months, Holland alone has shed some 3,000 jobs.

Obamanomics have killed jobs “by reaching into virtually every sector of economic life, government is injecting uncertainty into the marketplace and making it harder to raise capital and create new businesses,” said Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg during a speech last month.

White House Shrugs Off Concern That Regulations Could Inhibit Job Growth

Related: Summer of Sunny Skies for Stimulus? Via The Washington Times

Small Business Owners Uneasy With Obama Via Politico

Obama Inefficiency Economic Stimulus At Work

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

$20 Million Dollars spent of the taxpayers money on Obama Economic Stimulus Signs putting Americans to work? Three Construction Worker and what appears to be one Supervisor observing, were put to work erecting this one sign.

The Obama Administration claims that its $862 Billion Dollar Economic Stimulus has worked even better for the economically struggling economy than first reported, projecting that they have saved or created between 2.5 to 3.6 million jobs.

What is a Saved Job?

President Obama pledged to create 3.5 million new jobs by 2010 which would place total U.S. Employment at 137.8 million. Using that figure as a target, Obama’s jobs deficit (the difference between the end target and the current employment level) currently stands at more than 7 million jobs deficit.

More here Via The Heritage Foundation

Related Post: Three Million Imaginary Jobs Via The Wall Street Journal

Chinese Credit Rating Co. U.S. Worse Risk Than China

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

A Chinese Credit Agency attempting to compete with Western reporting agencies declared that Washington is a worse credit risk than Beijing–Dagong Intl rated Washington below China and 11 other countries.

What if China Reduces Its Holding of U.S. Securities: The financial crisis and the large increase in the U.S. Budget Deficit, have brought renewed concerns that China might decide to reduce its debt holdings of U.S. Securities. If China attempted to reduce its holdings of U.S. Securities, they would be sold to other investors (foreign and domestic) who would presumably require higher interest rates than those prevailing today to be enticed to buy them. One analyst estimates that a Chinese move away from long-term U.S. Securities could raise interest rates as much as 50 base points.

More here from Congressional Research Service, June 2009

Related Posts: Federal Budget Deficit has Quadrupled During Obama’s Watch

Confidence in Obama Reaches New Low, Washington Post/ABC News Poll Finds

Obama More Interested In His Agenda Than American People Via East Valley Tribune

Signs of the Times by Thomas Sowell, Ph.D. Via National Review Online

Obama Shhh…2010 Deficit $1 Trillion Dollars By June

Thursday, July 8th, 2010

There is a lot of bad news that “Hoax & Chains” would rather go unreported.

Democrat-Socialists spend $166 Billion Dollars in a single day the 3rd largest single day debt increase in American history.

Federal Budget Deficit exceeds $1 Trillion Dollars in June for the second straight year during Obama’s watch.

Former Democrat turned Independent Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman says that he will not be meeting with President Obama, during his two day visit to Nevada. Today Obama campaigned for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who is struggling to hold on to his Senate Seat.

Welcome to Las Vegas President Obama, your economic policies stink Las Vegas is ground zero for mortgage foreclosures and the unemployment rate is 14% Obama’s promises that this would be “the Summer of Recovery” is anything but.

Related: Sen. Harry Reid’s Son Drops Surname Running For Nevada Governor

Obama’s Job Approval Drops To 38% Among Independents

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

Definitely not a good sign for Democrat-Socialists, 117 days out until the midterm elections.

Hoax & Chains approval numbers drop to 38% among Independents, the first time that Obama’s public approval numbers dropped below 40% and is 18 points lower among Independent Voters compared to a year ago.

More here from Gallup

Related: The Rout of Obamanomics by Peter Ferrara Via The American Spectator

VP Joe Biden, The Eternal Optimist

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

VP Joe Biden says that predictions are wrong about some Democrat-Socialists getting fired by their Constituents in 118 days saying, “I think we’re going to do a great deal better than anyone gives us credit for…we’re going to continue to grow the economy, one month will not a determination make.”


Richard Fisher, President of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas says that the U.S. Economy will likely decelerate as job security, portfolio risks and a sagging housing market continue to constrain consumers.

Spin is Bad Enough But When You Believe And Act On Your Own Spin Via iStock Analyst

Lack of Jobs Increasingly Blamed on Uncertainty Created by Obama’s Policies Via Daily Caller

Related: Where are the 5.2 Million Jobs Biden Promised? Via NewsBusters

Obama is Barely Treading Water by Mort Zuckerman, U.S. News & World Report

Barack Obama, Is he Reading Tea Leaves? 9.5% Unemployment is a Sign, Economy is Improving

Friday, July 2nd, 2010

Some people are simply gullible and naive, while others are truly propagandists and will say anything to advance their political agenda.

Does Barack Obama really believe that a 2/10% drop in unemployment is a sign, the economy is improving?

What are the facts behind the latest 9.5% unemployment numbers?

Americans have quit looking for work from sheer discouragement when this happens, they are no longer officially counted as being unemployed skewing the actual jobless numbers.

June Jobs Losses 125,000 Via CNBC

Weak Private hiring below forecasts Via Yahoo Finance

Related Post: Overcoming Democrat Embarrassment Syndrome Via Dakota Voice